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    Reaching out. Looking ahead.

    @Puppykat56 I live in the Charlotte area of North Carolina and have pretty much my whole life, besides two years in New Jersey (which I totally hated) and 4 years in Miami Florida (which I kind of liked but didn't miss). Sorry it took me a long time to respond.
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    I'm staying 🙂

    @sunflowergirl1306 please don't leave, I know I haven't joined a lot recently a lot has happened and I'm just doing my best to keep things going day to day, but when I came here I was so low, and you were the one who helped me so much (along with others). So please stay everyone likes you...
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    I'm a 31 year old guy, frustrated with being judged for only wanting to date younger women.

    @DeadDreamsWhispering I believe as long as it is two consenting adults there is nothing wrong with it no matter what the age difference, my mother was 21 when she married my 44 year old father, and of course that did not work out, would anyone expect it to, but they did have three children...
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    Job Vacancy

    I have seen the same thing, I live in North Carolina and here there is an extremely high demand to hire for both skilled and non skilled jobs. they did an article in the paper about businesses that were having to close their doors not because of a lack of customers but the inability to find...
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    I had a terrible High School Experience, I was bullied relentlessly, I dropped out when I was 16 years old because I couldn't stand it anymore, plus I wanted to party all the time, I got a GED, went to community college and got an associates degree so I didn't turn out bad.
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    Eye contact

    I try to look people in the eyes when I talk to them, I talk to most people on the phone while I'm working, but whenever I do meet someone in person I try always looking them in the eyes. Like @Finished said it a lot of times makes people uncomfortable and they try to look away. And when I see...
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    Hi! New here!

    Welcome here @NoahG1
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    human contact

    I am alone most of the time, but I do crave human contact and I try to put myself out there for it. I work, and during my work hours I talk to customers and my teammates, 95% of our conversations revolve around work, and that's alright at least I'm not boring them. Now I work at home so I never...
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    answer and ask a question

    The Shining, If you could visit anyplace in the world, where would you go?
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    answer and ask a question

    Steak, whats your dream car?
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    answer and ask a question

    1520. I googled it. What's your favorite sport to watch?
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    answer and ask a question

    Miserably hot, temps in the high 90's, feels like 110 with the heat index. What kind of music do you like?
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    Ask and answer

    A hot day or a cold day?
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    Ask and answer

    Baked potatos.
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    90s tv shows

    I don't really really remember what i watched then but I didn't watch any of the iconic shows mentioned here. I more remember the music from the 90's like the 90's grundge stuff like alice in chains and soundgarden, that's what I liked then.
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    answer and ask a question

    I like animals but I have none I recently read the art of loving by Erich fromm, iliked it, I saw "the power of the dog" on Netflix, which I enjoyed. What's your favorite thing to eat?
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    It's bad and it's affecting a lot of people. I know I moved and rent is completely out of control. Not only is rent so high but every nice place has 20 people trying to rent it. So there's that too. According to everything I'm reading it's only getting worse too. Things aren't going back down...
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    Asking for advice, or just opinions, or w/e

    @chasingowls I like your post because I'm also in the same situation as you. I stay at home, bored, pass the time binging netflix and hulu series, being online, and just waiting until it's time to work, which BTW I also do from home, so I basically never leave my house, if I do I go to the...
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    @Cherubino one hand?
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    what do you do?

    @mizera yes I know that seems to be how it goes. The person I was talking about goes on for hours too about herself and it's always stories about people I don't know and things I don't care about. She would do talk to text, and her vocabulary is really bad so I ended up getting books of text...