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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Brian

    Living Without Money

    I think everyone here knows me to be a gun-toting hate-mongering Rural America nutjob, but over the last year I'm working towards becoming something else: A survivalist. I have growing stockpiles of food, ammo, and other supplies, and am steadily acquiring the needed skill sets and equipment to...
  2. Brian

    Where to Look?

    Ooh, ooh, I know this one. The key is to give attention to everybody. They teach this in speech classes, as well as in instructor methodology and other similar courses. You need to shift your eye contact between each person in a small group, or if you have a crowd, pick 3 or so points in the...
  3. Brian

    Can someone invite me to America please the UK Sucks.

    I dunno...I don't talk to people at the gym either. Have you been here before? It's really not that different. I suppose work friends are more likely to be 'friend' friends than over there, but eh. We do have lots of guns, though. Make sure you move to California if you're afraid of them.
  4. Brian

    I still am alone but at least Osama Bin Laden is dead

    Dear slavelings peons citizens, It is my pleasure to announce that there will be a one day reprieve from Ball Groping and the prodding of your wife and your whiny, spoiled children. This day will grant us the needed time to find another reason to stay in the middle east sending soldiers to...
  5. Brian


    The second I roll out of bed, I'm ready for some CHOW. My breakfasts tend to vary based on availability, time, what sounds good, and what my day has in store. Common prey: A. Granola w/ whole milk B. Greek yogurt, or any yogurt really C. A Kiwi or something D. Coffee coffee coffee coffee -...
  6. Brian

    Somewhere in Heaven, 72 Virginians are delivering a most Righteous Asskicking...

    It's all a crock anyways. Everything causing problems for us in the Middle East today, was built up by us during the Cold War era when the CIA funded the mujahideen to fight off the Soviets. And any news we get anymore is whatever the propaganda machine or News Corp. wants us to hear, because...
  7. Brian

    Let's See The Muscles!

    >Work hard for several months to gain muscle >Stop for two weeks after college PE class ends, lose all progress because of insane petrol furnace metabolism that craves constant sacrifice of innocent calories >Sit relatively sedentary for the remainder of winter, abs go flabby Feels bad, man...
  8. Brian


    You know, two years ago I could honestly say that sports put me to sleep better than a magnum glass of NyQuil on a rainy Friday night, with some God Speed You! Black Emperor playing softly in the background. For the most part, they still do. Football is an excellent sedative. Basketball, drool...
  9. Brian

    What if God disappeared?

    I believe fear of the ****ie can be completely justified. They are a downright horrifying bird sometimes. LOOK at them! Those beady eyes, that voraciously hungry beak. There is no love within them, they are deaf to your screams. The blue feet cometh softly in the night, and your soul is...
  10. Brian

    I offer my words to you !

    Oh, **** off.
  11. Brian

    This is about marijuana.

    Was it laced? I had an acquaintance once who smoked dope like it was nobody's business, and he had some interesting stories about laced weed. Actually, it's suggested that a higher and higher percentage of weed distributed is laced with methamphetamine; the basis being that the plants are...
  12. Brian

    What if God disappeared?

    Lol, yes. Apologies. I'm at work and it's been a 'hell' of a shift. (Wordplay, how are you? Welcome to the thread.)
  13. Brian

    What if God disappeared?

    Well, my roommate would sure miss his evangelist TV shows. Maybe he'd actually go out and get a job or do something otherwise productive with his time. I get that you posted it for amusement, but I still have to roll my eyes at this sort of Christian propaganda that suggests all good things...
  14. Brian

    Lefty, righty or both?

    I think I might be both, task pending. Most things I do day to day, I'm left hand dominant, but there's a surprising number of things I can do with either. I write with my left hand, shoot a bow right handed, and I actually feel more or less comfortable shooting a rifle right handed. And I...
  15. Brian


    You've really just helped my point with that first bit, there. China is the climax of both issues I discuss, actually. They have a burgeoning population in cramped, squalorous conditions, with no infrastructure to support it, and to top it off a tyrannical government looming over their heads...
  16. Brian


    I didn't say that at all. I'm against any kind of coercion , manipulation or 'shepherding' from anybody. The problem is that there are those with sufficient resources who pose that threat. My lament is not that other people enjoy doing the same thing I do, or that they should be restricted...
  17. Brian


    I guess my philosophy regarding available space is way different than yours. Just because we HAVE it, doesn't mean we need to pack more people in it. That's actually my biggest gripe. I live in an area where, if it were just 'us' who live here, is fairly sparsely populated. You can't see your...
  18. Brian


    Tellin' ya, Japan has it right, whether they realize it or not. Just have less kids. Few generations and it's all good. Resume routine breeding :P
  19. Brian

    Would this be a stupid thing to do?

    When my dad (in California) got divorced, he went to a dating site ( and started talking to some women. He eventually started emailing back and forth with one in Pennsylvania. That was ...nine years ago? Ten? They're still married quite happily. But definitely go and meet her first...
  20. Brian


    We do have too many humans. Too many humans is the reason GMO food came about, the reason we can't live within our resources, and -in my opinion- the reason so many people are unhappy, and so many people are sick. We are overcrowded, and we poison ourselves with modern conveniences and shallow...