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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2014
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United Kingdom
Just a storyline that you continue...writing as much or as little as you want....when the story reaches some sort of conclusion....someone simply creates a new storyline.
Martin sat transfixed by the heavey raindrops spilling down the window panes and leaking onto the floor, where they collected into pools...the entire house was like this unloved, neglected ..Areas of damp supported small colonies of mushrooms that sprang from the walls in any other circumstance he would have found it really depressing but since collecting his.......
[...]thoughts, his mind was strangely clear. No.. rather cold and sharp, like a blade. The wooden floorboards creaked under his feet. A sudden sound made him turn away from the window, startled; it took a while to him ro realize it was just his phone vibrating. He took a deep breath, somehow relieved. It was a message from her: "I'm here". Finally! Martin made for the door, while the old wood creaked at his every footfall. Meanwhile he could hear the rain outside and some rare thunder in between; he swore he could hear the metal gate clinking, and her steps getting nearer and nearer.. and then the silent pitter-patter of the raindrops on her umbrella... Wait! He could actually hear that! He opened the door and here she was [...]
She was just the same as he remembered...her long dark hair hung down in tightly wound corn rows.. and she was even wearing her old Rayban sunglasses dispite the persistent rain and gloomy conditions....Martin began to feel cloaked in sticky sweat....if she discovered what he had stowed under the floorboards he was definitely going to be in deep trouble....that creaking board hadn't perturbed him until now....surely she would just accept it was just in the nature of the house...not as if there wasn't enough supporting evidence...decaying window frames...under which puddled mini reservoirs of rain water...no he was safe enough...it wouldn't even occur to her..."aren't you going to ask me in" she said almost sarcastically... smiling that particular smile that always made Martin feel like he was on the very edge of an imminent heart attack [...]
yes of course please ,come in, come in ...just avoid standing on that floorboard for Christ's sake thought Martin....Maureen removed her sunglasses and took in her surroundings making absolutely no effort to disguise her disgust...'.f.....ck your living like a pig Martin' she said removing her coat and showering Martin with raindrops, as usual she had put Martin firmly in his place and he didn't feel that good about it.....look said Martin "I don't need your f......cking attitude right now!!...."wow you've grown a set Martin" she said..her look really didn't confirm this....just another put down from this wonderful evil cow."So have you got it Maureen...my gift ? "Martin almost stammered, he felt awkward like a small boy...Maureen just gazed at him as if assessing if he was actually worthy, which did absolutely nothing to ease his discomfort..."goodness Martin you might at least offer a girl a drink"....Martin knew how this game was played....God he hoped she had bought it but he also knew that Maureen would make him suffer before she would alleviate his fears...I'll get you a whiskey" said Martin and as he moved toward the greasy kitchenette he trod squarely on the one floorboard he had hoped so fervently she would avoid[...]
Martin had foreseen this...he knew that this particular board was completely unsupported and he had told himself so very many times he needed to fix it and had always failed to so....he was so entirely consumed by the collection of 'Barrati' that he had in the basement to address anything of a practical nature at all...and so finding himself sitting astride the gaping hole previously occupied by the floorboard although disappointing, came as little surprise it also appeared to come as little surprise to Maureen who simply remained seated on what was barely recognizable as a chair due to most of it's stuffing being external..she sat studying the sight of Martin attempting to extract his leg from the hole ....the hole which now provided a clear view of the group of Barrati below.A very familiar heavey aroma of cinnamon began to leak not only up Martins trouser leg but into the entire room.

The Barrati as only very few of you will be aware are the result of DNA material found in comet samples from the assorted space probes launched from 2014 onwards...A scientific team headed by the cellular reconstruction expert Onrie Barrati had succeeded in not only extracting this alien DNA but in order to reconstruct it had used DNA from other terrestrial sources...creating the hybrid specimens known as the Barrati....none of this was or is known to the general public...but presumably due either to a journalists over active imagination or the remote possibility of an insider leak the story had appeared in the Daily Star...and Martin had believed it.
Believed it and had recently found himself in a position to confirm it using the scanning location device that Maureen had given him at their first meeting some weeks previously...at that time Martin had been literally shaken.. being approached by what he had every reason to believe was a tall, slim attractive woman in her early thirties....Recently out of his bail hostel and with no particular place to go and nothing other the possibility of petty crime to do...here was this woman..the sort of woman that would normally give him a very wide berth..actually standing only a few feet away from him smiling.
