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  1. Brian

    Is treatment for aspergers any diffrent than treatment for social anxiety?

    Speaking as someone in the medical field, be very careful of people in authority who want to medicalize your every problem. I'm not saying your experiences are less real than others, or that you do not have a genuine development disorder; but it's also very profitable to some people for you to...
  2. Brian

    Modern mores, Tinder etc

    Hello :) Reading about that now. Interesting premise.
  3. Brian

    Modern mores, Tinder etc

    I think feeling out of touch with my generation has been a hallmark of my life for the past ten years. I mean, I've always been a little odd and never did fit in as a teenager except with my niche group of gamer friends at school, but it's been about ten years that I've specifically not...
  4. Brian

    Do Degrees make you Smart or Dumb

    I think training and useful education is valuable and worthwhile...but I think a lot of college is comprised of silly tripe. I took an 'Intercultural Communications' class this last quarter and it was ridiculous. Now, I've never really judged people by their skin anyway, so maybe I felt...
  5. Brian

    On the table outside

    Sort of. At work we have the laundry room shelf. Sometimes I find quarters there. More frequently, I find lost laundry, or something that broke and got put there in the hopes that I will fix it. Yeah, not as cool as yours. :P What I really wish for is my own space for writing, school work...
  6. Brian

    is anything ever going to come?

    Hey breeze... I can relate to what your saying. For years when I was younger, I had an obsession with a girl who I'd had a fleeting, youthful online relationship with. We'd met once, which didn't go well. A few years after, it brought me here, in fact. It doesn't really pay to linger on...
  7. Brian

    Checking in. How is everyone?

    Hey guys. I hope everyone is well, in this lonely season. 2011 was....well, it was a big year, the good and the bad. Felt like coming and sharing, checking in, seeing how everyone is. This started as a response to the 'How was your 2011' thread, kind of took a life of its own. In...
  8. Brian

    Guilty Pleasure...

    Haha! We were watching Pawn Stars here at work and we saw that guy, and now we do the same thing on occasions when we would otherwise simply say 'Yes'. I later introduced 'NOOOOOOPE', to even things out.
  9. Brian

    It's Not A Freaking Emergency. Stop Bothering Me!

    Ugh, HOAs. So glad I live in a rural area.
  10. Brian

    What is work for you?

    This has been significant for me, too. I think my best friends are probably -at- work.
  11. Brian

    My utopia system READ IT VOTE ME!

  12. Brian

    My utopia system READ IT VOTE ME!

    Also, -****- the U.N. Do you know anything about the people in charge of that ****? They're one of the biggest manipulators that have gotten the world where it is today. It's planned. I'm tellin' ya.
  13. Brian

    My utopia system READ IT VOTE ME!

    We've never heard -that- story before. That's working well for Tibet. What do you think diplomats do?? Blow jobs only go so far. The only reason ANY diplomat is able to work, ultimately, is because other nations know the alternative to negotiation is war. Outside of the most basic agreements...
  14. Brian

    I've had it up to my NECK with this ********.

    I just informed my entire workplace how I feel about a few of them and how it should be fixed. It feels really good. I don't know who your people are, but, just say it. Be dominant and say it.
  15. Brian

    Eldery Dementia

    I see it in patients, and I've seen it in friends' spouses. It's an ugly business and a bad way to go. I've often heard as a statistic that 50% of dementia caregivers (ie, loved ones providing care) die before the relative with dementia does, from the stress. Sadly, I cannot offer any sound...