Depression of the future... Immortality or death?...

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Abandon your fear. Look forward.
Aug 3, 2022
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My Inner World
I have a fascination for research and a thirst for knowledge, I spend a lot of time studying topics of Math, Science, History, Spirituality all of which gives me joy and entertainment I do not discriminate on these topics I am open to different possibilities and interpretations I do not believe solely in one thing or another. But recently I have bin researching the technology in are present time and what is going on in are current timeline and I have stumbled upon a topic that has made me feel indifferent to say the least... the topic of human mortality... the birth of AI.... and what the future has in store for the two... There is a project going on now in are time, that addresses in great detail how the concept of age a human's lifespan is a condition that has bin (band aided) there words not mine, by the medical and scientific field for a long time. and has bin only ever treated to cure individual symptoms example: parkinson's disease, dementia, cancer etc. for these individual symptoms and not for the overall condition of ageing. Until now... There is a new field of research which seeks to extend the lifespan of humans indefinitely (Immortality) this project as to date was discussed in 2019 at a ted x conference and is ongoingly seeking funding to extend life in humans (Immortality). Well to those who never wish to die I suppose this topic is not depressing and might seem like more of a uplifting topic right? Well, if you made it this far then let's explore further into the matter.... how do they intend to extend life in humans indefinitely aka (Immortality), upon further research and note please note (this is not conspiracy theory, this is what is going on today in real life... if you wish to research this company, I have done all the research but if you wish to see it for yourself, I encourage you to do so) there is a company, its name is (2045 Initiative) you can find them at or on youtube under 2045 initiative, they have many different social media platforms.... They are a cybernetics company (a company that makes avatar bodies) for the purpose of transferring consciousness (the brain) of a being (at this stage animals, but later on will start human trials) they have successfully transferred the consciousness (the brain) of a monkey into a computer and placed it into a avatar body. During further study the monkey showed no signs of distress or confusion it did not even know or was aware that its body had bin replaced into a avatar body (there words not mine) they are pushing for human trails and are hoping to transfer human consciousness (solve the problem of mortality) by the year 2045 hence the name of the project... this is a post of a description of there company in their own words taken from the site

International Manifesto of the "2045" Strategic Social Initiative​

Mankind has turned into a consumer society standing at the edge of a total loss of the conceptual guidelines necessary for further evolution. The majority of people are almost exclusively absorbed in merely maintaining their own comfortable lives.

Modern civilization, with its space stations, nuclear submarines, iPhones and Segways cannot save mankind from the limitations in the physical abilities of our bodies, nor from diseases and death.

We are not satisfied with modern achievements of scientific and technical progress. Science working for the satisfaction of consumer needs will not be able to ensure a technological breakthrough towards a radically different way of life.

We believe that the world needs a different ideological paradigm. Within its framework it is necessary to form a major objective capable of pointing out a new direction for the development of all mankind and ensuring the achievement of a scientific and technical revolution.

The new ideology should assert, as one of its priorities, the necessity of using breakthrough technology for an improvement of man himself and not only of his environment.

We believe that it is possible and necessary to eliminate aging and even death, and to overcome the fundamental limits of the physical and mental capabilities currently set by the restrictions of the physical body.

Scientists from various countries in the world are already developing technology that ensures the creation of an artificial human body prototype within the next decade. We believe the biggest technological project of our times will become the creation of such artificial human body and a subsequent transfer of individual human consciousness to such a body.

Implementation of this technological project will inevitably result in an explosive development of innovations and global changes in our civilization and will improve human life.

We believe that before 2045 an artificial body will be created that will not only surpass the existing body in terms of functionality, but will achieve perfection of form and be no less attractive than the human body. People will make independent decisions about the extension of their lives and the possibilities for personal development in a new body after the resources of the biological body have been exhausted.

The new human being will receive a huge range of abilities and will be capable of withstanding extreme external conditions easily: high temperatures, pressure, radiation, lack of oxygen, etc. Using a neural-interface humans will be able to operate several bodies of various forms and sizes remotely.

We suggest the implementation of not just a mechanistic project to create an artificial body, but a whole system of views, values and technology which will render assistance to humankind in intellectual, moral, physical, mental and spiritual development.

We invite all interested specialists: scientists, politicians, mass media personalities, philosophers, futurologists and businessmen to join the "2045" strategic social initiative. We welcome all who share our vision of the future and are ready to make the next jump.

