Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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    • J
      Janeenaz replied to the thread Spontaneity....
      I totally feel you on that! I’m all about routines too—having a set schedule really helps me stay grounded. I like to plan my week ahead...
    • J
      I totally know how you feel; I had a similar experience cramming for finals with a giant textbook that felt like it would never end. I...
    • J
      Hey! Welcome to the forum! It’s great to see someone with such a wide range of interests. I’m into politics and video games as well, so...
    • J
      Janeenaz replied to the thread Drink and a Smoke?.
      Quitting smoking is super hard, especially when it’s all around you at parties. I smoked for five years, but some health stuff made me...
    • J
      Janeenaz replied to the thread I’m moving to America.
      Btw, if you haven’t sorted out all the logistics yet, I found this guide: https://threemovers.com/moving-from-the-uk-to-the-usa/ really...
    • J
      Janeenaz replied to the thread I’m moving to America.
      Hey, welcome (in advance) to the States! Sounds like you’re really ready for a change and a fresh start, good for you for taking that...
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