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  1. Solitary man

    Are you spending Xmas alone?

    Nice post, Serena, and thanks for that.
  2. Solitary man

    Are you spending Xmas alone?

    This year I shall be spending Xmas alone, as I have done for the past 15 years. All my immediately family are dead, and what extended family I have in England don't want to know me. I'm a chronic loner and social recluse. Truth be told, I'm also a bit of a misanthrope. I don't like most people...
  3. Solitary man

    Have you ever had a REAL friend?

    And your point is? Are you going anywhere constructive with this?
  4. Solitary man

    Have you ever had a REAL friend?

    Truth is strength. The phonies are insecure, weak people. Strong, genuine people will recognise and appreciate your authenticity, whilst the phonies shall cower in fear, for fear you tell the truth about them.
  5. Solitary man

    Have you ever had a REAL friend?

    I didn't say or hint at that at all. What I did say was that I noticed a lot of people were selfish, egotistical and phony. That observation is not being "in tune" with people's negative side, it is merely noticing it.
  6. Solitary man

    The meaning of YOUR life

    The Monty Python team were the best. I loved all of their work, and a good comedy movie really does help to lighten life's load, as when you are laughing you are not taking life too seriously. Laughter actually releases feel good chemicals called 'endorphins' into the body, so if we laughed more...
  7. Solitary man

    The meaning of YOUR life

    Did you issue this lady a circumlocutory lecture, offer her a "fix" for her life, accompanied by a plethora of unrequested advice on how she should be thinking, the same way you did with me? I have a very firm suspicion that you are either a scammer or just someone who enjoys messing with...
  8. Solitary man

    Have you ever had a REAL friend?

    So essentially what you are saying is that you recognise the presence of selfish, egotistical and phony people in society and you have no time for them. Thank you for validating my perception, albeit in a gratuitously circumlocutory and evasive manner.
  9. Solitary man

    The meaning of YOUR life

    If meaninglessness is anyone's meaning in life, and that makes them happy, fair play to them. I once knew a girl who described life as "just a ride". She suffered from psychotic depression, was an alcoholic, heavy drug user and promiscuous to the point of contracting STD's, and she did hurt a...
  10. Solitary man

    The meaning of YOUR life

    Interesting ramble. I think Darwin probably got it right; our purpose is to mindlessly reproduce, survival of the fittest etc., and when you look around and see the mommys and daddy's and their children everywhere, you begin to think "Are they even aware that they are just slaves to the...
  11. Solitary man

    Have you ever had a REAL friend?

    Facade definition: "An outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality". That's what I've detected in an awful lot of people. Ever get the impression that there is something not quite right about someone you've just met, but you can't quite put your finger...
  12. Solitary man

    Have you ever had a REAL friend?

    Woops! Killed my own thread with an awkward question.
  13. Solitary man

    The meaning of YOUR life

    Most people who have registered on this site are lonely people and those who are experiencing existential pain. For whatever reason, our individual lifestyles have led to feelings of social isolation and a sense of detachment. Many of us suffer from depression, low self-esteem and social...
  14. Solitary man

    Have you ever had a REAL friend?

    It's not about assuming or expecting the worst from other people, it's about seeing people for who and what they are. I'm 45 years old, and I can say without doubt, that the three most common character traits I have identified in people are selfishness, egotism and phoniness. Now, is that...
  15. Solitary man

    Being my own worst enemy

    I know exactly what you mean, as I am similar. Just be careful not to criticise women on this site, even if the criticism is valid and truthful, as it results in a ban.
  16. Solitary man

    I feel like a scum bag

    Don't feel too bad about it. What you are failing to consider is that most of these women you are chatting to are also probably talking to 15-20 other guys and know that they are leading you on, and don't care. It's all a mind-game, and mind-games are what women like playing.
  17. Solitary man

    Have you ever had a REAL friend?

    What if your powers of perception are finely honed with life experience and you are just a lot more capable of seeing through everyone's facade?
  18. Solitary man

    It's okay to be a misanthrope

    Well of course there is some generalisation inherent with the very definition of misanthropy. Misanthropes dislike people in general, but I'm sure most are also capable of acknowledging that there are some good, decent people out there, it's just that they seem to be increasingly hard to find...
  19. Solitary man

    Have you ever had a REAL friend?

    So-called "friends" come and go, and whilst many people have life-long friends they can trust and who are loyal, I think most of us have temporary friends; people we hang out with for a while, and who then eventually disappear from our lives for good. Have you ever had a friend who you could...
  20. Solitary man

    It's okay to be a misanthrope

    What if you one day come to the realisation that virtually everyone around you is a selfish, egotistical, phony and that there is no-one genuine you can talk to? What if you see through people's facade, their act, their control dramas and their sly, devious, controlling, deceitful and...