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  • 147
    147 replied to the thread What made you think WTF today.
    That absolutely horrid display by Schindi right now. That made me go WTF 😩
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread What are you thinking right now?.
    Do not give up on your dreams. Just in case.
  • 147
    147 reacted to Jeanine's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Wow Wow.
    Eat a half dozen ants at once. My dad already kind of did that. Took a bag of cookies from the cupboard, reached in and started eating...
  • 147
    147 reacted to MrLonely86's post in the thread What is on your bucket list? with Like Like.
    In my case it's the opposite, I have patience , I just don't have time. :D Well, I " used " to write a poems in high school , then...
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread Guilty or not guilty game.
    Nope. Have you ever let yourself down so bad that you're still struggling to forgive yourself?
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread Would you rather...
    Why no, I'd be dead immediately, therefore I take the normal life and play video games. Would you rather drink a sip of pee (gross)...
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread What are you thinking right now?.
    Dang, I'm tired. I've been awake since 4 a.m., did a dumbbell Tabata workout at 8, and just got done wrapping Christmas presents for an...
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread When was the last time...
    Last week :( When was the last time you saw a rainbow?
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread Do you like....
    No, I'm allergic to bananas :( Do you like flying on airplanes?
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread My enemy is myself.
    I've only been here a little while, but that there is very clearly the case. That's all I wanted to say. I'm not taking sides to...
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread would you or wouldn't you.
    But you literally just asked about the background 🤣
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread When was the last time...
    Couple of weeks ago for my birthday :) When was the last time you tried a new recipe?
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread Would you rather...
    Geesh 😅 Ask me on a good day, and I take my life as it is. Ask me on a bad day, I'll take the other option. Would you rather be...
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread would you or wouldn't you.
    Then yes, of course. Saying a bad word once and end racism for good? How does anyone even need to think about that? 😅
  • 147
    147 replied to the thread would you or wouldn't you.
    There's a whole story around it if you want to google it :-D