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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Im not too lonely but.....

    I think that's a bit extreme. You're welcome to add to more discussions. More members with an interest in communication is the best way to change things. I hope you stay. I like what you've added thus far.
  2. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Im not too lonely but.....

    Not at all. Unless you like the same inane forum 'games' day in and day out. There isn't much actual discussion here anymore.
  3. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    I am a muslim , and i hate this religion

    Speak for yourself. There's a whole lot of vastly more important things in life than "God". Such a notion only devalues the complex tapestry of existence for me. I've never felt freer than when spirituality was out of my life entirely, and I've seen how much it only weighs down others.
  4. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Hi, I'm new

    It's cool that you're able to be so open and honest. Could you do this in real life or would you be too shy and the like? Or I guess you don't have really anyone like that to vent, which is totally understandable. Most introverts don't really have many offline friends. With how you wrote it...
  5. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    My life might be over

    If you're homeless, you have no reason to stay in the area. That beats getting murdered or suicide, right?
  6. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Games that you lost your enthusiasm for halfway through?

    AC gets progressively worse as it goes on. I still don't know how I ever managed to force myself to finish Revelation. And by the end of 3, you realize it's just Micheal Bay level schlock, which is what you'd expect from an annual release type of game. LA Noire is a great answer too; I'll go...
  7. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Do you find it hard to forgive yourself for the wrong you've done?

    I think it's harder to forgive oneself because YOU had the control and the opportunity to not screw something up, and you still did. So it's only natural those feelings take longer to go away or maybe even never do. Forgiving oneself isn't as important as taking something of value from the...
  8. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Depression is taking a physical toll

    I think that's probably due to mindset. I've been depressed to an extent before where it impacts my mood and my want to do anything, and I suppose if you let it go further, it could begin affecting you physically like with you. I just never let it get to that level. I wouldn't immediately...
  9. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    What are you thinking right now?

    I'm definitely ready for bed...
  10. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Dark web discussion

    Pretty obvious, I'd say. Callie has to police the forums, as usual.
  11. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Dark web discussion

    Then if it happens, it happens. No big deal. I don't think he needs to erase it though; the topic itself should be fair enough warning along with his post. You know, for not having any interest, I have to wonder why you came to the topic to begin with.
  12. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Dark web discussion

    Children on the internet have free-reign to view literally anything at their own discretion. There's nothing you can do. Nor is this forum squeaky clean either; lots of suicide topics and language here that children also shouldn't be viewing. And it's on Youtube; it's not that extreme or...
  13. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Asked a girl out and she wants bring her friends. What should I do?

    Yeah, definitely go through with it and don't bail. When is it happening too, by the way? Just be on your best behavior, try and relax and have a good time, and you very well could wind up befriending her friends as well; at the very least, just try and get along with them. Do that and they'll...
  14. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Asked a girl out and she wants bring her friends. What should I do?

    What an intro post! Can you elaborate exactly how many friends she's bringing? 3-4 or even more than that? No double dates, I take it either. It's hard to say, but I doubt it's friendzoning, especially if you're the only guy tagging along, you don't know her friends, and if she remains your...
  15. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Quoting and notifications

    It's a start, so thanks, man. But I am still curious about my original question.
  16. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    Let's get the awkward bit with over with....

    I've seen some of your other posts and I'm quite curious to see what you'll offer! Hope you'll get to post more and add something much needed here. Yeah, the place is huge, but it's all mostly in the past. It's not that active to the same level anymore.
  17. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    What video game are you currently playing ?

    I've heard the writing is good, but man, I really don't want to play more Naughty Dog third person stealth gunplay, which that seems to be most of the gameplay.
  18. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    What are you listening to?

    I actually like fan-made music videos the most with my music eyu0SDWtj9k
  19. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    What video game are you currently playing ?

    It really does excel in however someone could want to play it. Be it a casual hack and slash or a no-messing-around brutal fighting game, a story/world packed to the brim with details or just a campy enjoyable mostly fun story and characters. It really does cater itself to the whims of the...
  20. Enpatsu No Shakugan

    What video game are you currently playing ?

    Well.... I hate to break it to you, but easy mode makes all combos automatic, I believe. That's probably why it's simple so far. I believe normal is when you have to manually input combos and it goes from there.... many more levels above just 'hard', so yeah. Give it a try manual and it'll...