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      sadmoongaze replied to the thread No subject.
      You said that some people on here whine over and over. I'm sorry but I feel that's a bit unfair. Your advice, which I assume works for...
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      sadmoongaze replied to the thread No subject.
      I'm sorry that you are struggling as well.
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      sadmoongaze reacted to Unsigned's post in the thread No subject with Sad Sad.
      me too (although honestly, mine never seems to last very long) me too me too...
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      sadmoongaze replied to the thread No subject.
      I won't say that you're wrong. But you know....I would like to think I have made an effort to change or better myself. Stuff like being...
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      sadmoongaze replied to the thread No subject.
      There have been many rejections and many people who find me ugly or unworthy for one reason or another. Even being considered "nice" has...
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      sadmoongaze replied to the thread No subject.
      It's hard to explain in full. I don't matter at work or anywhere in life. More so, there are a lot of things bothering me, like feeling...
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      sadmoongaze posted the thread No subject in Depression.
      It's been a painful day and I suppose every day is like that for me. But today just hit really hard. I'm not worth love and acceptance...
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      sadmoongaze reacted to 147's post in the thread Tired of life with Like Like.
      Sounds like that counselor was just abusing her position because she clearly is only looking for people to complain to about her own stuff.
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      sadmoongaze replied to the thread Tired of life.
      Maybe you are right, but it has been difficult for me to see it that way.
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      sadmoongaze replied to the thread Tired of life.
      Well, the counselor who told me that it could be worse,was one I spoke to on two different occasions. The first time all I really said...
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      sadmoongaze reacted to Abstamyous's post in the thread Tired of life with Like Like.
      Congratulations on your sobriety! As a fellow over 6 year sober myself, I am super proud of you. You've accomplished something...
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      sadmoongaze replied to the thread Tired of life.
      I say that I'm not worth love and acceptance because of past experiences with being rejected and hurt by others. I know it's a pretty...
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      sadmoongaze reacted to TheRealCallie's post in the thread Tired of life with Like Like.
      Okay, that "counselor" needs to be fired. You don't say that to someone who is in crisis. Of course there are people who "have it...
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      sadmoongaze reacted to okidoke's post in the thread Tired of life with Like Like.
      your feelings are real. knowing some people have it worse doesn't help any, except when you see someone that has had it worse and has...
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      The thought of an afterlife doesn't really sound great because my life is worthless and I don't think it would suddenly become good or...
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