The main objectives of our movement are:

1. To achieve the support of the International community and create conditions for international co-operation of interested specialists around the "2045" Initiative.

2. To create an international research center for cybernetic immortality to advance practical implementations of the main technical project – the creation of the artificial body and the preparation for subsequent transfer of individual human consciousness to such a body.

3. To engage experts in the selection and support of the most interesting projects in the quest to ensure technological breakthroughs.

4. To support innovative industries and create special scientific education programs for schools and institutes of higher education.

5. To create educational programs for television, radio and internet, to hold forums, conferences, congresses and exhibitions, and to establish awards and produce books, movies and computer games with the view of raising the profile of the initiative and spreading its ideas.

6. To form a culture connected with the ideology of the future, promoting technical progress, artificial intellect, “multi-body”, immortality, and cyborgization.

so this is the question in my depression... please no religious believes so that way we can discuss this and not get it taken down.... If this is how immortality is to be achieved do you wish to become immortal through cyborg integration? or do you wish to die as a human? thanks for reading hope to hear from you....
They talk about a consciousness transfer, you cannot transfer consciousness. This is the way they go about it in the movie "Chappie".
But all it would do is digitize personality and memories and duplicate it into a robotic body.

However they also mention cybernetics. Which i asume means a brain transfer into a robotic body, so part human, part machine. A cyborg.
This i guess would be possible, as long as the brain can survive. But again they talk about surviving without oxygen, which does not apply here.

I think its ridiculous, but possible. Just not in the way they envision it. And i will die a human.
They talk about a consciousness transfer, you cannot transfer consciousness. This is the way they go about it in the movie "Chappie".
But all it would do is digitize personality and memories and duplicate it into a robotic body.

However they also mention cybernetics. Which i asume means a brain transfer into a robotic body, so part human, part machine. A cyborg.
This i guess would be possible, as long as the brain can survive. But again they talk about surviving without oxygen, which does not apply here.

I think its ridiculous, but possible. Just not in the way they envision it. And i will die a human.
thank you for your insight into this topic, I appreciate the time you took to look into it and believe me I understand your arguments to this notion. Also, to add to it the ability to reproduce and the ability to have intercourse, will there be a decline in population if this was to occur or will others not fallow, and this would only be for select few?

Believe it or not this technology is mentioned in a time that predates Egypt to a ancient civilization that has also talked about this subject in great detail. So this technology is not a new concept it is a ancient teaching and most likely where this organization derived the idea from, they are introducing AI first to get society used to the idea of this. Will they succeed by 2045? who knows, but they are practicing this already on animals and intend to do human trails in the near future...

to add do I believe that this society exists (maybe or maybe not) whether or not I do there are people that do believe in this. And most likely studied and tried to apply these early teachings into current time and events are occurring like AI, and cybernetics, stem cell and other things I'm sure that derived from the study of ancient knowledge (and if not) there definitely is a resemblance, or pattern that is being fallowed...

I just wish to know what others think about this I value everyone's insight on it
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in further exploration of this site's contents, I have found the fallowing under frequently asked questions it reads the fallowing way:

What are the main phases of the Avatar Project?

Among the featured life-extension projects, the first is to create a humanoid robot dubbed “Avatar”, and a state-of-the-art brain-computer interface system. The next phase consists of creating a life support system for the human brain and connect it to the “Avatar”. The final phase of this project is to create an artificial brain in which to transfer the original individual consciousness into.

There is a fourth step that we hope to attain, but is not part of our main goals right now. This fourth step is to create a hologram body, or a body of light.
It would definitely only be for a select few, and yeah you wouldnt be able to reproduce in that way anymore lol. But because it would be very expensive i dont think it will have much short term impact on population. But those who would, would become unimaginably powerful and seize the world most likely.

The way id go about it would probably be the second option, and add the ability to interface with other tech, like drones or second substitute bodies, like a new kind of internet. You could simulate consciousness transfer that way.
But this would result in levels of evil way beyond those of 1984 i think.

I dont know much beyond a certain point in history, before documentation.
But i dont believe any of this will be achieved by 2045.
apparently, this is also covered in the frequent questions page of the website (sorry about continuing the post I wish to give everyone the most amount of information to deduce this topic in their own intelligent way) the question and response reads:

Will this be affordable for the average consumer?