Hi said the apparition...your Martin....my names Maureen...it did occur to Martin that he should deny his own name...bred mainly of ongoing paranoia that the finger of suspicion would be pointed at him and in truth there had been very few occasions when the finger had made an error...but this was differant ..this woman was not only exceptionly fit she was actually smiling at him...she wasn't looking at him like a turd she had found stuck to her shoe, or like a landlady that had lost all patience and was about to evict him...she was smiling at him...during the fifteen seconds or so it took Martin to process this information he simply gawped at her...for fifteen seconds his jaw appeared to only have a tenuous attachment at best, to the rest of his face...finally he managed to say ..Martin yes that's me....Martin seemed to be far more surprised by this announcement than Maureen who quite evidently had absolutely no uncertainties about his identity whatsoever this may have been assisted by the fact she had been monitoring him for the last two weeks and it had been the most tedious mind numbing two weeks of her not inconsiderable life spanning as it did 170 terrestrial years

Cautiously Martin extended his hand and when he actually took stock of his proffered hand..with its chewed fingernails and interesting array of hues all based around a general pallet of the color grime ..he added a generous measure of self denegration to his underlaying caution...managing to achieve the overall impression that he was about to attempt to crank an engine but was concerned about the potential for injury
and so as dusk descended Martin assuming his luck had changed beyond his wildest expectations clasped the hand of the most stunning creature he had ever encountered if he had been aware that in fact he was actually clasping the hand of an 170 year old extraterrestrial...at the very least it may have given him cause to review his initial 'change of luck 'assessment.....but over coffee and a cake at a local café Martin was made aware of some particular change of ...possibly not luck but definately circumstance. "So where are you from" asked' Martin attempting to look as if he would have unlimited knowledge of whatever location came to light. Maureen responded in a pleasant conversational tone by saying "Martin given that you have the cranial dexterity of a turnip and would be completely incapable of processing any magnitude of simplification, I think it best you accept I am not from here" and having said this graciously handed him the scaning location device.And that was the entirety of Martins introduction into a change of circumstance "Fair enough" said Martin...after all he wasn't going to argue with someone who had just presented him with a 'thing' a pretty impressive thing, a small metallic lozenge around 3" long and heavey
Martin weighed it in his hand, closely examined it's ultra smooth grey, blue surface, held it up to the light and turned it first horizontally then vertically, then re weighed it, and adopted a thoughtful expression, after which he seemed entirely satisfied that what he held in his hand was some kind of thing "it's' a scanning locator said Maureen" Martin nodded very slowly in quite an exaggerated way in order to convey that was what he had thought it was all along and the fact that Maureen had said "it's a scanning locator Martin "had definitely served to confirm his suspicions. "So it's a scanning locater "said Maureen "and you are going to scan for what Martin" Now of all the things that Martin would dearly love to scan for,he very much doubted Maureen would approve of apart from possibly one thing and that one thing was the Barrati.."The Barrati" said Martin as if he was a contestant in a game show and was nearing the closing stages of a respectable possible win, "yes the Barrati "agreed Maureen. Maureen showed Martin how to operate the device to both scan and locate which wasn't hugely complex but did need a particular sequence so it was only to be expected that having shown him the sequence once and then again finally culminating in eleven separate occasions with recovery periods inbetween Martin would finally grasp it. Maureen had done a certain amount of groundwork prior to directly contacting Martin and that groundwork was acquiring the tumbledown cottage that Martin currently resided in..which she knew to be within both scanning and location parameters of the scientific units housing the Barrati, and being remote but not entirely isolated was in just about every respect perfect, the one exception to this enviable state of perfection was obviously Martin but this was largely the point of the exercise thought Maureen, Martin's thought however consisted of ..so this is a scanning device.
Martin had no particular recollection of how he come to reside in this ,what might be loosely described as a home....one of the few people who might be willing to describe it as such was sadly Martin whose life experiences had been very unfortunate,
stability and curtains were not especially part of those experiences, anywhere that provided at least a degree of shelter and wasn't a shop doorway Martin was entirely happy to regard as a home...and so here was Martin in his home with his few decaying humble furnishings, attempting to extract his leg from a hole in the floor whilst trying to think of a valid reason why he had failed to return the Barrati at least a week ago as instructed by Maureen, all that was required of him was to collect samples of dung, hair and skin scrapings before re ...relocating them which was easily accomplished with the scanning location device.
