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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Lilianna

    Helpful article to do with Happiness
  2. Lilianna

    What are you listening to?

  3. Lilianna

    Things You Miss

    A close connection with someone, I have people in my life I feel close to, but what I mean is a "soul connection" (can't explain it, it is an unreal otherworldly feeling, and others can see it between 2 people) with someone, it's extremely rare but I have had it before, would like that again...
  4. Lilianna

    Fear of arrogance

    LOL I mean I feel the way you described not about you! :P :D
  5. Lilianna

    все игры наруто онлайн не скачивать

    I can't read your post. Welcome! :)
  6. Lilianna

    Fear of arrogance

    Rosebolt, I feel that way all the time. :(
  7. Lilianna

    In one word. Post your current mood.

    Goofy Yeah really!
  8. Lilianna

    Down by the Bay

    Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow, back to my home, I dare not go, for if I do, my mother would say, Did you ever see a opossum ordering dim sum? Down by the bay.
  9. Lilianna

    Unjumble my jumble

    broken reetndnac
  10. Lilianna

    LadyForsaken is the one to listen to!

    LadyForsaken you are a wonderful person <3, very caring, compassionate, and wise. Thank you LadyForsaken for all the time you take to make others feel better, you are a really sweet person, and appreciated. :)
  11. Lilianna


  12. Lilianna

    What are you listening to?

    A friend of mine sent this track to me on, made my day!!! :) BubnTG10QSo jktD538SB8Y
  13. Lilianna


    Hey sis! Welcome! :)
  14. Lilianna

    why do i hate myself?

    LOL :D
  15. Lilianna


    (((Edward W))) :)
  16. Lilianna

    Unjumble my jumble

    accept eeccdno edited to fix my misspelled jumbled word lol
  17. Lilianna

    sense of humour

    Some of my favorites; Fawlty Towers, Dear John and last but not least; Are You Being Served and from the 90's...Keeping Up Appearances and Ab Fab (Absolutely Fabulous) LOL And so many more. :D
  18. Lilianna

    Hey! ^^

    Welcome! :)
  19. Lilianna

    Is Rap Real Music?

    aEuB6F7CLKI wD5s6X56mBs