Eventually, yes. Today, an average Geminoid, or human-like robot costs approximately $300K without mass production. However, when we reach a period when we can mass produce the technology, we predict the costs to be similar to the automobile.
in further exploration of this site's contents, I have found the fallowing under frequently asked questions it reads the fallowing way:

What are the main phases of the Avatar Project?

Among the featured life-extension projects, the first is to create a humanoid robot dubbed “Avatar”, and a state-of-the-art brain-computer interface system. The next phase consists of creating a life support system for the human brain and connect it to the “Avatar”. The final phase of this project is to create an artificial brain in which to transfer the original individual consciousness into.

There is a fourth step that we hope to attain, but is not part of our main goals right now. This fourth step is to create a hologram body, or a body of light.
Yeah thats pretty much what i just said, except the final step. Which means killing the host brain and having the copy and pasted personality take over.

I dont see why anyone would ever want this, existential dread would come for you and acompany you for all eternity.
Yeah thats pretty much what i just said, except the final step. Which means killing the host brain and having the copy and pasted personality take over.

I dont see why anyone would ever want this, existential dread would come for you and acompany you for all eternity.
currently there is a enrollment list in which 47,549 people are currently enrolled in this program....
as shown on their website....
Well if any one of em is reading this two trillion years into the future, i told you so 😛
Unless youre the happiest, luckiest person in the world i think i would be a terrible mistake.
Youre going to lose people, youre going to lose everyone, eventually they will start to realize that they are in this all alone. And if you start asking questions like why are we here for a billion years, existential dread will start to rear its ugly head.
I dont believe this will ever be made readily available to everyone.

And the people signing up for this have no idea what theyre getting into.
Seventy to a hundred years or sounds fine to me, just try to enjoy every minute of it and id say its time well spent.

I think youre like me, big questions, little answers, but we can help questioning.
Movie Ghost in a Shell:

I like the idea of combined android / robots / and humans. They can stick my brain or download it onto a USB stick and put it into an android if they wanted to do so. I'd love to have super human abilities. If something breaks I would just get a replacement. No down time needed to heal. No pain?

IMO, it will not happen for a very long time, hundreds of years. Many companies have tried building sex robots that do more then pathetic jerky movements and have failed. They cannot even make synthetic skin that doesn't rip, tear, and/or easily melt/gel or so my friend has said. Ha! ha! I did research several years ago about a company making artifical muscle tissue. It would contract when voltage was applied to it. It was impressive. But, such a long was from reality.

I have played with reproducing human voice and communications as I used to program and would love to have something to speak with that my mind believes is real or close enough to it. But, humans aren't even able to do that yet. Currently Google is leading the way. But, it requires vast amount of server space and CPU usage over the Internet just to sort of have a limited basic conversation. And, IMO, it still sounds like an artifical voice.

IMO, humans will become atleast partly robotic. I see this eventually happening though. Well, as long as we don't destroy ourselves first.
Movie Ghost in a Shell:

I like the idea of combined android / robots / and humans. They can stick my brain or download it onto a USB stick and put it into an android if they wanted to do so. I'd love to have super human abilities. If something breaks I would just get a replacement. No down time needed to heal. No pain?

IMO, it will not happen for a very long time, hundreds of years. Many companies have tried building sex robots that do more then pathetic jerky movements and have failed. They cannot even make synthetic skin that doesn't rip, tear, and/or easily melt/gel or so my friend has said. Ha! ha! I did research several years ago about a company making artifical muscle tissue. It would contract when voltage was applied to it. It was impressive. But, such a long was from reality.

I have played with reproducing human voice and communications as I used to program and would love to have something to speak with that my mind believes is real or close enough to it. But, humans aren't even able to do that yet. Currently Google is leading the way. But, it requires vast amount of server space and CPU usage over the Internet just to sort of have a limited basic conversation. And, IMO, it still sounds like an artifical voice.

IMO, humans will become atleast partly robotic. I see this eventually happening though. Well, as long as we don't destroy ourselves first.
this is another frequently ask question answered and replied to by this company as to why specifically around that time, the year 2045 would be theoretically possible for this type of technology would be available it reads as fallows:

What makes you think technology will develop fast enough to enable the type of advancement you envision by 2045?

The development of technology in the modern world is happening exponentially. Everyone knows about Moore's Law, whereby the power of computers doubles every eighteen months. In addition, in the conference «Future Talks», held in October 2010 in Vienna, futurologist Ray Kurzweil, known for his accurate predictions of technological developments, suggested that by the mid-2040's all the organs of the human body could be replaced by artificial ones, whose characteristics will be superior to their biological counterparts by all measures.

