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  1. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    what was the last movie you saw?

    The Blade Trilogy.. entertaining..
  2. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    What are you thinking right now?

    My philandering, self absorbed, narcissistic sackface of a father was involved in procreation and now I have a half-sister. Bless her and give her strength.
  3. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Happy Birthday Spare

    Happy Birthday Spare :) You're crackup ;]
  4. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    In one word. Post your current mood.

    toasted, nicely toasted
  5. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Happy Birthday PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Tahiti sounds perfect! Black-sand beaches, thatch huts and cute little monkeys swiping cocktails. IT"S ON! ;] to be fair, i would be the one to have to show you MY id, not the other way around. i have a feeling the photos of you were genuine and recent :P
  6. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    word association game

  7. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Do you like...

    i'm an egg fan and they look delicious. now on my 'things to eat' list.. Do you like bobsledding?
  8. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Getting Over Vanity

    the power of beauty.. "what gives you the right to look her up and down" if you're talking about physical aesthetics and it's messing with your head, don't look. i don't mean sow your eyes shut, but at the simplest level reduce the frequency of exposure. so if you're outside and there is a...
  9. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Happy Birthday PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    lol that's not really fair on the two of you. how about i meet you half way, either India or French Polynesia and shout you both a nice fresh one? if i ever met you ctf, why i'd have to...... ask you for some id, you can never be too careful these days :P cheers BJD, thanks for stopping by :)
  10. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Do you like...

    its not the palace in the Alps i want but yes. Do you like Turkish Delights?
  11. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    word association game

  12. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Artilce:Big Breasted Women more Intelligent?

    that would be pretty sad if true, but true it could well be..
  13. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    What do you consider to be great sex? and foreplay?

    me or king kong? any smurf will do me. "lolling the salty blue bulb on your tongue".. mmm
  14. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    What are you listening to?

    when she said to justin's brother, "you're the shy one" i thought she was going to point at him too. sounds an iota softer that Scots to me, maybe Scouse (liverpool) but someone from England would have to confirm. M5GXj1jwb1U
  15. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Artilce:Big Breasted Women more Intelligent?

    stats huh? i heard about a survey that studied men cheating and size of genitalia.. apparently if you want to hook up with a loyal man ladies, find one with a small package..
  16. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    word association game

  17. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Getting Over Vanity

    lol LC.. is this what this is about afs? you wanting to 'land a hot chick?' and being scared, ashamed and feeling guilty that that is what you want? if that's the case then good luck penetrating the awe-inspiring veneer that is beauty. otherwise, what i said earlier.. and what are you supposed...
  18. PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    Happy Birthday PoWer2tHePeOpLE

    lol idle the little termite burrowing into threads.. so long idle. of course i will share my cheesecakes, nothing brings out the true cheesiness like shared cake.. (what the hell does that mean?.. it's late for me :] there's chocolate and strawberry.. dig in friends! :) thankyou minty and evie :)