Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

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When it all started, I saw an expert say eventually everyone will be infected. I was like “nah…” Now I am like wtf? DOD, is testing their vaccine they started developing, suppose to be super effective on all mutants. If approve, I will bet all I have it will be snubbed even more.

GASP!!! You used the word "expert" 🤯

But yeah, I kind of figured from the start that everyone would get it. Everyone likely already has it, but most are just asymptomatic. Even the experts will tell you that the majority of people will have a non severe case, but there are a lot of people out there who have a significant risk of having a severe case. Hell, I have had a family member die of COVID each month for the last four months and one of them was like 32. I have a lot of friends and family who have been in the hospital with COVID. My great uncle was in the hospital for two months and almost didn't survive.
I'm not so worried about getting it myself, but I am worried about passing it to my grandmother or my uncle or my parents because they are all high risk.
GASP!!! You used the word "expert" 🤯

But yeah, I kind of figured from the start that everyone would get it. Everyone likely already has it, but most are just asymptomatic. Even the experts will tell you that the majority of people will have a non severe case, but there are a lot of people out there who have a significant risk of having a severe case. Hell, I have had a family member die of COVID each month for the last four months and one of them was like 32. I have a lot of friends and family who have been in the hospital with COVID. My great uncle was in the hospital for two months and almost didn't survive.
I'm not so worried about getting it myself, but I am worried about passing it to my grandmother or my uncle or my parents because they are all high risk.
Wow, that’s a lot of people, so sorry. I was with the friend yesterday, spent time in the car, later he texts his son in law tested positive and they live in the same household. They are all vaccinated. His wife is a teacher, she got breakthrough probably got it in classroom, but no one else in household got sick. Who knows maybe they did, but had no symptoms. Regarding experts, we do ask a lot from them regarding novel virus. I see it all day on tv getting squeezed to give opinions and predict. Also, seems as if people want them to be dogmatic and not change an inch with new data. To me, that’s kind of crazy. Good luck, as it seems you are in the midst of too much. I don’t want to get sick, there is no one to take care of my blind dog if I do.
Ha! ha! :ROFLMAO: It is funny how upset some people are getting about differences of opinions about Covid. There are always atleast two sides to every issue. The "experts" have proven to be wrong many times. So, when they come out and say something it doesn't really mean anything to me. It's just a guess. I look to the past for similar things, research as much as I think I need to, and make an informed decision for myself. I do NOT just accept what some person tells me to do. I do not know their motives and who is paying them for what they are saying and their motives. I've also worked with plenty of experts in my field and they screwed up on a regular basis. An expert is just someone with years of experience in their field that seems competent.

I especially laughed recently. :ROFLMAO: Read my threads on masks. I remember saying that the stupid cloth masks, especially the loose ones, only help a little bit if at all. I remember saying if masks are worn they should be N95 or better. I have an equivelent N99 I have when welding chemically treated steel. But, I'm not going to wear that while I'm out shopping. It's really uncomfortable and hard to breath in. That mask actually stops tiny particles. I was argued against because the "experts" were saying the cloth masks work great at the time. They said that because that's all that was available. But, they didn't say wear the cloth masks because that's all that's available. They said they stop the virus.

Well, I recently noticed that the TV news keeps putting up some doctor with credits behind his name as an expert. He is saying that cloth masks don't really do anything and we should all be wearing N95 masks. Maybe he is correct. Maybe he is just an idiot that wants a moment of fame. The media doesn't care they use him any way.

The government does not give one honeysuckle about you or me or anybody else that's not rich or famous or in the media. They do however, care about the masses. That's how they get elected and highered into top positions. It's a numbers game to them. If they know that the vaccine kills 4% of the population. But, saves 15% of the population they will tell the world that the vaccine causes only mild effects otherwise nobody would get the vaccine. They have to lie. They will say or do anything for the masses. I'm not a mass. I'm an individual that can think and reason for myself. I'm sure I have gotten Covid atleast once. But, since I'm actually healthy, eat healthy, and exercise, my body did as it was designed to do. So, I had only minor symptoms.