I have nothing to add,just wanted to tell you I like reading this thread!:)
The problem was that Martin had felt so relaxed in their company, he would spend as much time as possible with them...they are gentle creatures that walk not entirely upright ...they had an air of extreme relaxation about them..reaching only to a height of maybe a little more than a metre they had a sublime curiosity about them to..Martin would find himself in a dreamlike state an almost hallucinogenic state , inward images were, or at least appeared to be much more vibrant and detailed when he was in close proximity to them which was often...the Barrati were as relaxed about him as he was about them..and then there was that pungent smell of cinnamon...not sweet and sickly but rich and dark reminiscent of forest walks, often on his own as a young boy, he would find himself in those woodlands syphoning in those earthy scents ...so enraptured and entranced by the Barrati had Martin been in fact that he had completely forgotten everything he had been asked to do by Maureen...but in fairness to Martin being in the same enclosed space as seven small extraterrestrials that exuded a wonderful aroma of cinnamon, one of it's main constituent parts being a powerful hypnotic drug with properties similar to opium ...well that could cause anyone to overlook their priorities.
Finally Martin had ceased squirming about on the floor and his leg was revealed, minus his sock and trainer, in all it's scrawny majesty....he looked utterly dejected as he was certain his defiance of Maureen's instructions would result in his wonderful gift being withdrawn....but he had no excuse he had been in a dreamworld for as far he was able to fathom for almost 2weeks. Martin was undoubtedly a complete idiot thought Maureen but she took into account that to at least some extent so was she...as Martin had been writhing about with his leg in the hole she had been busy doing a series of atmospheric tests to determine that pungent aroma and had gathered sufficient data to not only recognize an unexpected turn of events...but to pretty much exonerate Martin from fault
Assisting Martin with what almost seemed to amount to affection...she led him to the pile of stuffing that only vaguely resembled a chair and sat him down to regain his wits, although her expectations of that were fairly limited...."I understand "she said in much the same way as someone might attempt to sooth the sensibilities of a docile dog with a hurty paw.."it's.become a little more complex"...but I'm going to take care of it" although Martin had senced her warm feelings when helping him to his feet...he was nonetheless concerned that was just a precurser to her actually killing him... Maureen" taking it care of it "could be a terminal experience was Martins take on it. Maureen quickly found her way into the basement and proceeded to jab and probe at the Barrati in a particularly officious manner...the Barrati during the ten minutes or so that it took for her to collect the samples appeared to have absolutely no concerns that her intentions could possibly be anything short of honourable .Martin had been unable to view what was taking place below him...he was pretty sure she was doing what she had specifically asked him to do, of that Martin had little doubt...He could make a run for it...the whole" I will take care of it" scenario was beginning to seriously frazzle his nerves...but he knew that the prospect of the wonderfull gift Maureen had spoken of would ensure he remained welded to the spot.
Abruptly Maureen shouted from below the hole in the floor...immediately followed by his sock and his trainer, which exploded out of the hole spinning in mid air before descending unnaturally slowly to the floor neatly aligned alongside one another.This was a positive sign thought Martin....if she intended to kill him she would hardly bother to return his sock and trainer...unless she had some elaborate plan to dispose of him and the sock and trainer were somehow crucial to the the plot...Martin wasn't in reality quite this analytical about it to be honest...but arrived at more or less this conclusion as in, sock, trainer,Maureen and of course" her taking care of it."..but at the same time he recognized his own huge capacitity for paranoi... again in rather more indistinct terms.
Martin decided to peer into the hole in the hope that this would move the situation along(me as well to be honest)looking up at him in a friendly kind of way..a way that suggested that although you are without doubt an utter fuckup ....I actually rather like you. What Martin had initially overlooked was the complete absence of the Barrati..but even Martin could deduce what had taken place as he stood above the hole watching Maureen making what seemed to be small adjustments to what he now recognised as a scanning locator.
Maureen reappeared....looking a little quizzical and certainly in no way homocidal...the drink she had suggested earlier having been abandoned due to the sudden descent of Martins foot,followed rapidly by his leg suggested to Maureen that she may have been given a reprieve...she had become a little to much of a risk taker and although she had no reason to believe that she would react adversely to alchohol..she really needed to be a little more cautious, as she had recently discovered with the Barrati sometimes there were factors that simply were not allowed for. Martin feeling a whole lot less inclined to flee for his life, took the next logical course of action and asked Maureen if she would like that drink now..he accompanied this enquirey with a look that he imagined made him look a little roguish and irresponsible in a 'devil may care' fashion ,as yet he hadn't replaced his sock and trainer and so the overall effect was of a village idiot with a facial tic...."No thanks "said Maureen "I really can't stay much longer, but firstly we need to get your gift sorted out" Martin had both the departure of the Barrati to deal with and imminately Maureen's his world began to draw into its more familiar isolation and the wonderful gift suddenly seemed far less wonderful.

