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  1. beingnobody

    What drives you crazy

    Intellectual laziness
  2. beingnobody

    What are you thinking right now?

    Tubby the Toddler Trump is a national psychosis
  3. beingnobody

    Do you have any tattoos?

    Hate it
  4. beingnobody


    There's a fine line between debate and argument. Sharia Christians are too stone brained for debate
  5. beingnobody


    Sounds like a sewer
  6. beingnobody


    WTF is religion "off limits?" Why is this single topic forbidden to criticize or question? It is embarrassing that anyone should be so fragile and touchy over mere words. I don't even know how any book has ever survived this assault on words and thought.
  7. beingnobody

    Where's the beef?

    I.e. politics
  8. beingnobody

    What are you watching

    CSI, original
  9. beingnobody

    What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

    Religion is more harmful to children than drag queen library time or hearing the word "gay."
  10. beingnobody

    Sack of snot..

    Watching this morning TV preacherman John Hagee spinning a load of absolute cow manure "rapture" "prophecy" fear mongering guilt tripping to a cathedral full of vapid zombies who have the collective intelligence of a cup of jello Sitcom. Insult to human intelligence
  11. beingnobody

    Lurking among us...

    You are funny
  12. beingnobody

    Lurking among us...

    But people like that guy, who interpret the Bible the same way as that guy, have full churches, and influence millions of people who agree with them and vote. Most rational Christians I know don't vote
  13. beingnobody

    Lurking among us...

    So you are anti-freedom, like DeSantis
  14. beingnobody

    Lurking among us...

    You sound a lot like the lady claiming she foun evidence of voter fraud from voices in the wind and messages in song lyrics. I like reality and facts. Not Tucker Carlson proven lies
  15. beingnobody

    Lurking among us...

    ProZac might help with that
  16. beingnobody

    Lurking among us...

    Religion is the dumbing down of humanity,. First, and original sin mentioned in the Bible is knowledge. Donald Trump reflects that ignorance brutally, as does Faux "news."
  17. beingnobody

    Lurking among us...

    I just watched a TV preacherman refer to a naked woman as "evil." THAT my friends, is why religion is threat to humanity.
  18. beingnobody

    What are your favorite tv shows? What shows are you currently watching?

    Any zoo or veterinary or science based show. I hate reality TV. Most of today TV is brain rot. Very little is Intellectually stimulating