One positive thing you accomplished today...

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I've managed my "Sort through later" playlists on YT. So now my stellar trap metal music is in the right spot.

I have to admit, trap metal isn't my style. But, I'm well aware of how much of a mess "sort through later" playlists can be. The struggle to keep organized, even digitally, is real.

Cheers to you for sorting it out! It's a great feeling when you get things to be just the way you want them to be.
Isn't anybody accomplishing anything?

Today I rode over 62kms (38mls) on my mountain bike. It was a lovely sunny day, and the traffic was practically non-existent.
Today I rode over 62kms (38mls) on my mountain bike. It was a lovely sunny day, and the traffic was practically non-existent.
Nice! That’s a lengthy ride, sounds great. We get lots of bikers along our highway, it’s a popular place to bike as it’s a coastal route along the ocean. Lots of traffic though, I always feel worried for the bikers - too many inattentive drivers out there.

Isn't anybody accomplishing anything?
Yep! Been too busy to post about it. Sold our house, bought our dream house, packing up our belongings, working and moving in two weeks.
Today I went on my longest ride ever. Like EVER! 70.2kms (43.6mls) Even though it was my most distant, it's only my 6th longest time-wise. The new bike is giving me a better average pace. Yep, felt a bit worn out when I got home. Had a refreshing shower and on my second cup of coffee to keep me from falling asleep lol. If you're wondering why the red highlighted one was so much slower, that day I found myself on some really rough tracks that were infested with webs of Golden Orb spiders. They aren't dangerous, even though they are quite large and spidery, but they were a **** nuisance, completely blocking tracks, so I had to walk a lot of the trails and either go around the massive webs or in some cases had to use a stick to tear them out of my way. It was a hot, sticky, rough ride/walk kind of day and a couple times I lost the trails and had to go across old-mine-shaft infested ground lol. Good memories :) golden-orb-weaver-web.jpg Creatures - 116.jpg
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If you're wondering why the red highlighted one was so much slower, that day I found myself on some really rough tracks that were infested with webs of Golden Orb spiders. They aren't dangerous, even though they are quite large and spidery
nope, nope nope, nope.... nope!

That's great progress, well done. I once had to train for a 4 day cycle between London and Amsterdam, so I was regularly hitting these distances and I know that it takes a lot of grit to build up the fitness, but it's also so liberating when you're able to smash out 70km rides like it's nothing. You feel like the bike can take you anywhere, and all you need is your body and your energy! No fuel, no engine, no complications.

Pretty sure I would die attempting this stuff in the ozzie heat tho!!
This is actually from last night, although I'm still in shock that I went...

I joined my local Lions group. And I volunteered to take over a couple of projects for local events they hold.

I have a big anxiety when it comes to community events, and have tried to conquer this by randomly volunteering for things. I think being part of an actual organization that will provide training, will be very helpful.
Created some space on my SSDs for new software. Don't know when I get the opportunity to use it but at least the space is there now.
Got the lawn mowed, restrung the weed eater and took out the weeds around the house. Had to pull the last few since it died. (I have an electric one because my wrists won't tolerate the gas one)
And now I'm sitting on my porch watching it rain.

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