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  1. Anarchic Torchic

    My thing about eyes

    The weather causes it. Theyre grey i winter, and green or orange in summer when the sun shines bright.
  2. Anarchic Torchic

    Who do you truly miss the most from your life?

    My elder uncle, or great uncle? I dunno. When i was 9/10 i was homeless, but he took me in. And he is one of very few people i knew that i know to have genuinely cared about me. When he got sick i couldnt watch him just fade away, so i visited him less and less. I regret that now.
  3. Anarchic Torchic

    My thing about eyes

    Id like mine to stay green i guess, but they change colors. Not that big a deal for me, but i just like green.
  4. Anarchic Torchic

    the best laugh for you

    Not anymore sadly, i love the place and the people. Some of the kindest people i ever met. Belgians are cute and sweet by default from my experience :)
  5. Anarchic Torchic

    How Much Like Hitler Are You?

  6. Anarchic Torchic

    Cant do this anymore.

    Your mind can be your own worst enemy. But endure.
  7. Anarchic Torchic

    Cant do this anymore.

    Just hang on, i know that today you will not believe me, but things will get better if only for now you just hang on. You will know happiness again.
  8. Anarchic Torchic

    Cant do this anymore.

    Wow that went from 0 to 100 real fast :ROFLMAO: Me and @Bam111 are "just friends" lol, sorry for fuelling your doubts hahaha
  9. Anarchic Torchic

    Cant do this anymore.

    Thats a Bob Ross right there. And yeah im a guy, but i have long hair though, so sometimes i forget.
  10. Anarchic Torchic

    How Much Like Hitler Are You?

    Im also a antisocial millenial lol. Are you like a teacher or something? I hope you can manage those little demons lol.
  11. Anarchic Torchic

    Cant do this anymore.

    @Bam111 is a great guy to talk to, pulled me through some rough days. Ah, yeah please do. Maybe you can show it once youre done? Oh also i think i may have something to make you laugh, is it allright if i PM you that?
  12. Anarchic Torchic

    How Much Like Hitler Are You?

    All i really want is just a little house in the woods away from everything and everyone these days i guess. I have actually grown to fear people, i guess for a similair reason. Ive been threatened 4 times in like the past 3 weeks, two of em actually assaulted me with the intent to hurt or kill...
  13. Anarchic Torchic

    Cant do this anymore.

    Oh wow, you can draw very well. Im sorry to hear you also have to deal with harrasment, i have no advice to give you in that regard. Some people can be relentless, and im also unsure how to deal with it.
  14. Anarchic Torchic

    How Much Like Hitler Are You?

    I also feel like 8 billion consumers may be a tad much lol, it creates scarcity. I dont think its sustainable.
  15. Anarchic Torchic

    How Much Like Hitler Are You?

    If someone is like Hitler, then its probably pretty bad lol. Often though i think there is some truth to it, but thank god no place is like nazi germany anymore. Closest thing is probably China, i mean they have actual concentration camps there for genocidal intent. @NoxApex(N/A) economy...
  16. Anarchic Torchic


    Red was my first game, my mom got it for me for my birthday in 2000, it was just a bit prematurely for me at the time i think. I remember hating it, cause i expected it to be like mario or sonic. It was my first ever RPG, and was just like what the **** is this? But i played it with my mom, and...
  17. Anarchic Torchic

    In one picture(or video), post your current mood.

    Not related to bitcoin though.
  18. Anarchic Torchic

    How Much Like Hitler Are You?

    If hitler was among us today, hed probably blame the jews for the gas crisis.
  19. Anarchic Torchic

    Christmas decorations

    Christmas stuff doesnt really start here till the second week of december. Some stores do put decorations up in november i guess though. But i think its fine to have em up from early december till half januari or so.
  20. Anarchic Torchic

    Is anyone else here a strange from family members?

    Are you talling about inheritance? Blood ties i guess are important, though you make it sound about as void of connection as with my family. Just dont take it away from them out of spite i guess. One of the few family members i really cared about wanted me to inherit his house and everything...