Recent content by beautiful loser

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  1. beautiful loser

    Pet Peeves

    This, and how the far left lane is now the "slow lane."  Every effing day, on my way home from work, there is always that one ******* that has a line of traffic backed up in the left lane, as he/she casually talks or texts on the phone.
  2. beautiful loser

    Happy Birthday user 130057!

    Happy Birthday, G-man!!  Now, go eat a cake then work out for four hours!!   ;)
  3. beautiful loser

    What are you thinking right now?

    The older I get, as time passes, seasons change, years change, my life has hardly changed, no matter how hard I try. I will say this, the past 8-9 months have been some of the best few months of my life (in a very long time) and I keep expecting something to hit the fan (someone on here says it...
  4. beautiful loser

    What is maturity for you

    I'll take a wild guess....What About Bob? *yawn*   ;)   Now, load up the car full of Cheezies, Timmy's (double, double please) and Coffee Crisp and head on down south....we have lots of movies to watch :D
  5. beautiful loser

    What is maturity for you

    Baby steps, Wormy, baby steps :P   Congrats, on your achievement. :)
  6. beautiful loser

    Happy Birthday Pathfinder

    Happy Birthday, Mel :D   Hope you have a wonderful day!! :)
  7. beautiful loser

    Trouble With Job Interviews

    Congrats, EU!  Good luck with your new job!
  8. beautiful loser

    Left Handed People Unite!

    Knowing me, I'd just get a wireless mouse and keep it in my locker, station or whatnot.  Not worth putting up with those that constantly complain about meaningless honeysuckle.
  9. beautiful loser

    Trouble With Job Interviews

    EU, I meant to add this in my last post.  I've noticed when I turned the interview around, to where I'm asking questions, I usually got the job. Meaning, when we would  talk about a topic we both enjoyed, I would start asking questions and they would respond, as if I'm the would...
  10. beautiful loser

    A message for another forum member

    I'm sorry about your loss.  I know he was part of what means the world to you.  I'm always here if you need to vent.
  11. beautiful loser

    Trouble With Job Interviews

    Hi Eu.  Sorry to hear about your situation and I hope you prevail in the near future.  I will admit, I've generally done quite well with interviews and my little tip is to get on the good side of the interviewer.  Usually when I walk in, I will glance around their desk, pictures on the wall or...
  12. beautiful loser

    Happy Birthday, Arachne!!

    Want to wish you a Happy Birthday!!  You aren't around much, but quite a few of us miss you!  Wishing you the best!!
  13. beautiful loser

    Happy birthday Niave

    Happy Birthday, Niave!! :)
  14. beautiful loser


    Say hello to Toby.  Recently adopted and quite the charmer :)   He's a Jack Russell/Corgi mix.
  15. beautiful loser

    Why am I not getting interviews?

    Me thinks it's not the resume that is turning away the job opportunities. #realitycheck