Recent content by Professional Cannibal

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Professional Cannibal

    I have depression and does anyone get depressed when they are not good in job?

    My day job is at a charity thrift store and I would recommend you try that if you want a job that's more dignified and meaningful. If you work the donation door or put items away all you really need to do is look friendly and do some light physical labor.
  2. Professional Cannibal

    What do you miss? (Warning: Nostalgia)

    I miss having buttons on the front of the TV so it's usable without a remote.
  3. Professional Cannibal

    What Are Some Facts About Yourself That Other May Perceive As Strange?

    Well if I ever fall on hard times there's a career as a male prostitute waiting for me.
  4. Professional Cannibal

    Questions for the Men

    It's not bad but it would seem challenging to attract her.
  5. Professional Cannibal

    What made you cry today?

    The rare instance where I'm in tears was today, stuck thinking about the dysfunctions in my life and my life's trajectory.
  6. Professional Cannibal

    What Are Some Facts About Yourself That Other May Perceive As Strange?

    Show me a globe or world map and I can tell you which decade it was made in because of how borders and names have changed I can deep throat a banana, I had strep throat several times as a kid so my gag reflex is weak I know how to make nearly anything I have been drinking a gallon of soda daily...
  7. Professional Cannibal

    The current state of my life

    Well I want to have a family and there's still no lady around so I looked into other options.
  8. Professional Cannibal

    Tell us your boring news

    I honestly don't see what you're so upset about.
  9. Professional Cannibal

    Tell us your boring news

    I don't think I did unless you think my was username is serious. And it's pretty innocuous if I did describe what my day job is.
  10. Professional Cannibal

    Tell us your boring news

    No I really didn't mean anything by it. And really haven't shared any info aside from a purported net worth when asked. I ain't even that rich, I live a pretty ordinary life.
  11. Professional Cannibal

    So what do you want, RIGHT NOW?

    One of those slushy machines that gas stations have so I have margaritas on tap.
  12. Professional Cannibal

    Jewelry / Bling - Do you wear it?

    Don't really wear jewelry usually but I've got an e-commerce operation so I'll wear items to test their durability.
  13. Professional Cannibal

    What dating platforms do you recommend?

    Who says I don't live the life of a modestly wealthy person? I did that more as an experiment, I usually have more frugal habits so I wouldn't really want a gold digger.
  14. Professional Cannibal

    List of what state everyone is from...

    m 28 Wisconsin
  15. Professional Cannibal

    What dating platforms do you recommend?

    I'm really nothing special in the workforce, there was once a trust set up for my benefit so my net worth is over a million dollars now. Easiest way to make money is to already have money and invest it wisely.