Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to TheRealCallie's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Welcome to the forum. :) Dealing with loneliness....well, we all came here and that's a start. Aside from that, I went out, I talked...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda replied to the thread Hi.
      I hope here I get the companion of some like minded people who learned to deal with their loneliness in my country people who lives...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda reacted to Sunless Sky's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Hey there, welcome to the forum, it's nice to have you. That's the million dollar question isn't it? I guess you'll find that people...
    • shubhoda
      shubhoda posted the thread Hi in New members forum.
      Hello I am newcomer here intrested to know how you are dealing with this loneliness crisis
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