Similarly, other scientists believe that the middle of this century will be the point of singularity. For example, Alexander Panov in Russia and Australian Graeme Snooks independently found that the qualitative transitions in the history of our civilization take place in the accelerated mode, and at about 2045, humanity must enter a certain mode of evolutionary singularity, beyond which it becomes difficult to make predictions. In short, many exciting developments await us in the middle of this century, and all of them, inevitably, will be linked to the developments of new technology.

In this century alone we’ve witnessed a lot of technological shifts and there is no reason to believe that our goal is unattainable if you look at the accelerating technological progress.

if you do not know about Moore's Law I will link a explanation of this topic for you to if you wish research at your own time's_law

there is the link... as for the concept of a computer that simulates voice patterns of a human and interacts even closely resembles a human they have already made this AI her name is Sophia:

Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by the Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics.[1] Sophia was activated on February 14, 2016,[2] and made her first public appearance in mid-March 2016 at South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, United States.[3]

she has bin interviewed and covered many times in the past and present....
thank you finished for responding and giving a different perspective to this topic
I'm aware of Moor's law. More transistors per inch doesn't equate to fantasy based inventions at the same rate. I had, until very recently, a single CPU computer that I overclocked running at over 5ghz with a very fast bus speed. It smoked the newer computers. But, computers opperate fast enough now that it is a mute point. I'm still using computers that are 10 years old. The latest computers show no noticeable improvements. Actually, the newer software is slowing them down.

Moor's law will continue forward until it doesn't. There are several walls that are not so easy to get past.

Also I'm aware of Sophia. Cool simple robot toy. But, that's all it is. I can setup a controlled demonstration too.
all this analysis is fascinating, I do not claim to know all about Moor's Law I simply referenced it because not everyone knows about it so to elaborate for those who don't. Since you are more savvy about this topic maybe I can ask you a question about the AI race between China and the US, who do you believe is more technologically advanced in this race for Artificial Intelligence? why do you feel this way? how do you feel about security and surveillance of these new technologies are they capable of infringing on are right to privacy? if yes can you explain if no can you explain? do you feel this technology will be weaponized by the military? is it good or bad for humanity if this occurs? I would appreciate your feedback thank you

Also I did not reference these things because I didn't think you knew about them just others watching may not know about these things and I wish to be thorough in my research.
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Well, I really don't like the term AI. It means so many different things to different people. To me, AI, is true Artificial Intelligence. Making decisions based on non-defined terms. Not just mimicking real intelligence using predetermined rules. I spent much timed researching Chat Bots, AI Bots, etc, etc, etc. I have wrote many scripts that go to various websites and suck out all their data. Some call that AI. But, everything that I've seen comes down to IF / THEN routines, charts, or tables. The newer AI software hides that fact with complicated schemes. But, conditions and rules are still there at the heart of it all.

The US is great an innovating. China is great at copying, making things cheaper, and then improving on the cheaper versions. Sometimes China jumps a little ahead. But, the US is at the top. I really like China and believe that China has allowed the richer countries to have easier lives due to much cheaper Chinese products. It's mostly due to stealing information and cheap labor. But, then there's that entire disposable society thing. Not good.

Software security sucks. I also used to be involved somewhat in that. I learned how to program from the bottom up. Programmers now just learn how to put differnet pieces of code together that can run on many platforms. That leaves many holes wide open. They do not understand the underlying code and that leaves other vunerabilities. I had fun getting into many websites just a few years ago. I was amazed at how easy it was. It all came down to the programmers not understanding all of the code. They don't think what if someones does this or that........

Say, a programmer needs to do X. So, they find some code to do that. Well, it also does D, F, G, Y, and Z. But, they just ignore those parts and slap it together with other pieces they do multiple things. It turns out that Y is easily hacked. Yet, it isn't discovered until much later after the hack actually occurs. This principal is different then just reusing code. It's now on a completely different level. So, security is always going to be a huge problem now and beyond. It's unavoidable unless code is written from the ground up. But, that is expensive. So, companies will not do that.

I also looked into hacking car ECUs via patching into their bus systems at external points or even via wifi. Again surprisingly easy. For years there was zero security. None. Nothign. In recent years the manufactures starting to realize they need safeguards. Daaaah! But, the technology is way ahead of the security because security was not the main goal. Big mistake!

