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Hmmm, I like to be prepared, but I’m so bored of routine. I’m not adverse to spontaneity. It would liven up my life.
Yeah a lot of people are like that.
I like boring.
Means nothing bad is happening.
I don't get "bored" like other people.
A 3 hour walk is fine by me.
I like boring.
Means nothing bad is happening.
I don't get "bored" like other people.
A 3 hour walk is fine by me.
For me as well. Sponaneity always breeds breeds bad things. People following random impulses always destroy and hurt others. It's no coincidence that lack of impulse control is a typical symptom for several personality disorders.
Who here hates it as much as I do?

I really, really need to be in a routine.
To know what's coming.
And when and for how long.
I despise "spur of the moment".
I like a bit of both.

I am creature of habit for some things - I generally get up around the same time, have a coffee, shower, get ready for my day. I go to bed around the same time, give or take an hour or so. Day-to-day tasks are usually fairly routine.

That said, I also welcome spontaneity. I like to keep things open and I very much dislike being tied to something. Like say I made plans to meet a friend next Friday - next Friday comes along, and I simply don’t feel like going out that day. I want an exit strategy, a way to change my mind. It may disappoint the other person, but that’s simply how I work. I’m very much governed by my emotions on any given day.
I like boring.
Means nothing bad is happening.
I don't get "bored" like other people.
A 3 hour walk is fine by me.
A 3-hour walk seems spontaneous to me, especially if you’re mixing it up by taking a different route one day. I am rarely bored, I have lots of interests and am an introvert at heart. For the most part, I like being alone and inside my head, although not always - there’s times when I would gladly welcome a friend over for a chat.
My plans typically have alternate plans, just to avoid the whole having to come up with something on the spot. I remain good at thinking during an emergency, where I have no other choice but to go with it. I struggle in most other areas of life.

I'm curious @Unsigned if you feel your addictions have played into the need to be routine.
I'm curious @Unsigned if you feel your addictions have played into the need to be routine.

I think it may be the other way around.
My natural introvert tendencies make me need require routines.
And my issues with alcohol and prostitutes are my way of dealing with missing out on "living in the moment" like most other people seem to do.
I totally feel you on that! I’m all about routines too—having a set schedule really helps me stay grounded. I like to plan my week ahead so I know what’s coming, whether it's work, workouts, or even just downtime. When things get thrown in last minute, it can really mess with my day and stress me out.
I'm half and half.

I like routines for things like planning my day, and for doing things that I have to do but don't like to do. I like to know what I'm doing, to be in control because of it, and to know how long I have to do it for.

I really hate indefinite misery, uncertainty about when it will end.
This is a big part of what makes singledom so lousy for me - if I knew my singledom would end at some point, I could just count down the days, weeks, months, or even the years, and keep myself busy in the meantime. But there's no certain endpoint, and that bothers me.

On the other hand, I like - I don't know if you could call in "spontaneity", but rather "keeping things open-ended". I like having options. I don't like feeling like I'm locked in to something and if it turns out I don't like it, or if it's not a fit for me, then I'm stuck.

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