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  1. Memyself

    Comic relief

  2. Memyself

    Do any of you life a life totally alone without ANY friends or family?

    Just me and the dog for 10 years.
  3. Memyself

    Comic relief

  4. Memyself

    Comic relief

  5. Memyself

    Fake outrage

    Yes, but the mask hunters are particularly pushing fake outrage on their audience.
  6. Memyself

    Fake outrage

    I thought it’s obvious. Picture is real, mask hunters outrage is fake as she was outdoors and drinking. . Fake outrage, usually generated as a way of trying to create a controversy for the purpose of political smearing.
  7. Memyself

    Are there any weird smells that you actually like?

    That’s just freaky. What’s next, develop my idea of choking people though an app?
  8. Memyself

    Comic relief

  9. Memyself

    Are there any weird smells that you actually like?

    Rubber tires and glue of course
  10. Memyself

    Still relevant. Never gets old. Just worse

    I agree, thanks for posting. Citizen untied was a spear though the heart of democracy. Hell, they run a ghost candidate, with similar platform to a democrat to siphon votes away. All with dark money, and they were successful. Money and gerrymandering are producing idiots for Congress.
  11. Memyself

    Still relevant. Never gets old. Just worse

    Word! America lives from old glory, keeps parroting propaganda about its greatness, while falling behind.
  12. Memyself

    Random act of kindness

    Yes $75 is quite a chunk, which made me extra uncomfortable. Smoothing tells me that lady did not care about the amount.
  13. Memyself

    Comic relief

    For you Sarah
  14. Memyself

    Comic relief

  15. Memyself

    Random act of kindness

    Good for you, but now I am curious about all the badness.
  16. Memyself

    Random act of kindness

    Have you experienced it, or done something nice for a stranger? Recently, I was the recipient. With my bad luck, I still can’t believe it. I went to a grocery store, at the cash register and frantically dug through my wallet, bag, once, twice… no credit card. Embarrassed, while apologizing to...
  17. Memyself

    Comic relief

  18. Memyself

    Fake outrage

    Breaking: Democrats dare to vacation in covid infested Florida! Breaking: AOC pictured in a crowded outdoor setting wants YOU to be afraid! Breaking: Democrats failed to figure how to drink with the mask on!
  19. Memyself

    Good gravy, enough is enough..

    They don’t believe numbers, everything is a lie. Still waiting for someone to explain to me government’s interest in lying. Lying to scare you, so they can jab you and put that damn chip on you, ha! Hiding vaccine deaths to kill as many workers so job openings stay un filled, just great for...
  20. Memyself

    Good gravy, enough is enough..

    There is a huge market for people who want a plot to everything, nothing is as is. The huge fear of government is laughable, since most government and pundits fueling fears are vaxxed. Marco Rubio snagged one before grandpa. Stiil waiting for 5g to spread it all over and get it done.