Now, if I had heart issues, lung issues, weight issues, or other various issues then I would probably get the vaccination. But, I don't. So, for me, it's not worth the risk or trouble to get the vaccine. Having said that, there has been, and continues to be a bashing campaign via the government, the media, and with some in here, against unvaccinated people. They say the unvaccinated ones are responsible for spreading the virus. Well, it turns out that everybody can spread the virus vaccinated or not. Really it took this long to notice that. That is withholding evidence. They had to have known that fairly early on. But, they are still bashing the unvaccinated. Things like this don't make sense. This is why the various conspiracies come about. Many actually make sense.

They really like to say that the ones dying now are the unvaccinated. No, it's not quite that simple. It's people with compromised immuine systems and not vaccinated. There may be plenty of vaccinated that are dying too. But, I haven't really looked into that. It's all about our own immunie systems. That's what matters.

They also have said for quite awhile that the unvaccinated are the reason behind the mutations. Again, that's not true. Mutations occur when an immunine compromised person, vaccinated or not, gets the virus and struggles to tackle it. It has a chance to grow, replicate, and mutate. Truth be told, nature has a way of preserving itself. In nature the weak people would get the virus and die. The healthy people would ony get minor symptoms. Then the virus would just be carried around harmlessly until it didn't matter any more. But, with our mass intervention we are giving fuel to the virus and mutations so it's going to be a long term issue which weakens the overall herd. Although it may appear humane it's not smart.

The real truth is that the vaccinated are more responsible for spreading Covid because they believed they couldn't spread it, as told by the experts, so they got into large groups, flown on airplanes, etc, etc, etc. The unvaccinated, at least myself, realize that I could spread the virus so I stayed at a distance from others.

If controlling the spread is so urgent then we should be shutting down everything again. Obviously the masks aren't controlling the spread. What I and a few others on here have said, from the beginning, is that issolation is the only true way to stop spreading a virus. That's what they did in the old days before vaccinations. Many people would get the virus, be seperated, possible die, and then the rest didn't have to deal with it.

But, our society is so smart now that we think that we can control anything and everything. Can we? On a scale from 1 to 10 how good of a job have we done with Covid? We pretty much messed up the world's economy. The US is in so much debt it's currency should blow up. We have to keep injecting $trillions into our economy that we don't have just to keep the facade going. Also the number of infected people seems quite high.

The reality is that this Covid thing has been handled like a real cluster F... It has been a guessing game from the beginning. But, it has been sold as a factual and appropriate reaction. The politicians and people in power have used it to facilitate their own agendas. So, do you really want to believe what they and their experts tell you to do? I sure the hell don't.
To the above… you are stubborn and just want to beat your own drum. Some points you are making were discussed in prior covid threads but you choose to overlook it, because you pre determined which facts you are going to stick with. People are upset because we want this over with. I am not going waste my time in discussing point by point, I see that you are completely inflexible. I turned on the basketball game the other day and wondered who are these People… oh 10 day contracts becuse team was ravaged by Covid. I see that you arrogantly clam how super healthy you are, I guess all the athletes are super sick weak puppies.
To the above… you are stubborn and just want to beat your own drum. Some points you are making were discussed in prior covid threads but you choose to overlook it, because you pre determined which facts you are going to stick with. People are upset because we want this over with. I am not going waste my time in discussing point by point, I see that you are completely inflexible. I turned on the basketball game the other day and wondered who are these People… oh 10 day contracts becuse team was ravaged by Covid. I see that you arrogantly clam how super healthy you are, I guess all the athletes are super sick weak puppies.
Yes. I want to beat to my own drum. But, I'm not inflexible. I do what makes sense not what others tell me to do. So many of them lie for their own gain. Show me the facts against what I've shown and said. I will look them up and then decide from there. That's what everybody should do. Sometimes facts are not so factual and sometimes different facts contradict each other. So, one has to choose which facts make more sense to them. When facts I'm not aware of come to light then I make a new decision. If for say, a new strain of Covid targets thin mid-aged people that are in good health and I find evidence of that then I would re-evaluate my thinking. I would probably get vaccinated if the numbers of people like me started piling up. But, that's not the case for now.

Many / most of the atheltes are not sick. They have positive test results. So, they are banned from playing. The airlines is trying to change the 10 day rule to a 5 day rule because they believe it's stupid. And, just because someone plays sports professionally doesn't mean they don't have something wrong with them. That's one of the problems. Many people believe they are healthy because they appear to be so. I could have a heart condition that doesn't show up on tests. But, that's a very small possibility given my history and my family history. But, IMO, everything is a risk / reward.

