the scariest experience of your life

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When I was 19 I worked as a traveling sales lady. I had to go see managers and factory foreman with my job. Sometimes some would make appointments to see us. One afternoon got a call to see this guy at a factory. Got there and greeted the guy, but there was no one else in the building which I though ok lunchhour. Went in to do my pitch but this guy came onto me, when I told him I'm not intrested he tried to force himself onto me. I can't remember the details from here I just remeber how lucky I was that the security gate of the office didn't snap locked when I went in cause then I would never have been able to get out. I got into the car locked the doors and called my boss since I was in to much shock to drive. Few minutes later two of my collegues showed up. Took me to the police but they said cause he DIDN'T rape me I had no freaken case. I never went to a appointment alone again non the less I quit 3months later cause I just couldn't do the job anymore.
My exwf coming after me with a sharp object with full iintemtions of releaving of a couple pints of
So we got into a major scaffle..
So I jumped on the hhod of her car trying to stop her..cuz the **** got really out of hand...
So she just took off with me on the fucken hood of the car racing through town on the main cruzing strip...
Poeple were like wtf??
I was like..stop ya crazy bitch this aint hollywood N I aint no stuntman.
So I smashed the windshiled.
So she slamp on the breaks..
So I rolled off and said "baby we need to talk this over"
So she ran over my ass...hahahaaaa
So I limped a 2 miles limp
all torned up N bleeding in a T shirt on a cold winter night

So like 15 yrs later my exgf got totally drunk onenight. She wanted to give me a BJ and wanted me to **** the living **** out of her...but I was like..she just drunk and beligerant.
I just wanted her to mellow out and wish not to have sex with her like that.
She suffers from alcholism...
So she got in her car becuz shes crazy drunk.
So I jumped in front of her car..thinking I can stop her..
So she ran over my ass..
I got cutted up pretty bad...
and a major fucken Flashback.

You been warned...
American women will run you over.hahahaaaaa
A few come to mind...

-Saw a car flip over a guard fence (a guard fence at least five feet tall and left untouched by the flying car) on an off-ramp and land upsidedown about 10 yards in front of me as I was driving on a frontage road. Barely missed hitting it and amazingly, the guy pulled himself out of the wreck and didn't have a scratch on him.

-Dreamed (at least I hope it was a dream) about a year ago that I saw Death. Woke up in the middle of the night and saw what looked like a skull missing its lower jaw attached to a spinal column floating amid a flowing black void at the foot of my bed. And the worst part, I couldn't move (due to sleep paralysis) for a good several seconds as I stared at the phantasm and tried not to lose it until it finally vanished. Needless to say, I was wide awake for the rest of the night.
Ladysphinx, very sorry that happened to you. :(

LC, you win! Never been run over!

Kataphractos, I feel your pain. I am sleeping on my couch going on week three because I had such a disturbing sleep paralysis a while back.
I can't think of one specific incident, but, I keep having nightmares lately which disturb the **** out of me. :/
Been burnt a couple of

I was wokring @ a power plant.
A fuel injection damper was broken
The boiler is 5 story high. Three people had to go repair it...
The boiler was still in operation...the operators, engineers and higher ups siad it was safe or calculate that it was....I HAD A BAD FEELING.. A gut instink.lmao.
As soon as we lift the vent (damper acts a butterfy valve)...fucken flames shot everywhere...lmao
I firend hand his hand in the vvent.
I fell 20 feet on to all the fucken ******** that said it was safe to work on that ****.lol
My lips got burnt...My long hair got fired..That totally pisssed me off...
All three of us where In major pains...
The plant was a good 1/2 drive to the hospital.
Lonesome Crow said:
Been burnt a couple of

I was wokring @ a power plant.
A fuel injection damper was broken
The boiler is 5 story high. Three people had to go repair it...
The boiler was still in operation...the operators, engineers and higher ups siad it was safe or calculate that it was....I HAD A BAD FEELING.. A gut instink.lmao.
As soon as we lift the vent (damper acts a butterfy valve)...fucken flames shot everywhere...lmao
I firend hand his hand in the vvent.
I fell 20 feet on to all the fucken ******** that said it was safe to work on that ****.lol
My lips got burnt...My long hair got fired..That totally pisssed me off...
All three of us where In major pains...
The plant was a good 1/2 drive to the hospital.

LC, I used to work on heat treat carburizing furnaces that cook metal to cure it at over 1800 degrees. Full of oil on fire. I had a few tense moments like the one you just described. One day, we had a Code Yellow, I asked my immediate boss (Crazy Ray, also a great friend of mine), what Code Red was? He said "Code Red is light a joint and enjoy it cuz you couldn't get far enough fast enough" lol
Second time I got burnt..I was playing with
I had to be air lifted to a burnt unit.
Stayed in intensive care for over a month. Got dipped twice p/day so my wounds could be scrub clean..
20% of my body suffered burns.
My face was also burned...
I was in constant pain and had to be tube fed . I was also wrap like a fucken mummie...
the nurse N doctor told me not to peep @ my face..Errr...I

Should had know better when I saw the crazy look in the first doctorS face in the enmergency room before she knocked my ass out.hahaa

I remember going into shock becuz we made it to the enmergency room...
My GF had to me..we were 5 miles out of town..
My body went into a convultions. My beathing became I was blacking out...becuz it was so painful

Sometimes people die from shock
and not the actual wounds..
Kataphractos said:
A few come to mind...

