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  1. Anarchic Torchic

    Information Trading Center (ITC) share your knowledge here

    I am very interested in this but currently lack ram, cpu, and a hard drive. I dont have a functioning pc right now. Someone stole those components. Oh and the gpu ofcourse...
  2. Anarchic Torchic

    Information Trading Center (ITC) share your knowledge here

    Hiya mate :) Yeah thats understandable, its very time consuming. I just think he has that deep understanding of it which i lack. I can work within the context provided by people like him, otherwise i probably wouldnt have been able to so easily.
  3. Anarchic Torchic

    Information Trading Center (ITC) share your knowledge here

    Oh god, HTML is like a extended version of XML from what i remember. Similair language at least. Hated that. If you ever need help with more object oriented programming with like java or C# maybe i can be of some help. But i think @Finished is king here.
  4. Anarchic Torchic

    I'm 22 and can't even get a 16 year old girl to date me. I feel so pathetic.

    @CenotaphGirl is secretly a economic genious lol :ROFLMAO: Dubious perhaps, but undeniably efficient.
  5. Anarchic Torchic

    Is anyone else here a strange from family members?

    Ive been estranged from most of my family since i was eight. And those from whom i wasnt, have long since passed. Everyone else is a stranger to me now.
  6. Anarchic Torchic

    Do we have a communication issue or what is the problem?

    @Tfranklinyo yeah those were my asumptions. I also didnt consider hiring a cleaner. But hey its resolved now, thats occams razor for you right there. Also like @Ceno said, maybe you can do things together.
  7. Anarchic Torchic

    Do we have a communication issue or what is the problem?

    Yeah, fair enough. I have once been in a similair situation, and the way it finally stopped was with me kicking him out, but for another reason though. But he made such a mess with the dishes especially, and the bathroom sink would get plugged every 2 weeks or so. I just cleaned my own dishes...
  8. Anarchic Torchic

    what book would you choose?

    Lord of the rings if i could live in the shire, or maybe harry potter. I love fantasy. And the shire just sounds so cozy.
  9. Anarchic Torchic

    Do we have a communication issue or what is the problem?

    Its a personal choice ofcourse, but i dont think its unsolvable, or enough to warrant a break up. Love is hard enough to come by as is, and if you made the decision to live together you have to be pretty damn dedicated already. The only thing they dont seem to be on equal grounds on seems to be...
  10. Anarchic Torchic

    Do we have a communication issue or what is the problem?

    Well there you go, that just about explains it all i think. It also sounds like he does really want to help, but im also not sure how to make it more consistent. I mean he is aware of it. Repeatedly getting angry cant be healthy, and i dont think he wants that either.
  11. Anarchic Torchic

    Do we have a communication issue or what is the problem?

    Probably what a relationship with me would be like tbh. I hate doing the dishes, and most of all the bathroom. Oh crap, i still gotts throw the trash out, thanks for reminding me :) I do understand your fustration, is he not feeling very well or something?
  12. Anarchic Torchic

    Quitting Smoking

    Not currently in the process of quitting right now, but i did thrice before. For me it was always just a sudden decision to quit when in the right mindset i guess. Definitely avoid alcohol aswell early on, cause two out of three the reason i started again involved alcohol.
  13. Anarchic Torchic

    do people even care anymore

    Thank you, you are genuinly kindhearted :)
  14. Anarchic Torchic

    do people even care anymore

    When i was a kid something happened which would be the catalyst for a huge chain reaction leading to dissociation from just about everyone. I just lost almost everyone ive ever known, and after a while you just get sick of it, and fail to see the point of any of it anymore. To most im like a...
  15. Anarchic Torchic

    What made you cry today?

    We sometimes have poachers here, they go after cats too for thier fur. One day a cat of mine dissapeared, and i think thats what happened cause i couldnt find her anywhere. I feel a intense hatred for these kinds of people. Relentlessly cruel physchopaths. And it didnt make but cry, but...
  16. Anarchic Torchic

    the best laugh for you

    One thing that comes to mind is this guy on a bicycle gradually losing control, it seemed impossible to fail, but he managed to do so, and it was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. And then there was another, who kept crashing constantly, just got back on only to crash again, and...
  17. Anarchic Torchic

    Sunflower girl's stuff

    You sound so romantic, your words sound magical. Its beautiful.
  18. Anarchic Torchic


    Lol i can relate to that missingno stuff. Im also from the same era i think, though when tge first games came out i couldnt read it yet though. Can you imagine the struggle playing them like that lol. I feel like the replayability of pokemon games is pretty much endless, so i can reccomend...
  19. Anarchic Torchic


    Dont worry mate, i love that retro pokemon picture :) Thank you.