Does anyone here feel like a loser?

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2012
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Have you ever dealt with so much rejection, either from people, jobs, applying for jobs, relationships, family, friends, whatever, that after a while you start to convince yourself that you are just invisible and not wanted? That there must be something wrong with you? That in fact you may be cursed, because no matter how hard you try, no matter how much extra mile you go, that nobody gives a ****?

I'm tired of this cold world. I'm tired of people's apathy. I'm tired of ****** circumstances.

I used to believe so much in myself. I used to be convinced I could manifest my destiny and draw to myself the things I wanted and needed in life. The power of intention. The law of attraction. Not anymore. I just feel burned out. My entire faith has been shattered. It's hard to believe in a world where you keep trying, you keep sending out hope, but nothing ever comes back to you. It's hard to believe in a God/universe that never answers your prayers...

Any thoughts?
Oh yeah i do and i have almost given up. I am tired of trying, tired of waiting and everything. I want God to take me back...that's all!!!
Yep. The constant rejection, in everything, no matter what I try, just drains away all energy. It's all failure. And I've lost count of the number of times I've been called a loser. Try not to think it, but, when you look in the mirror in the morning and see someone who has no friends, nobody to go out with, or talk with, who nobody will touch and who doesn't even remember what it's like to have a hug ... I wonder if they haven't been right all along, and I am nothing but a loser. Huh, probably something even less than that. Sometimes, I think the only time anyone will really notice me is if I was swinging from the end of a rope. When they'll know it is safely too late ...
Preaching to the choir. That's pretty much how I feel too. It's like you can never enjoy the good when it happens because the moment you do, something crappy happens to remind you that you can never have it.
Maybe on a more positive note, if you can call it that, sometimes there are occasions where you connect with some others only to find they are the ones who are true losers and then you start to appreciate your own standards more. It can motivate you to seek out, and in turn, be attracted more by people who arent losers. You are who you associate with and being lonely doesnt make you synonymous with being a loser as long as you dont stay in the pattern of one
Everything you said, ThisSideofTheRainbow, I feel like I belong in the reject pile.

But I keep trying despite that. I don't want to, I'm so afraid of disappointment, not sure if I can keep handling them, but perhaps there's a spark of hope within me after all.
Yes, I feel like a loser most of the time as well. But, like Veruca, there is something in me which won't let me give up. It's like being hit over the head all the time, but I keep struggling to get up again. Sometimes I do wonder why.
I kinda feel exactly the same but I'm patient and things will sort itself out.
Sci-Fi said:
Preaching to the choir. That's pretty much how I feel too. It's like you can never enjoy the good when it happens because the moment you do, something crappy happens to remind you that you can never have it.

Ugh, this. I'm practically afraid to let myself be happy about things that really should make me happy, because too often they just get snatched away and I'm left even more depressed than before.
"Have you ever dealt with so much rejection, either from people, jobs, applying for jobs, relationships, family, friends, whatever, that after a while you start to convince yourself that you are just invisible and not wanted? That there must be something wrong with you? That in fact you may be cursed, because no matter how hard you try, no matter how much extra mile you go, that nobody gives a ****?"

Every single day. When I wake up in the morning I know that nothing will get any better until I go to sleep again.

I honestly just wish that God would take me home. I could never take my own life...never, but that doesn't mean that I want to continue living.
I think most of us feel the same way. I've learnt to shrug off people's behaviour and I still try to be nice to them anyway. Hoping somehow what they observe of me might rub off on them or something.

el Jay said:
Sci-Fi said:
Preaching to the choir. That's pretty much how I feel too. It's like you can never enjoy the good when it happens because the moment you do, something crappy happens to remind you that you can never have it.

Ugh, this. I'm practically afraid to let myself be happy about things that really should make me happy, because too often they just get snatched away and I'm left even more depressed than before.

This too makes me feel so paranoid when something good happens. I always think it's too good to be true and start looking for what the "catch" is. But I'm trying to forget about it and just live life. I can only hope things are good because there's a good reason for it and I'm going to seize it and enjoy it as much as I can. Better than nothing at all, in my opinion.
The only area I am a loser in is romance. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that it's just not in the cards for me.

Otherwise, my life is great! :)
it comes and goes... loser, half loser, almost winner! winning and losing are senseless concepts, oh, no, I am a loser! well, maybe not so much, and so on and so on
It's something I don't really believe should be true about myself, but I keep being made to feel I'm a loser by my in-laws, the people where I live, some former "friends", business people, etc. And now because of changes in my appearance, I feel it from people just out in public (it's a shallow world).

No Scarlet Letter on my clothes, just a Giant L on my forehead.
TropicalStarfish said:
I am a loser. The tragedy is that there is no one willing to gently put me out of my misery.

When you find someone who will, make sure to let me know. I have this same problem.

LostInTheSupermarket said:
It's something I don't really believe should be true about myself, but I keep being made to feel I'm a loser by my in-laws, the people where I live, some former "friends", business people, etc. And now because of changes in my appearance, I feel it from people just out in public (it's a shallow world).

No Scarlet Letter on my clothes, just a Giant L on my forehead.

We live in a very shallow world. It's sad, but it's just the way things are. I am judged very harshly because of my appearance.

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