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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. ewomack

    Mini rant- Once a cheat?

    If you post something on a public forum, people have the right to judge or not judge you and you equally have the right to take it to heart or not. If you don't like being judged, then why do you post certain things here? That's the risk of putting things out there. I've been judged here as...
  2. ewomack

    What are you listening to?

  3. ewomack

    I apologize if i do not always respond

    I completely get it. I don't share a lot of the stuff I post here in the flesh, either. I prefer to stay completely anonymous and I'll keep it that way. Don't worry if people get testy about you responding or not. You don't have to respond and it's your own business whether you respond or not.
  4. ewomack

    Meeting members.

    Yes, I'm here to remain anonymous. As such, I don't really have any intention of meeting anyone here in person, or I'm at least not planning on it. I don't really share a lot of personal information about myself with people in "real life." Many of the stories I've shared here I've never shared...
  5. ewomack

    Common Thread

    I don't share things about myself for attention or sympathy, either, but I guess people can think what they like. One can only get so much sympathy or attention from a forum anyway. I share more as a sanity check or just to communicate. I'm also not looking for special treatment, but other...
  6. ewomack

    People Pleaser?

    My sympathies. That is a tough one. If I want to, I can play the role of people pleaser, which usually involves a lot of smiling, nodding and asking just enough questions and saying "wow" just enough times to feign interest. Then I escape without saying what I'm really thinking. I suggest a...
  7. ewomack

    What made you laugh today?

  8. ewomack

    Questions for the Men

    Here is an area where I do have a real preference: The smarter the better. A woman sitting in a corner reading (glasses a plus) will attract me more than any "dressed to kill" woman anywhere. In fact, I usually find the "dressed to kill" type a turnoff (again, learned the hard way). Women should...
  9. ewomack

    Questions for the Men

    I would prefer to workout with my partner. My wife and I used to work out together often (we really need to get back into it). Plus, it helps the motivation. If you're going together it's harder to make excuses not to go. And if you can't get hot and sweaty with your partner, then, well... really...
  10. ewomack

    Rude to strangers when they deserve it

    Well, it is hard watching people progressing from a Pentecostal perspective. That's truth that's hard to deny. I try and shout "Hey! Stop progressing! I'm a Pentacostalist!" but it never seems to work. It's like they want to progress, despite my Pentacosalitstic nature. I mean, come on people!
  11. ewomack

    Questions for the Women

    Standing ovation! Wild rounds of applause! I could not agree more. As a man who openly sought therapy when once in deep pain, I'm glad that I didn't have any stigma about pursuing it. I don't know what I would have done otherwise, but the pain would have likely manifested itself in nasty ways...
  12. ewomack

    Happy to get to know you

    Welcome, Philip. Can I ask which country you study law in? Does York refer to York, UK?
  13. ewomack

    Movies A-Z

    Xanadu (I wouldn't recommend it)
  14. ewomack

    being rude to sales staff when they deserve it

    No, my pastor told me that he really loves me. He loves me so much that he... oh, wait, he told me never to talk about that part...
  15. ewomack

    What is your weather like right now?

    WHOA! 18°F here. HEAT WAVE!!!! It's sad when any temperature above 0 is cause for celebration.
  16. ewomack

    Rude to strangers when they deserve it

    You don't have any video of these episodes, by chance? I'd love to see them.
  17. ewomack

    Trauma for a better life?

    I'm not sure if my traumas (that's what the therapists I've seen call them, at least) qualify as big or small, most likely small-medium. For the most part, they absolutely floored me for a period of time and then they made me more aware, more introspective and more motivated. The healing process...
  18. ewomack

    being rude to sales staff when they deserve it

    I think I'm now settling on #4.
  19. ewomack

    Cat Person or Dog Person?

    There is a Shih Tzu joke you should know - be a hit at parties: "I had been hearing about this great zoo, so I decided to visit it the other day. Wow, what a disappointment. They only had one animal. Just a dog. It was a shih tzu." I told that to a Shih Tzu breeder and she laughed for 5...
  20. ewomack


    I suppose one day isn't enough. It looks like the next one is February 27th! We'll have to celebrate! I'll bring the little sphincter-shaped noisemakers!