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  1. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    Never mind the robots... With all this AI hype, I'm expecting (more like dreaming) that a radical revolution will transform society in an unprecedented way. Money won't matter anymore - everyone will be give a certain amount for free- and we'll all do whatever we wish: be painters or ballet...
  2. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    Her name is Kelli Palfy -not famous, but well known - and I wrote to her about my issues because she is one of the very few specialists around on male sexual abuse.
  3. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    Thanks a lot :) Slim chances on the dating front though, I mean love life hasn't been great up until this age, it's hard for me to see how it will get better.
  4. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    I am oficially 38 today. Few updates: Still technically a virgin. Couldn't bring myself to pay for it. I once emailed a (famous) psychologist and told her my story and asked for advice; she said there are worse things than being a a virgin man - I wonder what are those worse things. Other...
  5. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    I think someone mentioned here that virgins are a sad bunch and they should go out more, not sit at home, cry and blame the world/women how cruel everyone is. Myself - I do go out. Only this past weekend I went mountain hiking. Solo. I don't have a car, so I had to book transport, accomodation...
  6. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    It's funny, pretty much everyone I've asked their opinion on this said the same thing: it's not worth it. Better stay as you are and hope for better things. But I've already stated my plan. If I don't like it, I won't go back - save my money and busy myself with more constructive things. If I...
  7. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    I haven't made a decision yet, but I think one way or another I'll make it happen by mid September (my birthday is on the 11th). Regarding paying for it, I don't think it's degrading or it's only for losers etc. I think there are various types of men in this world that chose to pay at some...
  8. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    I agree with a lot of things said above, but with this sentence I cannot come to terms with. I will not, under any circumstances, die a virgin. I will do whatever it takes to attract a woman or I will pay whatever it takes.
  9. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    Thank you for your input & advice. I really hope you give up your drinking. It's a terrible demon - my father was a good man when sober, but raging when drunk. As for my abusers, I have chosen to forget and forgive. They only hurt themselves. I think God/the universe will take care of things...
  10. R

    38 male virgin - Pros and Cons of paying for sex

    I'll be 38 in a couple of months. I'm still a virgin. I have kissed, I have hugged, I have held hands, I even got the point of being on top of a woman but never penetrated (she asked me to stop). Now about my life. I've been sexually abused by my uncle and other two guys, at different times...