What did you dream last night?

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Standing in a dress shirt and pants with someone (I remember in the dream that he was a friend or co-worker, but I can't identify him now) on blacktop pavement out in the middle of nowhere on a very hot and bright sunny day. No clouds at all in the sky. I could see nothing in the distance but flat land. No sign or sight of any buildings, people, or even trees - just a wide expanse of dull, low cut dry grass leading toward the horizon. It seemed like noon or lunch time.
There was a billboard sign nearby that noted we were in Oklahoma City, and my friend noted that we should "get moving". Meaning start walking. He had a briefcase, I had nothing to carry. It felt really hot, I do recall that. What it means, I have no idea.
i dreamt I was living in London where my only friend left (who has clinical depression for many years) is living as well, and we would never meet as we would ramble alone(s) in the crowded streets, doing stuff, and that was it
I had a dream where one of my clients, Gareth, who's always been more snobby than friendly really, ended up being my boyfriend and I was confiding in him about something else that happened at work and he listened and was actually very compassionate towards me. He's married in real life though. Just one of those very weird dreams.
A recurring dream about an evil alien who escaped to our planet, and a family of aliens (husband, wife, teenage son) who were sent to retrieve him. They were highly trained but naïve; friendly, compassionate, apologetic, and unfamiliar with human ways. I was helping them navigate the planet (but I wasn't "me"). It looked like a Pixar film.
^That sounds cool actually.

I had a dream where my best friend and I were working at the same place. How odd.
I was in high school and it was the last day of class for the year. That meant Finals. I had finals in calculus, some science (probably physics), and Spanish - and I didn't remember any of it, but I couldn't convince anyone that I actually had not been a student all year and in fact, finished high school a long time ago.

That's been a recurring dream for me, having finals in something, usually one of those three subjects that I might have been decent at in those years but that I've now completely forgotten, or having a paper due the next day that I was supposed to be working on for a long time, which I suddenly found myself having to finish. I don't know why it keeps happening. I wish they would stop really, because it means even in my dreams I still get anxiety.
Haha I dreamed of a forum member last night having a rant at me and then making them a cup of tea lol.
I was stranded somewhere. I don't recall how but i somehow found my mother in her car and asked her to drive me home. Instead she drove me through life threatening situations, all the while smiling and seemingly naive something was wrong, up until she drove us in a lake and killed us both. Interesting metaphor.
She was there, in my room. Her hair was cut short and dyed dark, almost black, but I knew it was her. She smiled warmly and I moved towards her as if I was hypnotized. I sat down next to her and she pulled me in for a kiss. There was some kind of ethereal music in the background that I could only describe as Elvish. I asked her if she had any idea how long I'd been wanting to tell her my feelings, and she said she always could tell. It was like something out of a movie, just like she really was.

Sadly, that will most likely only ever be a dream..... :(
Once again, I dreamed of being chased by zombies 😅
This is turning into a monthly thing or something.

I haven't had dreams in a long time.

I don't know how to re-start having them again, I'd really like to.
You probably have, you just don't remember 😊
You can start setting the intention. Every night before you fall asleep, tell yourself "I'm going to remember my dreams". You might not see same-night results, but eventually you will. 👍🏻
That I'm in high school , and I have argument in hall-way with girl who I like. XD I don't remember rest of the dream, just that detail.
I rarely dream. I don't think I get in the right sleep stage. I did have a dream the other night though. I don't remember much of it, but my youngest kid got fired from his job. (The only way that would happen IRL is if they closed the shop,)
I entered a residential house that I knew to be abandoned by a family. Inside were some wild animals.......fantasy creatures, like reptile/insect hybrids, German Shepherd dog size.....they were antagonistic to me but not really fearsome.....I could subdue them with a big stick that I suddenly had in my hands......and then they were gone.
I opened a door to a room and it was the master bedroom. It was immaculate, very comfy, kind of posh but not ultra rich.......bourgeois and middle class, like what I'm accustomed to in life.
I went to another bedroom......it was the teenage daughter's room and she was the tech savvy one in the absent family. The room was cluttered and untidy.......not grossly so, just a messy teenagers room.

That's it. I woke up and it was about 2:00 AM.
Since on medication I have had many strange dreams.I was asked to extract a mouse size hairball from the shower the night before because no one else would touch it so could be something relevant.

It lasted about 30 seconds with me , I think , a lady and and a tall hairy bloke in there 30's and a small shower but I woke up before anything porno happened at 5 cause we were going up to London.

Alright I've sorted my son and his shopping out so back home now so more detail is needed I think.

Anyway it's a bit hazy but either me or someone else was getting undressed opposite this lady who was also nearly naked next to this tiny shower. I/ someone else was looking straight at said lady and I was saying or winking time for a shower, I repeat its all a bit hazy.Then i/someone else panned to the right and there taking his trousers off was this tall hairy bloke.I/ someone else immediately said sorry its just the two of us tonite..then I woke up..thank god🤪
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Meds for sure give you strange dreams, I have same issue. My dreams are soo weird, and sometimes I have multiple of them in same night , since I wake up few times. At this point I'm also not sure if my dreams are visions of future life, or like , just dreams. xD Dreams are funny. :D

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