Oh BTW, I've had several doctors, in the past, tell me that I was the healhiest person that ever walked through their doors AFTER getting back the test results. I'm basing my choices on real test results.
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Yes. I want to beat to my own drum. But, I'm not inflexible. I do what makes sense not what others tell me to do. So many of them lie for their own gain. Show me the facts against what I've shown and said. I will look them up and then decide from there. That's what everybody should do.

Many / most of the atheltes are not sick. They have positive test results. So, they are banned from playing. The airlines is trying to change the 10 day rule to a 5 day rules because they believe it's stupid. And, just because someone plays sports professionally doesn't mean they don't have something wrong with them. That's one of the problems. Many people believe they are healthy because they appear to be so. I could have a heart condition that doesn't show up on tests. But, that's a very small possibility given my history and my family history. But, IMO, everything is a risk / reward.
Mr I do my own research - masks were tested and regular cloth mask is 20% effective, next is surgical, then N954. If you spend time in cloth mask with infected person aerosolized virus will get to you. If you really cared to learn, you’d know that. N95 were gobbled up originally, but now they are available and rather pricey for most people, so they take chance with shitty masks and free Vaccine. I wear cloth mask, but I only go to the store, in and out. Even Trump is pimping vaccines now, I guess he hopes to be president again and don’t want to deal with this again. Now crazy Alex Jones is turning on him calling him evil. Funny how NBA had no problem with Covid in the bubble, I guess social distance is just another evil ploy to control the freedum!
I keep hearing on the radio that 50% or 55% or 72.3% of the US population doesn't want the Covid vaccine when it becomes available. Tonight I heard that half the firemen in densely populated areas wont be taking it. I wasn't planning on taking it either, at least until there's a few years of proof behind it. However, I totally believe in vaccinations. I have normally stayed up to date with all of them and taken quite a few non-standard ones just to be safe. I planned to get another tetanus vaccination this year because it has been about ten years since my last one. That's on hold though. But, yet, I just don't trust any of the Covid vaccines that are rapidly coming out soon? So why is this? Sometimes it's good to question yourself and things around you.

After a little digging I read that yes firemen aren't going to get the vaccine UNTIL most of the population has already had it. That's a completely different story. The reasons are they want the more vulnerable to receive it first. Also many have been exposed several times and have already built up antibodies to it, which is IMO what the majority of the healthy society should have done. TBH, IMO, I believe many of people that have had multiple exposures already have the necessary antibodies. We could have purposely exposed healthy people to small levels of Covid and let nature handle it as designed by whatever you believe in. Also a small number just don't trust the rushed vaccines. Why is there normally such a long process to make sure they are safe? Some know they will be forced to get one anyway. So, there's push back from being forced to do stuff, which is another reason.

Why are so many people against it? Well, for me it's a trust issue. Quite honestly who can I trust? Honest media is dead. They constantly prove that everyday. It's all about flashy stories spun in various ways and controversy in order to get higher viewer counts in order to get more money (greed), and to push their political agendas in order to get more money (greed). The truth is boring and not very profitable if at all. But, isn't this where most people learn about what's going on? I avoid TV news as they have become just poorly orchestrated entertainment programs. The new casters even have a difficult time spouting out the twisted non-sense on their teleprompters. They are not journalists. They are just parrots read lines. Raaaaa.

So, I listen to talk radio and try to find non-biased programs. However, that is just about impossible. I listen to both sides and try to figure out what makes the most sense. The BBC is heavily slanted to the right. It's really is quite hard to listen to sometimes. Most of their stories I hear are about the cruel white man bringing everybody down. Then on other stations, Trump can do no wrong. That's hard to listen to as well.

The government is mostly interested in keeping their cushy jobs, high pay, and speaking engagements(under the table high paying gigs), and their campaign contributions (bribes). We've all heard the BS they spout off about. They say whatever they believe they need to say to get elected. Then they actually do whatever the hell serves them and/or their party the most. It's clear both sides have given up on trying to be fiscally responsible. It's now a matter of how can outspend and give away the most "free" money on both sides. Just the US federal debt would require every tax payer to pay $219,704 each in order to pay it off. Yet, the average tax payer is in debt themselves.

