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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Lilianna

    Folk Music

  2. Lilianna

    Keep one, Junk one

    I scream (you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream)
  3. Lilianna

    favorite words

    You must, flowers make the world go round!
  4. Lilianna

    favorite words

    Hhhhhmmmm, if I had to pick one favorite word it would have to be Horticulture Definition according to WIKIPEDIA: Horticulture is the science, technology, and business involved in intensive plant cultivation for human use. Definition according to Merriam Webster Dictionary: the science and art...
  5. Lilianna

    What are you thinking right now?

    Thinking; Don't squish it, gently capture it in a tissue and put it outside, if possible!
  6. Lilianna

    How do I handle this after all these years?

    Yep, I know what you mean, I always give people the benefit of the doubt, and if I'm wrong...oh well. :P
  7. Lilianna

    What are you listening to?

    :) another track sent to me by friend :) Really nice, I like this song. wGW1hXJryY8
  8. Lilianna

    Nostalgia: what memories make you feel great?

    I don't have nostalgic memories as in longing for the past, but I have a lot of happy memories from the past. My parents recently had a couple of CD's made up of all our family movies, it was awesome, I laughed so hard I cried! When I was still at home, and 2 of my sisters were still young...
  9. Lilianna

    New Aussie member here.

    Welcome! :)
  10. Lilianna

    Comment on the Avatar above you

    Beautiful ladyforsaken, it wouldn't matter what avatar you use it would look beautiful.
  11. Lilianna


    Go for it Splurge, buy him a new kettle! :P
  12. Lilianna

    Happy Birthday, Sterling!

    Happy Birthday! :)
  13. Lilianna

    Hurt to the point of crying

    I second this^^^ As well as other posts that talk about there not being "ugly" people at all, just different, and there is something beautiful about every person I ever met. OP by societies standards (cause lets face it the majority does judge by looks a lot), you are considered attractive...
  14. Lilianna

    Sibling Rivalry

    You say you bath everyday and you think that should be enough, but it's not, if it was they wouldn't have so many different kinds of deodorant, so many that it takes up large section of shelving in the store.
  15. Lilianna

    Do people actually care?

    This is a really active forum, people not only read the posts but answer a lot more here than most forums I've experienced. I personally read every post but don't answer every post, it all depends on whether I feel I can relate or give good advice, whether I reply to a post or not. But be...
  16. Lilianna

    A song I wrote about loneliness

    Welcome! Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad, hope you feel better soon.
  17. Lilianna


    Welcome! :)
  18. Lilianna

    raising self esteem

    I can only tell you what helps me, the more I am true to myself and not care what others think the more self esteem I have. There is way more to it than that though, hard to explain. The more I help others or make others happy, the more self esteem I have. A big one is I find when I am feeling...