The gift to which Maureen referred to was a device that had been routinely adopted by the bereaved on her home planet and had been in existence for as long as she was able to remember...although those of her kind had extremely long life spans they were finite..negative emotion was unknown on her world with one exception, her people would form extremely close and lasting bonds usually these bonds would be created in their fourties and fifties lasting as long as two hundred years on occasions longer..however the absence of negativity throughout their lives struck them on a completely devastating scale at the loss of a life long partner and would until the invention of this device always result in the death of the remaining partner often within a matter of weeks...the device was not a route to immortality...it simply served to make life once again devoid of negative emotion it achieved this by the capture of memory retaining all that had imprinted itself on the wearers mind and reintroducing it, it had the ability to interweave memories as vivid experience and even create new invigorating experience by wearing the device for an hour a day the effects were constantly maintained.
Maureen had been taken aback at the lack of anything approaching the relationships that were the norm on her home world and the callousness that this species demonstrated to one another...but she had to remember this was an evolving species but she couldn't help but feel the idicators were worrying ..Martin and the Barrati were central to Maureen's task and that was what she needed to remain focused on, to collect and collate data, and then take appropriate action, with the proviso that appropriate action was limited to those subjects within the task....and on this occasion and on this planet that meant Martin and the Barrati...The adjustments that Martin had viewed through the hole in the floor were those needed to reconfigure the sheer weight of negativity he had been instilled with
The device would allow Martin to recreate anything mainly within his own experience that infused him with a sense of wellbeing, of worth and reconfigure the negativity he had been exposed to, that would be the best she would be able to do for him, just as long as the daft twat didn't spend the rest of his entire life recreating his time spent with the Barrati...but she had that one covered
Maureen explained to a somewhat subdued Martin how to operate the device which only required him to place it on any area of exposed skin and suggested his arm..on which he placed it after seating himself...and as Martin re entered his boyhood...breathing in the strong musty aromas of the surrounding woodland he felt somehow less alone and threads of possibility seemed to intwine themselves into the light tree canopies that swayed gracefully in a light breeze overhead and the sun that filtered through them warmed his bones and infused into his soul...Maureen had become fond of Martin and couldn't resist the temptation to ruffle his hair...which after examing her hand she wasn' so sure had been such a wise move......Maureen quietly closed the door and crossed her fingers apparently a symbol this peculiar race attached some positive meaning to....she felt it was kind of appropriate

The End...
I have to admit I did find writing the above story, a good in some ways theraputic experience but it would not have taken the direction that it did if 'Wafarer ' hadn't contributed the second block...his contribution gave me some keys and direction...so many thanks Wayfarer..............
In an attempt to avoid monopolizing the next piece of work ....although I guess to be honest if you acknowledge that someones on a roll...it may be best to allow them to complete it......but I think anyone who isn't accustomed to writing really appreciates input at least at the initial stages....so I'm going to suggest that if anyone is inclined to write a first block...they really should do so....if the writer requests imput for a second block people should be really encouraged to do so...and that way it's understood that either the writer is asking for direction or wishes to hand the storey line over...Even I'm having trouble getting a handle on that one...but you guys know what I mean......So why not write the title and write the first block....decide if you know where your going with it...or want someone else to give you some input...and then have the option to pick it up for the third block...and find you roll with and want to complete it. I really don't think Martin would be in a far less painful place and have a better opportunity of creating a real life for himself if it hadn't been for Wayfarer.
Looking for Lilith

The river ran amber in flood...forming heavy sediment filled rapids the consistency of marmalade, along one side of the river where it's thoughtless enthusiasm was constrained by a high wall it formed eddieing pools that slowly spiraled around given momentum by their own weight. Saturation was everywhere, in the trees, and all the vegetation that grew along the river bank..water dripped, and leaden engorged beads of it splashed onto the ground and spilled out onto the surface absorbed into the sponge of the earth. The sodden mist hung virtually static in the air..wisps of it leaching under jackets and tendril's fingering their way into the cold numbed bottom of gumboots..the only part of Lilith that was warm was her head ..covered by a thick woolen hat and insulated by her hair...(PLEASE contribute a second block...I haven't a clue where this is going !!)

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