Then photos keep getting released, with various stories, actually showing government leaders, health organizational leaders, and politicians doing exactly what they are telling everybody else not to do. The politicians are forcing businesses closed based on what seems to be their own foolish rules. They are telling everybody to wear masks and stay socially distance in order to save lives yet many of them are not. Now, it's not that they are just ignoring their own rules. They don't believe the science they they safe they are basing their rules on. If they did then they would know they are putting all the people around them in grave danger. So, I sure the hell can't trust the government.

The experts do what experts do. They make guesses based on the information in front of them at the time. Well, many times there is no proven evidence. But, that doesn't stop them. They spout off crazy numbers and then the media runs with those figures in their headlines. Plus the experts rarely seem to agree. Is their global warming or not? Are we causing it to rapidly increase or not? We are actually in the tail end of an ice age according to how the planets are currently arranged. So, the temps are supposed to be increasing. Or are they? What does that mean in another 2,000 years. I don't really care. But the really bad thing is that the experts give out advice when giving out advice is not their specialty. It's just numbers. Crap numbers give crap results. Crap results with crap advice equals total crap. Ha! ha!

So the real question is how can people trust the vaccine? It must be based on blind faith in lying, cheating, greedy people. Most people, IMO, simple just say F it and then will either get it or not. The robots, which is a honeysuckle ton of the population will just do what they are told while believing it's their choice because they are in control of their own lives. What do you think?
People won't get if because they have been brainwashed by the nonstop, never ending stream of utter baseless BULLSHIT pounding down from the people getting rich pounding fear into the brains of people already prone to insecurity, paranoia and clown show conspiracy theories
I was hoping to be done, but your clam that you are not inflexible is bullshit. you must have read replies since you commented back, that vaccines were made and were effective for original virus. Antibodies were strong and vaccinated did not spread. Then came delta and veining immunity. Explan to me how were they supposed to know how long would immunity last with brand new vaccines? How were they supposed to know, there would be more contagious delta, and now omicro. How would they supposed that people would refuse masks and vaccines is great numbers? Virus mutates when it replicates, so delta started in India with massive infection and death toll. Scientists are doing their part best they can, people are not. Sweden tried herd immunity, never got there, at the great loss. I agree that measures did not end the pandemic. But insted of blaming measures, look in the mirror. It only takes one maskhole to get massive numbers of people sick. Mrna vaccine research started with Sars, but they stopped vaccine development because epidemic was crushed. Nothing was rushed in research, it was rushed though approval. I resent “wait and see people” as selfish cowards. WHAT ARE WE TO YOU? I actually know a person who participated in trials, nothing but respect for her, but I am sure you think she is a SHEEP.
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People don't get it because they think they're smarter than people SMARTER than them. When and if they die, I'll be the last one shedding a tear.

People won't get if because they have been brainwashed by the nonstop, never ending stream of utter baseless BULLSHIT pounding down from the people getting rich pounding fear into the brains of people already prone to insecurity, paranoia and clown show conspiracy theories

Carlin-esque. I like it!
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Mr I do my own research - masks were tested and regular cloth mask is 20% effective, next is surgical, then N954. If you spend time in cloth mask with infected person aerosolized virus will get to you. If you really cared to learn, you’d know that. N95 were gobbled up originally, but now they are available and rather pricey for most people, so they take chance with shitty masks and free Vaccine. I wear cloth mask, but I only go to the store, in and out. Even Trump is pimping vaccines now, I guess he hopes to be president again and don’t want to deal with this again. Now crazy Alex Jones is turning on him calling him evil. Funny how NBA had no problem with Covid in the bubble, I guess social distance is just another evil ploy to control the freedum!
I'm not sure you understand what I said. Now you seem to be on my side. I originally stated that the cloth masks were basically worthless especially the loose fitting ones. Then a person on here showed me video evidence, via a link, thank you, of testing that they actually did capture airborne particles especially if the masks were moist, which can happen after a few minutes of breathing in and out. So, I CHANGED my opinion to masks being helpful. But, still didn't believe them to be the great savor they were preaching they were to everybody. It turns out I was correct. But, anything is better then nothing. The thicker and more restrictive the better.

I don't really care which politician says what. They all have ulterior motives. They need to say what the majority of the people want to hear so they get and stay elected. It's really that simple. If they are speaking they are lying except maybe after they, their family, and friends are completely finished with politics. Then they begin speaking about all the crap that really goes on.

