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  1. beingnobody

    Old wrinkled virgin: the many things I've never...

    I am an accomplished fuddydud. Someone just called me "Boomhauer" and I immediately thought of all the many trendy and popular things I've never:. I had to search the term.. Never seen a single episode of King of the Hill, Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Stranger...
  2. beingnobody

    why do people label age?

    Dunno what this means
  3. beingnobody

    Once a day: What are you thankful for?

    Honestly, I never know how to respond to this question. Maybe I'm overthinking it (I do that a lot). The question implies to me that thanks needs to be specifically directed, such as "to" a person, or entity, and I am not a "believer." An obvious answer seems to be happy to be alive, which I...
  4. beingnobody

    What are you watching right now?

    Star Trek NG.
  5. beingnobody

    What are you listening to?

    I am listening to my brain rattle in the darkness at 4:30am. It is like a Cuisinart full of bicycle chains. So much banging around that wants to flood the world but can not find a way to freedom. It is. constant, even during the day. Pure, hellish agony.
  6. beingnobody

    What are you thinking right now?

    People are strange.
  7. beingnobody

    Do you have any tattoos?

    I would give myself a vasectomy with a pair of rusty hedge trimmers before I'd get a tattoo
  8. beingnobody

    Best advice you'd give yourself but never take.

    Keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself, self.
  9. beingnobody

    Low hanging fruit... IQ measurement?

    Psychologists enjoy giving these intelligence/cognitive function tests but seemingly avoid giving IQ scores, imo, anyway. My tests spanned over two consecutive days
  10. beingnobody

    2nd entry: pajama pants/loungewear.

    Do you wear pajamas/lounge pants, out of the house, in public? It seems society is trying to shame people for wearing this apparel in public. First off, there is not much more disgusting to me than public shaming and guilt tripping. The word "lazy" imo, is one of the most vulgar, obscene...
  11. beingnobody

    Low hanging fruit... IQ measurement?

    If you go take a taste with Mensa, which is similar to tests my psychiatrist gave me it seems IQ is mainly a measurement of problem solving ability, more than information retention.
  12. beingnobody

    Curious cat

    Who all eats brown rice? How often do you eat any rice? I keep ordering my brown rice for pickup at Walmart but they keep telling me it's "unavailable" but when I walk inside the store the shelf is full. My family only eats white sticky rice, with butter and granulated sugar. (Abomination )...
  13. beingnobody

    Revelation: political satire?

    I am a DS9 (Deep Space Nine) freak, and constantly watch and binge the complete series. DS9 is my favorite of the Star Trek franchise, Odo my favorite character. Anyway I just today noticed how much the Ferengi species resemble and have in common with American Republicans
  14. beingnobody

    What are you listening to?

  15. beingnobody


    I purge belongings all the time and tell my family I don't want to be remembered. Burn my remains and throw them in a dumpster, or over the rails into the stream. They are always trying to get their paws on my clutter, and always "claiming" things in advance. They will never figure out the...
  16. beingnobody


    As long as your departure does not inflict harm on anyone else
  17. beingnobody

    What are you listening to?

    That eye
  18. beingnobody


    Show up at mom's Christmas morning in full makeup, an evening gown and 6 inch heels. Drop some fruitcake off at the neighbors on the way.
  19. beingnobody

    what was the last movie you saw?

    Just finished The Power of the Dog. A truly powerful movie.
  20. beingnobody

    Low hanging fruit... IQ measurement?

    Specific to America, where the "average" IQ is supposedly around 99, I think the debate is largely speculative. Do you know anyone who has ever been professionally measured for IQ by any source responsible for documenting and reporting results? Have you ever taken(and completed) a verifiable...