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    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to TheRealCallie's post in the thread Thanthophobia with Like Like.
      Well, for fears, they say you should face them, but I'm not sure that should apply to this one. You could always come to America and do...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to Hermit's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      People do get more narcissistic. It's hard to live among them if you're different, you need to construct a persona to hide behind to...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda replied to the thread Thanthophobia.
      It is actually a fear of death I visited a psychiatry hospital they diagnosed me that I have ocd fear of death there is stigma in our...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to Hermit's post in the thread Thanthophobia with Like Like.
      Is it really the fear of death or the fear of not living the life you want? Both can easily be confused. Depending on what you fear you...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda replied to the thread Hi.
      You are absolutely right Actually when I was in college i tried to be with people but what I found is they are narcissistic people there...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to Hermit's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Another way of dealing with loneliness is to go out more and meet people. The more people you meet, the more you wish to be alone again...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda replied to the thread Hi.
      That's a good advice that I ever heard but in a country like Indian students generally go for government exams which gives handsome...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to Hermit's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      I would also suggest to tackle your basic problems like being unemployed. Put all your energy into work, all the sadness and anger and...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to Hermit's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      You need to occupy yourself. Feeling lonely is primarily the result of having too much time left to think about yourself. But if you...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to okidoke's post in the thread Thanthophobia with Like Like.
      Death isn’t anything to fear, but living awfully is.
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to okidoke's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Welcome to the forum. I don't know who else is from India here to really understand your situation there, and I've never been there, but...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to Hermit's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Hello shubholda! I don't fight it, I do my best to adapt. I still miss my friends but it gets easier with time to accept how things are...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to Minus's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Welcome to the forums :)
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda replied to the thread Hi.
      In Of course you are right it gets easier with time but there is constant emptiness in your life(me too) that can't be fulfilled...
    • shubhoda
      I have this constant fear of death from 3 years due to this I a unable to sleep as I used to sleep 3 years ago there is no support of my...
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