Again, I also said from the beginning social distance (isolating) is the only 100% way to stop the spread. If everybody isolated the virus would be stopped dead in it's tracks period. That's what they did in the old days. However, the government did it's half assed way of doing things and kept making exceptions. Hell, the government of California completely ignored his own isolation mandate and went out to dinner, unmasked, with a bunch of his high power friends. That tells me that he believed that Covid was BS because he wasn't worried about getting sick or any of his buddies getting sick either. That was caught on camera BTW. The government also continued to allow air travel full well knowing Covid was upon us. As a matter of fact before they released the information to the public, many, probably most of them, sold their stocks before they tanked. That's insider trader and illegal. Oh, their brokers sold it for them. Oh okay. Where did their brokers get the big tip from just at the right time? THEN they made a public annoyncement. Our government knew about Covid and it's seriousness in December. They waited a long time to let the public know about it. Did you still want to trust what the government tells you. Again, I don't.
They, they they, you mean Tump who set the tone for all this bullshit, confessed on tape nonetheless. They, they they, you mean people we elect and are able to change up if they suck? Honestly, I was never as defensive about the government until this intense and somewhat unjust hatred of the government. I now see its us who suck worse then they do. Truly remarkable how voters always cry for government to “do something“ and blame government for things they are not even in control of, ie supply chain, gas prices. Dumb and uneducated, just bitching. When government tries to do things they can do, voters cry tyranny about simple mask! I truly don’t understand you. You seem rebellious about government mandates, yet you speak of effectiveness of lockdowns which are not being done here specifically because of electorate is ready for war. I know you came out against lockdowns before, so wtf do you want? Pretend like Trump it will go away like a miracle? Just let it be? You have no idea of calamity that would cause, and it already has despite measures. Brazilians are ready to charge Bolsonaro for crimes against the humanity for letting it rip. No government should want to lose its people, we are all consumers who keep our economy healthy. We are the workforce. To insinuate conspiracies regarding vaccines is just plain wrong, yet successful. I now highly doubt we would be able to tackle covid, the question is what is going to be the new normal.
They, they they, you mean Tump who set the tone for all this bullshit, confessed on tape nonetheless. They, they they, you mean people we elect and are able to change up if they suck? Honestly, I was never as defensive about the government until this intense and somewhat unjust hatred of the government. I now see its us who suck worse then they do. Truly remarkable how voters always cry for government to “do something“ and blame government for things they are not even in control of, ie supply chain, gas prices. Dumb and uneducated, just bitching. When government tries to do things they can do, voters cry tyranny about simple mask! I truly don’t understand you. You seem rebellious about government mandates, yet you speak of effectiveness of lockdowns which are not being done here specifically because of electorate is ready for war. I know you came out against lockdowns before, so wtf do you want? Pretend like Trump it will go away like a miracle? Just let it be? You have no idea of calamity that would cause, and it already has despite measures. Brazilians are ready to charge Bolsonaro for crimes against the humanity for letting it rip. No government should want to lose its people, we are all consumers who keep our economy healthy. We are the workforce. To insinuate conspiracies regarding vaccines is just plain wrong, yet successful. I now highly doubt we would be able to tackle covid, the question is what is going to be the new normal.
I don't need to contiually define who they are. I can see you know who I am referencing. I want Government to get the hell out of the way and stop trying to control everything. They can't be successful at it. People are upset now because of the way the country was shut down. It was drugggggggg on and on and on. This caused all kinds of problems. If everybody was actually isolated the problem would have been over in a couple weeks. That's what I was in favor of. Not the half assed attempt that was made. Remember it was made to slow the progression so our hospitials wouldn't be overwhelmed. Well, our hospitals are being overwhelmed now and that seems to be just fine.

All the government really did was target certain business sectors and shut them down while most were freely to go do whatever they wanted to do. So they did and the virus spread. Then the government went on a super massive spending spree using money we'll never get or pay back, which they've wanted to do for awhile. That spured on more conspiracy theories, which have some real truths to them. Then are president said there's no inflation. Well, the government has been saying that for years. The prices just keep going up. Yet, there is no official inflation. Hmm, okay. Then the president said that inflation is only temporary. His colleges correctly said other wise. But, the spending continues. Then the president temporary fixed the gas prices and is trying to pass it off like things really aren't that expensive.

