I don't buy this "real life" distinction, frankly.
The internet is real life. ALL is real life. There are real people on the other end of the screen. Flesh and blood.
Well, that was not my intention, and you know it. I am a member of multiple internet fora. I'm the owner and admin of one. I have an active Facebook presence. My online life is busy. You are not special, and nor am I. If I were to pretend I knew all the personal details of everybody on ALL...
I like people like this. They make life worth living.
Sydney people of a certain age will remember "Laughing Charlie". A street person. He was that rarest of rare things - an Asian alcoholic. He'd walk around with his bottle of god-knows-what in a brown paper bag, and be laughing his...
Seahorse, I have defended you on here before. I can't help liking you. I don't know much about you. I think I know your gender, I don't know your age, ethnicity, what country you're from. And I don't care. I can see a goodness in you.
But for chrissakes, pull your finger out of your ass...
I haven't read the entire thread, but survivalists are full of it.
A hostile state explodes a nuclear device high in the exosphere. No damage to buildings, but no need. Magnetic pulse. All electonics fried. No post-1970s cars will run, so no emergency vehicles. Power will go out. Water...
Only problem is, if you go old school and visit a physical bank branch to make a deposit or withdrawal, they just process it over the same internet anyway.
Anyway, AC/DC, you say? Have some early 70s Melbourne....
Thanks brother. There are a couple of people on here I care about. Both Canadian. You're one of them. You take care, brother.
And Lifeline has NEVER been billed as a suicide line. It's a general crisis line. It's only a suicide line in the strange workings of my ex's brain (for want of a...
Hmm. Ex was a Lifeline counsellor. I assume you ghave something similar in Canada. A crisis line. I called them. I needed it. Turned out to be crap. but OK. They have to follow a script. Not their fault.
She's not only a counsellor but a senior counsellor trainer. All empathetic and...
I don't share my birthday. I'm not one of those prissy people who won't divulge their age. I'm 47. But you don't need to know my birthday. I dislike the fake attention.
Naked is good, but you do realise anybody can be naked, right? Kim Jong un, Trump., the Queen, that guy who won the donut eating competition, Comic Store Guy from the Simpsons, Mother Teresa, ... Be careful what you wish for. :D