Recent content by Tiina63

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. T

    In love with my best friend who doesn't feel the same way

    As the title says, I am in love with my best friend but she (I am bi) doesn't feel the same way. We have been email friends for a few years and were supportive and helpful to each other throughout that time. Neither of us has much of a support network, so we came to rely on each other a lot and...
  2. T

    Does the thought of nobody showing up at your funeral bother you?

    Having noone at my funeral used to bother me until I had a brain aneurysm and, as I was being wheeled down to the operating theatre, all I could think of was the journey into death which I might be about to take. It really brought home to me that this journey and where I go next (I believe in...
  3. T

    Hello from Germany

    Hello, Welcome to the site. I am also very lonely so can relate to how you are feeling. My family all passed on many years ago and although I have some friends, it doesn't take the emptiness away. I can also relate to your anxiety as I have Asperger's. Und ich spreche deutsch, aber leider habe...
  4. T

    I have no family or friends at all and it's destroying me

    I have no family left so can understand the feeling and the knowledge of being totally alone in the world. So few people really get it, because they have the cushion of family to fall back on. I have some friends, but they can't and don't fill the empty void where family should be. I am also...
  5. T

    Is she actually my friend?

    I have had a friend for several years and we usually meet once a week for coffee. However, I have noticed that she often makes critical remarks about me/to me and am wondering if she is really a friend and if she even likes me at all. For example, I am overweight and for a fair number of weeks...
  6. T

    Is this a bad friendship?

    Thank you to all of you who have taken the trouble to reply. I want to think about what each of you have said before replying and also it is late here (UK) so I am feeling tired. I will be back tomorrow. Thank you all for your support
  7. T

    Is this a bad friendship?

    I became friends with a man some months ago via a mutual friend, but am starting to doubt whether I want him as a friend any longer. Maybe I am being too sensitive, I don't know. Anyway, a few months ago he started calling to see me about two evenings a week without checking first if it was ok...
  8. T

    So called friends?

    I once had a 'friend' who, whenever we made an arrangement to meet, would often say to me: 'Come as long as you're happy,' Looking back, I wish I had broken off all contact with her at the time. If I were you, I would definitely look for kinder and more caring friends. This women sounds very...
  9. T

    Feeling smothered

    All my adult life I have hoped to get married and have a family but it hasn't happened.  Then, this year, I suddenly started feeling that being without a partner has its good side.  I can go out of the house when I want, read and watch what I want on TV when I am at home, and if I don't keep on...
  10. T

    Being alone all the time

    I have to admit to finding the current situation-in lockdown because of covid 19-really hard to cope with.   Before it happened, I had more or less come to accept being single and alone for the rest of my life and had started to not feel as lonely as I have felt for all my adult life because of...
  11. T

    Being single is terrible

    I understand you, as I have always found being single to be very lonely and painful.  Ironically for the first time in my life I was just starting to make my peace earlier this year with probably always being single, then the coronavirus lockdown began and the bone crushing loneliness has...
  12. T

    Covid-19 Undesired side effect is isolating lonely people even more...

    Partly, in my case, it is caused by being alone, but I also often feel lonely with others when I have to hide my real thoughts and feelings
  13. T

    Covid-19 Undesired side effect is isolating lonely people even more...

    I had a message on Facebook from a friend saying that she and her husband were enjoying having more time together now because of the virus and I replied saying that I really miss not seeing anyone and she signed off. Made me feel like crap.
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    Thank you for understanding.
  15. T


    I am really anxious and unhappy and need some support.  3 years ago I agreed to take a friend's cat when she was looking to rehome him.   She promised that she would pay all of his vet bills.   I couldn't have taken him otherwise, as vet bills can be so expensive.  We fell out a year ago but she...