Well, most people can see that's all BS. The price of homes, cars, metal, building supplies, and other items have sky rocketed. Shipping over the water ways have super skyrocketed. Sure eventually some of the expenses will come down a little bit, we hope. But, normally prices down drop especially when there is still demand. Inflation is just getting started and will end up hurting the lower and middle class. So, to hide some of the increased in costs, FOR FAMILIES ONLY, they started paying families on a per child basis every month. Woohoo! More money into the economy which will cause more inflation. Now with all this extra money in the economy people are spending more so it looks like our economy is doing great. Is it? Is it really? Oh wait, more people buying more stuff while there are shortages that means even higher prices. We'll the governments solution for that is to spend even more money. I could go on and on about the economic ramifications. But that's enough.

The Brazilian Senate has now concluded he is guilty of both genocide and regular old mass murder. Yes, people like to blame others. We all do.
Did Bolsonaro kill each person? No. Covid did that. However, I did not do any research into that so I can't really speak much about that. I do not know what his intentions were and/or what his plan was. But, because 800,000+ died in the US from Covid OR died and tested positive to the Corona Virus should the US president be charged as well? No, because our government provided some vaccines, then more doses, then a booster, then a second booster, and probably a yearly booster. But, the US could have been quicker and gotten supplies to hospitals when they needed them so maybe he should be charged for that? I don't think so either.

What specific conspiracies have I insinuated about the vaccines? I made a few obvious jokes about them in a few threads. I have questioning there possibly harmful effects on some people. I have done some online research that discussed different vehicles for vaccinations and how they may or may not interact with our immune systems and talked about that. I said I personal knew of two nurses that were fine, got the vaccine, and then became very ill and almost died. Yet, that wasn't on the news. I have said that it's interesting that there are groups of doctors, nurses, and other medical personel that refuse to get the vaccine. Many of the first line workers, at least around here, are legally fighting against the vaccine mandate. If the vaccine is 100% safe then why would medically trained personel fight so hard against it?

There is plenty of room for conspiracies. Staffing has become a real problem. So, the ten day self isolation was just shortened to five days, which I predicted. Then is was shown medically that only five days are needed. Really? The ten days, now the five days are the latest medical proven measures? They aren't just wild ass guesses? Really? It's easy to back into numbers that one creates. With so many questions, concerns, miss information, and questionable new supposed facts from different experts that have not been addressed this causes non blind followers to form guesses at what is going on all while there is a constant droaning on of, "Get the Vaccine. The unvaccinated are the ones that are going to die." The president kept saying the unvaccinated are responsible for spreading the virus, which not not true. Everybody is, vaccinated or not. Those are all fear tactics. This isn't brand new information. Viruses have been around forever. There IS a lot already known and well documented.

