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  1. Brian

    hear me out & help me?

    Hey, man. That sounds pretty rough. I was watching a documentary discussing why culture is so important to us as people, and basically it comes down to the fact that we as humans are more or less afraid of being temporary. A culture lets us feel like we are a part of, and contributing to...
  2. Brian

    So it seems I have to become a jerk, but........

    OP, I sent you a PM. Hopefully it helps. Check your inbox. suckaG sums it up pretty well, though, in one line. You don't have to be a dick. You don't have to wear popped collars or call people 'Bro' or drink light beer. a male. Not like, farting and scratching your armpits. Just...
  3. Brian

    have i wasted my life for 8 yrs

    I'm going to go out on a limb here. I think it's absurd for people to go in to college ater high school. These are kids (I'm only 23, but stick with me here) with no experience of what life is actually like, plunging themselves in to an adolescent fantasy land where, again, they will get no...
  4. Brian

    Nothing ever works...

    Unless you work with mature adults, in which case this will get you completely and totally shunned, as in the case of a would-be EMT at my agency who pretty much doesn't have a shot at advancement because he's a cocky meathead and it's painfully easy to see through his juvenile ****. The other...
  5. Brian

    Social tips?

    I wouldn't say there is a right or a wrong way to be social, but there are patterns that people tend to follow in communication whether they realize it or not. Part of being able to hold a conversation, talk about things, and catch the interest of people around you is having 'social capital'...
  6. Brian

    do you feel your age?

    Some days I feel 45. I certainly relate better to the 28-30+ crowd than I do my own age group, usually. But at heart I wish I was still 10 or so, or even younger. Playing with legos, watching he-man, playing army and camping in my back yard with the rest of the nerd herd. Always looking forward...
  7. Brian

    did this today

    Those are so cool! Do you have anymore? I think they're great.
  8. Brian

    Homeless Man with a golden voice

    Well, he was also a radio announcer prior to becoming homeless. So really, it's more like a rediscovery. His homelessness was caused by alcoholism and drug addiction...I'm surprised he kicked either habit. Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson from the 'experience' that other addicts so...
  9. Brian

    Found a good deal on Clif Bars

    I found a good deal on Clif Bars last night at the store. A box of 12 for 13 bucks. That's less than $1.10 per bar. The gas station usually runs like, $2 or so for a bar if you just stop by for them on the way to the trails. I love these things. Now, if I can just save them for cycling season...
  10. Brian

    how do I meet girls?

    Then why do I have a gorgeous gal with long auburn hair who gets hit on by every guy she sees? Dude, your first post here was silly. I'm in ok shape, but I'm not a gym nut. I'm confident and comfortable, and I think I'm funny, but I'm not an *******. She likes me because she's a mature adult...
  11. Brian

    Advice on Overcoming Shyness

    This is a very good article. This breakdown of basic conversations feels incredibly spot-on. I wish I could explain it this well. Initial conversations with people are always so close to this pattern. I especially like the assessment of lines like 'How do you like this weather?', that they're a...
  12. Brian

    Mass Death of Birds and Fish in Arkansas

    Correct. But it's a classic example of human presence causing a disruption to wildlife, which could have been a factor in this case. It came to mind since I was recently reading about it. Speaking of weak people, there's one in the room with me right now. His name is Bill. Bill is obese and...
  13. Brian

    Mass Death of Birds and Fish in Arkansas

    Thanks :) I'm not a scientist and I know science constantly changes. I suppose it has to be one of those two realities, though, since we know it -is- expanding at present :P Even then though, all we are is a footprint that will eventually be grown over and erased. Even logging roads are...
  14. Brian

    Mass Death of Birds and Fish in Arkansas

    You know, when I stop to think about it, I put surprisingly little value on the lives of the masses considering the line of work I'm in. On the one hand, it could be a government experiment, as you say. Well, fine. The people of the world have slowly forfeited their freedoms and control of...
  15. Brian

    Worst new year ever!!!! - for me

    This is why I can't tolerate drunks and look down on alcoholics.
  16. Brian

    What Book(s) are you Reading?

    I really need to finish some of what I'm reading before I start anything else, and DEFINITELY before the next Song of Ice and Fire book comes out... Right now I'm reading Don Quixote, and I was just given a copy of 'The Burning Land', an -excellent- novel so far.
  17. Brian

    Christianity: The Solution?

    I'm not sure what the solution to Christianity is just yet. I'll let everyone know when I find it, though.
  18. Brian

    Working Out

    One more thing. If you follow no other rule of nutrition, follow this one. When purchasing bread or other grain items, base your selection on one question and one question only. I've made a flowchart.