Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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    • itsmylife
      itsmylife replied to the thread Running out of options.
      Thanks all of you, I really do appreciate you taking the time to respond. Callie you’re right, therapy helped a little before so that...
    • itsmylife
      itsmylife replied to the thread Running out of options.
      That’s a big win thank you, there’s some amazing people here, you included! I did try linking with people on here a few times but sadly...
    • itsmylife
      itsmylife replied to the thread Running out of options.
      Hey! Really good to see a familiar person here, thank you for replying. I think that’s what brings me back- the fact that there are...
    • itsmylife
      Not posted on here for a while. It just feels a very different place to when I was here years ago and I don’t recognise it much...
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