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  1. ewomack

    Want to keep it Platonic

    I have studied Buddhism and I really like a lot of aspects of Buddhism, especially compassion, loving kindness and mindfulness, but I'm not a practicing Buddhist. I have a hard time being anything but an agnostic awaiting more evidence. That said, I study all kinds of religions and find them all...
  2. ewomack

    Want to keep it Platonic

    I have heard of that, but "beauty contest" might be a little misleading. It's really not too much different from the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show held in the US annually, which, in the end, could also arguably be called a "beauty contest" for dogs. Camels are extremely highly regarded in the...
  3. ewomack

    What are you listening to?

  4. ewomack

    What are you eating/drinking right now?

    Chocolate Chip cookie dough (not the kind that will give me semolina, either)
  5. ewomack

    Total Turn Off...

    Just be careful, don't take anything for granted and if something seems off, it just might be. Ask questions and find out. Don't get caught in an untrusting one-way relationship. It's easy to do.
  6. ewomack

    Total Turn Off...

    A number of years ago I woke up one morning and my (first) wife told me that she didn't want to be married to me anymore. It seemed out of the blue, we had recently returned from an overseas vacation and everything seemed fine. Then that happened. Looking back, I brushed the signs to the side...
  7. ewomack

    Total Turn Off...

    "I just wish he could be as perfect as I know he can" that is a huge red flag statement for both you and for him. It makes me think that you're standards are too high, don't know what you want, or you are in the wrong relationship. No one will ever be "perfect" and no one should try to make...
  8. ewomack

    What are you listening to?

  9. ewomack

    Cleavage Tattoo

    Trust me, many people have tattoos in far more "interesting" places than that.
  10. ewomack

    Questions for the Men

    I never noticed that girls being present made bullying any worse. Some guys like beating other guys up even without witnesses. It seemed like a mere sport to them. But more than once, I heard girls screaming "stop it!" when they witnessed bullying and most of the time the guys would stop. Yet I...
  11. ewomack

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  12. ewomack

    Music from Guam, where im from. what do you think?

    I've always wondered about music from Guam - I like those two songs (but I do tend to like just about anything). Is there a Chamorro music scene? Thanks for sharing.
  13. ewomack

    Do you listen to Punk Rock?

    I know they're kind of pop punk, but I still like them enough...
  14. ewomack

    Do you listen to Punk Rock?

  15. ewomack

    People who believe they're God

    Swami Vivekananda used to tell crowds "you are all gods!" But I think he had something else in mind. Here are loads of quotes about his idea of God, including the quote "You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself." He was a Vedantist, which implies monotheism, but with subtleties...
  16. ewomack

    anyone ever get a peaceful/pleasant feeling when sleeping?

    When I'm not having nightmares or waking up suddenly at 4 AM, then sleep does tend to be peaceful.
  17. ewomack

    Mini rant- Once a cheat?

    I'm fine, but thanks for asking. You're probably referring to my recent lack of posts in certain threads. If so, I just started questioning the effort that it often takes to delineate my sometimes less than orthodox views. Since they're difficult to explain in a few sentences, I just decided...
  18. ewomack

    Time wasted.

    Excellent name for a cat! Does she have Rorschach looking patterns on her fur?
  19. ewomack

    Rude to strangers when they deserve it

    It's really hard to tell one Pentecostal from another here, so it's understandable why we would get confused.
  20. ewomack

    Mini rant- Once a cheat?

    That wasn't directed at you, but it doesn't matter.