I believe everybody should make a decision for themselves not be bullied and forced into doing as they are told, well atleast, while there is still some freedom in this country. All this creates divides and anger like you are showing me. I merely stated what I've researched, what I believe, why I believe it, and my decisions about it. I'm not against anybody getting the vaccine. That's their business. Again, if I had a health concern I would probably get the vaccine depending on what it was. If I had a serious health concern I would be fully vaccinated and in line hoping for the second booster at this point. If I was taking care of an elder or compromised person I would be fully vaccinated. But, I'm basically in self isolation and keeping my distance from others, which everybody should be doing. But, they aren't and they won't. So, don't rain your anger on me. Put it on the people that are spreading the virus.
I just can’t with you… I know the type, if government said Contagious and potentially deadly virus is coming do as you please, you would ***** about it too. They are giving free vaccine, if they charged for it you would be livid. Yes, Trumpy bear did not have patience for longer shutdowns, neither did freedumb crowd, and now no one has. Government is caving to loudest crowd. The moment people stopped taking vaccines and started bitching about mandates, I would say I am done. Want vaccine later, $200! Let them *****. Wah wah, they got it freee, so unfair wah! I would tell mini Trump governors coddling loud mouths out of fear, to fresia off and enjoy fruits of they sabotage. You think you had covid, but apparently did not get tested. Is that how you see personal responsibility? Are you chicken about the swab too? You jumped on microchipping didn’t you? I saw some bullshit you wrote about broadband being expanded to rural areas? Wtf is that about? Don’t want people to have access, give up yours then. So no mask, no test and no vaccine. We are lucky you are anti social. I a, not going to get into inflation with you, I see you are tail end information consumer. No need to respond, I already know you.
No really, I literally get 25's ridiculous and Century Link has a **** monopoly out here because no one else will bring lines out here.
No really, I literally get 25's ridiculous and Century Link has a **** monopoly out here because no one else will bring lines out here.
Hmmm. That actually sounds pretty good to me. For Internet, I use my cell phone and tether it to my laptop. I have 4GLTE, which is really 3G. I just looked up generic 4GLTE speeds. It ranges from 15 MBPS to 36 MBPS. So, you are about in the middle. I cannot stream youtube videos without them breaking up. There's no way I can stream movies. However, if I wanted to spend $100+/month I could get Cox Internet. No thanks. That's too expensive. I make do with what I have. Are you wanting to stream movies? That would be nice. I'm just using a TV antenna myself.
Hmmm. That actually sounds pretty good to me. For Internet, I use my cell phone and tether it to my laptop. I have 4GLTE, which is really 3G. I just looked up generic 4GLTE speeds. It ranges from 15 MBPS to 36 MBPS. So, you are about in the middle. I cannot stream youtube videos without them breaking up. There's no way I can stream movies. However, if I wanted to spend $100+/month I could get Cox Internet. No thanks. That's too expensive. I make do with what I have. Are you wanting to stream movies? That would be nice. I'm just using a TV antenna myself.

Yeah, but when you work at home and NEED fast internet AND you also have two teenage boys, 25 is never enough. Also, Century Link sucks ass, even their own techs say so..
I just can’t with you… I know the type, if government said Contagious and potentially deadly virus is coming do as you please, you would ***** about it too. They are giving free vaccine, if they charged for it you would be livid. Yes, Trumpy bear did not have patience for longer shutdowns, neither did freedumb crowd, and now no one has. Government is caving to loudest crowd. The moment people stopped taking vaccines and started bitching about mandates, I would say I am done. Want vaccine later, $200! Let them *****. Wah wah, they got it freee, so unfair wah! I would tell mini Trump governors coddling loud mouths out of fear, to fresia off and enjoy fruits of they sabotage. You think you had covid, but apparently did not get tested. Is that how you see personal responsibility? Are you chicken about the swab too? You jumped on microchipping didn’t you? I saw some bullshit you wrote about broadband being expanded to rural areas? Wtf is that about? Don’t want people to have access, give up yours then. So no mask, no test and no vaccine. We are lucky you are anti social. I a, not going to get into inflation with you, I see you are tail end information consumer. No need to respond, I already know you.
Your debating skills are lacking. But, I understand and forgive you for your anger and mild abuse towards me. This is an emotional subject to try to discus. The vaccines are not free. Well, they are free to the individual if you have health insurance. Actually the health insurance companies pay and I believe they get reimbursed or not. I don't know about that. I think probably. You'll note the little sign at the drug stores that say, "Free .......... shots / vaccinations" and in very small print, "with Health Insurance."

I don't have health insurance. I make too much for free health care but not enough for Obama care. BTW, I'm also a Veteran. But, I have too many assets to qualify for free VA care. I own a house and with the devaluing of the dollar the value in dollars for my house is quite high. I suppose I could get a home equity loan. But, then I would have monthly mortgage payments. That's not going to happen. So, that means I pay cash for everything and get zero free stuff. It's a great incentive to keep healthy. ;) But, I still get to pay taxes while many others get free / reduced cost health care, extra free child care, etc, etc, etc. Woohoo! If I could just get on disability I would get free health care, free money, and lots of other free benefits. Alas I'm not disabled. Although some on here might think otherwise. Ha! ha!

So, the vaccine places want me to give them all of my financial information. They will then determine if I qualify as a hardship case and not pay to get stabbed. Then they turn all my financial information over to the government in order to get reimbursed. I'm not about to give the government any more information then what's on the tax forms. So, it's a stalemate. It really isn't free unless one could just walk in somewhere get the stab, say thank you, and walk out without collecting information. Information is not free. Actually nothing is free. All that free money that has been dished out is/will cost us all at least 50 fold.

I wish you well and good luck.

I do appreciate your witty back and forth repartee though.
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