What made you smile today?

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Human frailty, working with superiors who made less than suitable choices and saw the failure; with which I had the wherewithall to just smile through it, and say; I'm just glad the day went quick with all this sh$t.
Woke up early on a Saturday.
Saw 2 Bernese Mountain Dogs walking together as we drove past.
Then I went to a car show, saw a new GT500 and lots more cool cars.
From there, I got my lawn mowing in before the rain.
Then I just saw that young Golden walk past the house just now. He's sure growing fast!
I went mini golfing today, again for the first time in many years. First time I went to this course, too.

Again, I didn't really do stellar. But I did manage to get the day's only hole in one. And several hole in twos. So, there's that.

Like with bowling it's another thing where I can see the appeal of going more often to get better and enjoy it more.
2 seconds away from tying my PR for the 3 mile course I usually run...so close! 🏃‍♂️

There it is! New PR today for 3 miles - 23:12.

I always know a PR is going to happen soon, when I start getting closer and closer like I was. When it's really close like that, I know the next time I'll probably smash through.
I went mini golfing today, again for the first time in many years. First time I went to this course, too.

Again, I didn't really do stellar. But I did manage to get the day's only hole in one. And several hole in twos. So, there's that.

Like with bowling it's another thing where I can see the appeal of going more often to get better and enjoy it more.
I am trying to make plans to go axe throwing, which would be a first for me. There's certainly a great value to these seemingly simple activities, that take you away from life for a short while, but leave you with laughs and and reasons to do a happy dance.

As someone who didn't really do competitive sports growing up, I have always enjoyed the "just for fun". For my birthday one year, my ex and I found ourselves playing laser tag. That was a first, and so far only, for me. But it was fun.

I'm glad to see you are getting out to enjoy some of these activities. Please keep sharing, maybe you will give some of the rest of us ideas.
I am trying to make plans to go axe throwing, which would be a first for me. There's certainly a great value to these seemingly simple activities, that take you away from life for a short while, but leave you with laughs and and reasons to do a happy dance.

Because you now know whether you will connect when you throw an axe at someone's head? :)
I tried to go to a car show last night, but by the time I got there most of the cars were gone.
I did see a few of them drive away though, including this one car that was huge. Definitely from the '30s-early '40s, or a replica of something from that time. I thought it was an Auburn Speedster at first, but it had 4 seats, not two like in the Speedster, and was much bigger. It's driving me crazy not knowing what it is!
I tried to go to a car show last night, but by the time I got there most of the cars were gone.
I did see a few of them drive away though, including this one car that was huge. Definitely from the '30s-early '40s, or a replica of something from that time. I thought it was an Auburn Speedster at first, but it had 4 seats, not two like in the Speedster, and was much bigger. It's driving me crazy not knowing what it is!

Saw that car again, this time up close and got a picture.

It is in fact an Auburn, I just didn't know they made 4-seaters.
I saw the first moss rose of the year today, when I went out to water the garden.
My Mom and I were so happy about it because it was something I remember my Grandma having when I was a kid, but we hadn't seen it come back in years and years until last year.

The plant was there already, it had a few stalks for a while. But today it had its first flower.
I wasn't sure if we were going to get any at all this year. Last year the plant was robust, with big spiky arms in all directions like a tarantula, and multiple flowers. But we transplanted it, so we weren't sure if it would come back at all.

It's an annual, so it doesn't come up from the same bulb every year like other flowers do, but it is supposed to seed itself, and come back that way. I'm glad to see at least some of those seeds took.

Also, I know for sure what a young moss rose looks like, so if I see one growing somewhere, I know not to pull it as a weed. When we started out this year, there were some small green things with spiky leaves that we weren't sure what they were. It turns out, they were little moss roses. That's what these were, that turned into the stalks we have today. Now I know for next time.
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It’s a beautiful autumn day. I went for a bike ride then later sat in the garden and read my book to the sounds of various birds, including some New Holland Honeyeaters splashing about the in root gutter. It did make me smile. I only wish there was no background traffic noise ruining the serenity.
I saw the first moss rose of the year today, when I went out to water the garden.
My Mom and I were so happy about it because it was something I remember my Grandma having when I was a kid, but we hadn't seen it come back in years and years until last year.

The plant was there already, it had a few stalks for a while. But today it had its first flower.
I wasn't sure if we were going to get any at all this year. Last year the plant was robust, with big spiky arms in all directions like a tarantula, and multiple flowers. But we transplanted it, so we weren't sure if it would come back at all.

It's an annual, so it doesn't come up from the same bulb every year like other flowers do, but it is supposed to seed itself, and come back that way. I'm glad to see at least some of those seeds took.

Also, I know for sure what a young moss rose looks like, so if I see one growing somewhere, I know not to pull it as a weed. When we started out this year, there were some small green things with spiky leaves that we weren't sure what they were. It turns out, they were little moss roses. That's what these were, that turned into the stalks we have today. Now I know for next time.
That's so sweet. Best to ya dude.
That's so sweet. Best to ya dude.

Thanks man :)

Unfortunately, the one flower closed later that day, before I could get a picture.
I thought I would wait until the sun was less bright to take a better photo.
But the flower doesn't seem to be opening.
I did a little more reading on moss roses, and it turns out, it is actually a succulent, that likes dry conditions - in fact, it really doesn't like too much water at all. I hope I haven't watered it too much - I'm going to dial back my watering, and see if that helps.

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