-Saw a car flip over a guard fence (a guard fence at least five feet tall and left untouched by the flying car) on an off-ramp and land upsidedown about 10 yards in front of me as I was driving on a frontage road. Barely missed hitting it and amazingly, the guy pulled himself out of the wreck and didn't have a scratch on him.

-Dreamed (at least I hope it was a dream) about a year ago that I saw Death. Woke up in the middle of the night and saw what looked like a skull missing its lower jaw attached to a spinal column floating amid a flowing black void at the foot of my bed. And the worst part, I couldn't move (due to sleep paralysis) for a good several seconds as I stared at the phantasm and tried not to lose it until it finally vanished. Needless to say, I was wide awake for the rest of the night.

I get sleep paralysis too and have seen many frightening things. Including Homer Simpson!

Scary things that actually happened to me:

-Drowning when I was 8.
-Threatened with a gun and told I was going to have a bullet put through my head! - The guy thought I was someone else, turned out to be a case of mistaken identity.
-Being born.
Ladysphinx, wow that must have been really scary. It pisses me off when the Police say, sorry since they didn't actually harm you we can't do anything. That is so much bull, if that guy tried to do it to you he obviously tired/did it to others too. Reminds me of a crazy neighbour of mine who threatened another neighbour with bodily harm. The police said they can't do anything unless she actually does assault her.

I can't think of anything that really scared me, other than silly things but there was this one incident that scared the crap out of the guy sitting next to me. Back when I was in grade 9 there was this stoner (who was repeating grade 9 geography for the second or third time) and he had a pretty bad reputation. He comes over to me wanting to "borrow" my liquid paper. I knew I would never get it back and he was only going to use it for graffiti so I said no. He then pulls a butterfly knife out of his pocket and flips it open. The guy next to me (who was two sizes bigger than me and bigger than the stoner) nearly **** himself. I still told the loser no. The teacher then noticed something was going on and asked what he was doing. The stoner said nothing and went back to his seat. The guy next to me couldn't believe I didn't give him my liquid paper. I said, "what was he going to do, stab me in class for a bottle of liquid paper?" I knew enough of the guy to know he was not a threat and was more talk than action. But man did that ever spook my classmate.
I've been:

shot at
beaten almost to death
chased by police with a life sentence worth of narcotics in the car
borderline possessed by a ghost/demon
in about ten car accidents, at least half very serious

Those are probably some of the scariest experiences in my life, off the top of my head.
Going into hypovolemic shock and realizing that I might be dying even though I was surrounded by doctors and medical equipment.
Damn Joseph..I thought I was bad...
4 matha freaken pigs were stalking my ass...they lit me up in front yard so all my neighbors can see. :p
yeah...get shot @ totally suck ass...

Played chichen with some Hicks.I .got tired of them chasing me..My TransAM huals ass...******* ran off the road...
I knew they would..cuz theyre *******
not sure if I was scared or jsut having fun...
Got thrown into the rubber room was jsut fucken cold in thar.
when I was little, probably about 6 or 7, my fam and I were up at a camp ground in Pennsylvania. I met these two older kids who were already friends, and I followed them into the woods because I heard a local guy had built a huge tipi, and I wanted to see it. we had been walking for about twenty minutes, and I guess they got annoyed with me being there or something, and so they decided to chase me off.

So out of nowhere one of them turns around, and he has a knife in his hand. then I see the other kid has a knife too. In retrospect, they were probably just big pocket knives, but in my eyes, they might as well have been steak knives.

they chased me through the woods, yelling that they were going to kill me, and I bolted. I just remember running as fast as I could through the bush, and these guys right on my heels. eventually they stopped chasing me, but I kept going full steam till I was back at the camp grounds, convinced I was about to die.

yeah, probably one of the scariest experiences of my life.
I've been through quite a bit of crazy stuff, but I honestly can't say I've ever really been batshit scared. Mostly I just had to face what was going on and deal with the situation; I had to focus on what I was doing... so never really had time to freeze up or stop and think about it.

I've had a few more scary experiences, some esier to mention then others. I can't say it was my scariest experience bu my worst, it can be classified as scary but it's not the emotion that comes to mind. It was the day I found my daughter floating in the swimming pool. I can recall every detail,even how cold the water was when I jumped in. I remember giving her cpr on the way to the nearst help we could get, how they tried to resusataid her, and telling me that they could not help her. Scary does not explain this absolute terror does.
When I was left alone in the house and there's an old man that said that he was our relative. Since I can't contact my parents, I let him come in. And after an hour, he acted like a dope and do some weird stuff that I have to call my neighbor and ask if he can make that man go out of our house.

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