Privacy is dead. People have already given up so much private information that the US government no longer deems social security numbers, and other private information as credible information to identify people any more. Instead company's use BS 3rd party information brokers to verify people's identity, which is wrong much of the time. I've run into that problem myself. The Snowden stuff shows that governments don't give one **** about the privacy and rights of their citizens. The governments suck up as much private information as they can. Facebook (fakebook) used to have their servers in China and unsecured, atleast early on.

Will new technology be used by the military? Absolutely! Is anything off the table? Nope. If a force of AI robots could be built to fight other countries we'd do it. So would they. We are already using remote control planes to bomb other countries. I also saw a documentary that they actually used AI bombing planes to drop live bombs at their own discretion. But, IMO, it still comes down to the IF / THEN command structure so it's not really AI.

Is this good? IMO, Nope! But, it's the natural progression of humans. Humans are evil at their core. It's our new brain that keeps us from totally killing off the human race. Hell, I'd like to blow up all my neighbors. If I had a way to do it without anybody realizing I did it, then I would. But, my new brain says, dude, you'll get caught. It's so not worth it. Then I put my focus back onto my hobbies.

But, I would give plenty of money to have a female Android companion that was real enough to fool my brain. But, as far as I can see that will not happen in my lifetime.
I have so many other questions but do not wish to occupy all your time if you can or wish to answer some of them, please reach out to me these topics fascinate me, usually when I post something I do not get to much of a reply on my topics of research it helps me to understand better when I am able to converse with others who have different opinions and know a little more then I do about the topic thank you very much for answering my post in great detail I appreciate your time elaborating and explaining your knowledge on the subject to me if you wish to entertain my curiosity, I will wait for your pm if not I appreciate you for answering my post already.
Did anyone know about this... maybe AI will not be the way they plan to implement this human/computer integration there is a new field of study that shows a lab of scientists in Australia placing brain cells in a petri dish and connecting it to a computer this integration was able to play pong faster than a AI was able to learn the game

the brain learned to beat a game of pong in 5 minutes faster than the AI robot....
The lab again is located in Australia it is called Cortical Labs I am at this moment researching the site if you wish to explore this information with me the site is I have found some information in there about page this is from there website and reads:


Integrating neurons into digital systems to leverage their innate intelligence may enable performance infeasible with silicon alone, along with providing insight into the cellular origin of intelligence. We developed DishBrain, a system which exhibits natural intelligence by harnessing the inherent adaptive computation of neurons in a structured environment. In vitro neural networks from human or rodent origins, are integrated with in silico computing via high-density multielectrode array. Through electrophysiological stimulation and recording, cultures were embedded in a simulated game-world, mimicking the arcade game ‘Pong’. Applying a previously untestable theory of active inference via the Free Energy Principle, we found that learning was apparent within five minutes of real-time gameplay, not observed in control conditions. Further experiments demonstrate the importance of closed-loop structured feedback in eliciting learning over time. Cultures display the ability to self-organise in a goal-directed manner in response to sparse sensory information about the consequences of their actions.
Harnessing the computational power of living neurons to create synthetic biological intelligence (SBI), previously confined to the realm of science fiction, is now tantalisingly within the reach of human innovation. The superiority of biological computation has been widely recognised with attempts to develop hardware supporting neuromorphic computing1. Yet, no system outside biological neurons are capable of supporting at least third-order complexity which is necessary to recreate the complexity of a biological neuronal network (BNN)1,2. This raises significant challenges to any attempts to generate in silico neuronal models to predict function of BNN systems3. Here we aim to establish functional in vitro networks of cortical cells from embryonic rodent and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) on high-density multielectrode arrays (HD-MEA) to demonstrate that these neural cultures can exhibit biological intelligence—as evidenced by learning in a simulated gameplay environment—in real time (Figure 1). Being able to successfully interact with SBIs would enable investigations into previously untestable areas. This would include, but not limited to, pseudo-cognitive responses as part of drug screening, bridging the divide between single cell and population coding approaches to understanding neurobiology, better understanding how BNNs compute to inform machine learning approaches, and potentially give rise to silico-biological computational platforms that surpass the performance of existing silicon-alone hardware. Indeed, some proponents suggest that generalised SBI may arrive before artificial general intelligence (AGI) due to the inherent efficiency and evolutionary advantage of biological systems4.

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