Are you reactive or non reactive?

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Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
Hey don't get me wrong. You can easily get under my skin. I can be rather reactive.
Much shorter fuse than I used to have. Captain Grumpy should be my username .
But I'm also a creator. I start things. I share things. I have an original pov. Ok yeah there's plenty of narcissists who start their own YouTube channel I know. I'm tempted. But not sure of the theme. Mental health is over done.
One thing I've learnt. Avoid groupthink. Don't sacrifice yourself for the sake of the group. Don't fall into line because you are afraid the group will reject you. The group breeds mediocrity.
Individuality is important to me. That's why I can't join a Church though I'm interested in religion.
I'm more afraid of communism than fascism. Ok, some of those right wing nut jobs are looney tunes I admit. But communism and even socialism sometimes, is bloody nightmare stuff. Big brother mind control.
Unfortunately I am 100% reactive.
Always have been.
I supposed being bullied as a kid/teen has something to do with it.
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