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  1. Memyself

    Good gravy, enough is enough..

    No I do not. You are made part brain part conspiracy. If you did not notice, life as we know it is disrupted everywhere. I can only imagine insanity if covid started under Biden.
  2. Memyself

    Good gravy, enough is enough..

    I suppose scientist should just quit and go fill some other much more needed jobs. Maybe flip some burgers… Just quit researching already, we must not comply
  3. Memyself

    Good gravy, enough is enough..

    Aha, virus is an excuse…. and by that you mean global conspiracy so US can spend money… Thanks for your participation Brazil, India France…
  4. Memyself

    Good gravy, enough is enough..

    Luck of the draw, more like Russian roulette. Lol, vaxx for thee but not for me. But sure, not anti at all, just waiting to see if sheep will start growing elephant trunks.
  5. Memyself

    Good gravy, enough is enough..

    Vaccine never promised 100% efficacy. What is starting to really piss me off, unvaccinated literally celebrating that vaccines failed to stop Covid. Just sad and psychopathic. I will never regret being a team player, and I reserve the right to believe we would be much better off without insanity...
  6. Memyself

    Good gravy, enough is enough..

    Vaccinated person I know, kicked Covid in 5 days at home. Unvaccinated person I know was in the hospital 3 weeks and died. Yep, celebration will continue, as well as noses hanging outside the mask.
  7. Memyself

    Why don't I feel scared about getting Covid?

    Except covid being more contagious, being spread asymptomatically until someone drops dead. So, media is lying just so you can get a vaccine? It’s true that Covid messes with underlying conditions. and kills lots of people. I guess they are worthless and deserve it.
  8. Memyself

    Good gravy, enough is enough..

    77K covid cases reported in FL yester day. Nice revolution you got going.
  9. Memyself

    Comic relief

  10. Memyself

    Comic relief

  11. Memyself

    Comic relief

  12. Memyself

    Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

    Haha, antivaxx are trying everything and hope it sticks.
  13. Memyself

    Why don't I feel scared about getting Covid?

    For the record, I am not scared. I started my lonely life in 2018, because I couldn’t handle disappointment in people any longer. Due to that, covid restrictions did not affect me as much. I don’t have health insurance either and would probably just suck on the gas if I got really sick. At this...
  14. Memyself

    Why don't I feel scared about getting Covid?

    I saw a clip this morning which made me wonder if your post was inspired by Joe Rogan, what you wrote is pretty much what he said. Yet, he did not choose to depend on his health, insted gobbled up ivermectin and to be sure took monoclonal antibody treatment. Must have felt pretty scared to do...
  15. Memyself

    Wtf Alexa?

    Doubt it. But Alexa is a super spy and able to do truly weird stuff.
  16. Memyself

    Why don't I feel scared about getting Covid?

    You socialist 😂
  17. Memyself

    Why don't I feel scared about getting Covid?

    She was dragged by conservatives, again bitching about the government telling you what to eat. This is my favorite “some conservatives even suggested that Obama was endangering people, blaming an increase in pedestrian deaths on the first lady’s campaign by saying that Americans were putting...