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  1. Memyself

    Why don't I feel scared about getting Covid?

    Dearest, life is such that one day you are heathy, the next day you wake up with a pre-existing condition. Be humble.
  2. Memyself

    Why don't I feel scared about getting Covid?

    You mean like Michelle Obama’s “let’s move” campaign and attempt on healthier school lunches? How did that work out? I will say it again - it’s us, problem is us! We can bitch about government, but it’s us! Only if we fix us, we will be able to fix our government.
  3. Memyself

    Wtf Alexa?

    Take the hammer and smash it! The only people who should own it are the blind or otherwise disabled.
  4. Memyself

    Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

    I just can’t with you… I know the type, if government said Contagious and potentially deadly virus is coming do as you please, you would bitch about it too. They are giving free vaccine, if they charged for it you would be livid. Yes, Trumpy bear did not have patience for longer shutdowns...
  5. Memyself

    Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

    They, they they, you mean Tump who set the tone for all this ********, confessed on tape nonetheless. They, they they, you mean people we elect and are able to change up if they suck? Honestly, I was never as defensive about the government until this intense and somewhat unjust hatred of the...
  6. Memyself

    Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

    I was hoping to be done, but your clam that you are not inflexible is ********. you must have read replies since you commented back, that vaccines were made and were effective for original virus. Antibodies were strong and vaccinated did not spread. Then came delta and veining immunity. Explan...
  7. Memyself

    Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

    Mr I do my own research - masks were tested and regular cloth mask is 20% effective, next is surgical, then N954. If you spend time in cloth mask with infected person aerosolized virus will get to you. If you really cared to learn, you’d know that. N95 were gobbled up originally, but now they...
  8. Memyself

    Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

    To the above… you are stubborn and just want to beat your own drum. Some points you are making were discussed in prior covid threads but you choose to overlook it, because you pre determined which facts you are going to stick with. People are upset because we want this over with. I am not going...
  9. Memyself

    Outlaw Something

    Yet, you can’t stop talking about it, smh
  10. Memyself

    Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

    Wow, that’s a lot of people, so sorry. I was with the friend yesterday, spent time in the car, later he texts his son in law tested positive and they live in the same household. They are all vaccinated. His wife is a teacher, she got breakthrough probably got it in classroom, but no one else in...
  11. Memyself

    Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

    When it all started, I saw an expert say eventually everyone will be infected. I was like “nah…” Now I am like wtf? DOD, is testing their vaccine they started developing, suppose to be super effective on all mutants. If approve, I will bet all I have it will be snubbed even more.
  12. Memyself

    Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

    Really? Just now several restaurants closed due to employee covid, Cruise ship not allowed to dock, I belive 42 crew got sick. Mini Trump doing great job banning all mandates in FL, 31k newly infected. Hospitals in the North are full, so all non covid issues are out of luck. Looks to me as if...
  13. Memyself

    using social media and having poor outcomes with wellbeing

    I despise evil FB, I commend you for doing it. Not giving Zuck data gives me great pleasure.
  14. Memyself

    Post freely on this board

    Try volunteering
  15. Memyself

    Comic relief

    Don’t look up!
  16. Memyself

    Comic relief

  17. Memyself

    Comic relief

  18. Memyself

    Comic relief

  19. Memyself

    Comic relief

  20. Memyself


    WTF has happened to chronological order? Start watching something, next thing you see 1973, 6 months earlier, 3 days ago…. Head spinning, annoying and I can’t get used to this new normal.