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  1. usernamesarehard3009

    I'm a total idiot and need advice

    It's been quite long but not that much, just 2 years. And yeah, you're right. We've both changed quite a lot
  2. usernamesarehard3009


    I've used it before. It's incredibly stupid.
  3. usernamesarehard3009

    I'm a total idiot and need advice

    Thanks, it went pretty well I think. She responded almost instantly which shook me She said she isn't mad at me and forgave me a while ago, and I shouldn't take it so seriously because it happened so long ago. If I'm being completely honest I cried tears of joy for like 5 seconds and then calmed...
  4. usernamesarehard3009

    I'm a total idiot and need advice

    Ok **** it I just did. I finally mustered up the courage. I sent her a message asking if we can talk. My heart is gonna jump out of my ******* chest.
  5. usernamesarehard3009

    I'm a total idiot and need advice

    I guess you're both right. But it doesn't help the fact I'm absolutely petrified of it. I really struggle focusing on a single topic usually, my brain just thinks at hyper speed and every half second I find myself thinking about something completely different. So it's really weird to have my...
  6. usernamesarehard3009

    I'm a total idiot and need advice

    The little man says to go and talk to her. But the little man is also, really, scared.
  7. usernamesarehard3009

    I'm a total idiot and need advice

    I didn't want to get into that stuff because it's something I'm really ashamed about and deeply regret. When we first got together she was the one who asked me out and I had no interest in her prior. I never had a girlfriend nor have I had anyone ask me out before so I didn't know what to say...
  8. usernamesarehard3009

    I'm a total idiot and need advice

    This has been all I could think about for the past 4 days. I can't focus on anything, I can't stop replaying the situation in my head over and over and over, like what I would say, how she'd react, if I should even say anything in the first place, what she might be thinking about the entire...
  9. usernamesarehard3009

    The Confession Booth

    I have an imaginary friend which is my left hand. I'd have full on one-sided conversations with it, about how my day went, how life's going, what I ate today, whatever I felt like talking about. It actually felt refreshing to get some words out, as if it was a real person. I felt the same kind...
  10. usernamesarehard3009

    I need help

    Well I have been thinking about getting a therapist again for a while. Last time we got nowhere. She was really young and must have just recently gotten the job or something, because she'd never try to ask me anything and would only do small talk with me for an hour. At one point I just stopped...
  11. usernamesarehard3009

    I need help

    You're making me out to be some kind of crazy person. But I am thinking objectively. It would be better for me to not exist, and feel nothing, and think nothing forever, than face the absurd cruelty of modern life. I guess at the same time I would also finally find out what comes after death...
  12. usernamesarehard3009

    I need help

    In Bulgaria, if you're not living in the capital, getting any kind of mental help is impossible. I think because of both cultural and economic reasons. After all the country has been going to **** for the past 2 decades and the recent inflation has just been another shovel digging the grave. But...
  13. usernamesarehard3009

    I need help

    I haven't been here to this site for a long time. You probably won't be bothered to read all of this, but I just have vent and get this out somehow. I haven't had anyone to talk to for months. Just 3 years ago I was a completely different person. I didn't care much for my weight, or how I...
  14. usernamesarehard3009

    Fictional Characters A-Z

    Randy Marsh
  15. usernamesarehard3009

    Corrupt the wish game.

    granted but your head is replaced with a pig's so even if you got all the music theory and know how to perfectly replicate pavarotti's voice and singing style, in reality you are unable to produce any sounds other than a squeal i wish i had the ability to sit down and learn anything about...