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  1. Anarchic Torchic

    Longest time?

    You sound not far off from being a hikikomori, and so am i. But i wonder what caused this? I just lost everyone over and over and over again except my mom and brother. I moved around so much when i was a kid. And then when i was maybe 13 i got stabbed for the first time, and about a dozen times...
  2. Anarchic Torchic

    Depression of the future... Immortality or death?...

    I will PM you maybe tomorrow, maybe tonight :) These things do also fascinate me. But not as much as they once did.
  3. Anarchic Torchic

    Depression of the future... Immortality or death?...

    Currently what makes most sense to me is string field theory. But you also mention a problem by asking how many dimensions i think there are, they may as well be infinite, leading to a to be developed string cube theory, and string hypercube theory, and super string theory all of which would...
  4. Anarchic Torchic

    Depression of the future... Immortality or death?...

    No im sorry, but almost no one will show interrst in quantum mechanics. Its basically space magic, or simply just magic to almost everyone. People have called me insane over lesser things than my claims that i can force reality to manifest in certain ways ironically ignoring reality itself to...
  5. Anarchic Torchic

    Depression of the future... Immortality or death?...

    I almost completely agree with @Finished actually. Im also a programmer, or used to be. But a lesser one, as he mentioned so much code is prefabricated and ready to use without understanding now. I also think you should watch the movie "Snowden" if youre concerned with privacy. Even if you...
  6. Anarchic Torchic

    Ultra violence and murder

    You werent being insensetive, justice just isnt the same everywhere. I didnt mean to sound so blunt, i do appreciate your thoughts.
  7. Anarchic Torchic

    Ultra violence and murder

    And yeah it is very heavy allright
  8. Anarchic Torchic

    Ultra violence and murder

    Knives are illegal aswell as self defense, you are supposed to let happen whatever might happen and then call the police post incident, that is the only legal way. Thats the way it works here. There is no alternative, its either 40 years in prison or death.
  9. Anarchic Torchic

    Depression of the future... Immortality or death?...

    Well if any one of em is reading this two trillion years into the future, i told you so 😛 Unless youre the happiest, luckiest person in the world i think i would be a terrible mistake. Youre going to lose people, youre going to lose everyone, eventually they will start to realize that they are...
  10. Anarchic Torchic

    Depression of the future... Immortality or death?...

    Yeah thats pretty much what i just said, except the final step. Which means killing the host brain and having the copy and pasted personality take over. I dont see why anyone would ever want this, existential dread would come for you and acompany you for all eternity.
  11. Anarchic Torchic

    Depression of the future... Immortality or death?...

    It would definitely only be for a select few, and yeah you wouldnt be able to reproduce in that way anymore lol. But because it would be very expensive i dont think it will have much short term impact on population. But those who would, would become unimaginably powerful and seize the world most...
  12. Anarchic Torchic

    Depression of the future... Immortality or death?...

    They talk about a consciousness transfer, you cannot transfer consciousness. This is the way they go about it in the movie "Chappie". But all it would do is digitize personality and memories and duplicate it into a robotic body. However they also mention cybernetics. Which i asume means a brain...
  13. Anarchic Torchic

    Ultra violence and murder

    Yes, and yes i attract these kinda people. Ive been stabbed, burned, tortured so many times already. And yes again he was the type that only understands extreme violence, manipulative sadistic psychopaths always do. Police is a completely unvalid option for me, as they forced me into such a...
  14. Anarchic Torchic

    Ultra violence and murder

    So someone just wanted to stab me, again :cautious: Same reason as always, psychopathic sadism. It didnt happen, but it brings back some very bad memories for me from the worst time in my life. Like this is instant depression for me. This is also why i avoid people like hell and am so distant...
  15. Anarchic Torchic

    Toxic People and What To Do About It

    Yeah when i get into a cynical or, even worse a nihilistic mood, i think i turn toxic myself actually, im ashamed to admit. But i can confirm it does help to not fuel or engage with people when theyre toxic. Its thier problem to deal with, and not you responsability. Its like you sweep the...
  16. Anarchic Torchic

    My Story of Loneliness.

    I feel exactly the same about it lol. Like why even bother if its gonna be like that. So many people i knew were actively out to hurt me or others for personal gain or fun. Thats exactly the reason i withdrew from social life a few years ago. Im carefully starting to open up again though, but...
  17. Anarchic Torchic


    I dont think shes like that, cause its kinda been going on for 2 years. But after i first met her i didnt see her untill a few months ago. At first i didnt realize it was her and wasnt paying attention. But like 2 months ago i knew, and then she disappeared a bit over 3 weeks ago. But i got a...
  18. Anarchic Torchic


    Yeah they were being all giggly again, but this time she just ignored me, all the other ones were looking now. I was in doubt if she was the one i met before, but now she shows up dressed the same way as when we first met,.. but she ignores me completely. Like im 100 percent sure its her now...
  19. Anarchic Torchic


    Like i agree, but they travel in packs, why do they always have to be in packs? Maybe if she was alone... but i tend to completely lose what i intend to say around her. But i feel like i really need to be clear on this, her sudden disinterest really turns me off. Its what fueled me in the first...