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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Thomas]

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Thank you Alana and Lady. That's very kind. Matt Bellamy haha as much as I love muse, I just don't see it! But I am a musician.. so that's an interesting observation. Thanks : )
  2. Thomas]

    Post your voice!

    You all sound great! Nice idea : )
  3. Thomas]

    Let's see the (pet) faces!

    [/URL] "I find your lack of love... disturbing."
  4. Thomas]

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    [/URL] I'm not even _that_ old and I feel like I'm starting to show my age already!
  5. Thomas]

    why, why do "nice guys" do this?

    I read up on the original post, and skimmed quickly through the others.. Nice guy != Needy / Concerning strange guy The two might combine sometimes, but it's the same with many things :D I would be kinda concerned if girls I knew started following me around everywhere and not leaving me alone...
  6. Thomas]

    Romance? I am absolutely alone.

    TheSolitaryMan, You mentioned that you didn't like it when girls acted really flirtatious and seemed to just get one thing from you. I understand you. However - is it possible you could sometimes be making the wrong assumption? Perhaps they really did like you but came on too strongly and...
  7. Thomas]

    Introspective thoughts... Thank you - ALL Community!

    Hi everyone, I will always remember what seems like a very long time ago now, the first post I ever made on this forum. I broke up with the only girl I have loved (yes, even now 4 years later). At the time, I remember going through intense troubles.. turbulence.. depression and guilt. I...
  8. Thomas]

    Truth be told..

    Hey everyone, Back in my youth, I used to be a very very enthusiastic writer. But over many years I've come away from it and I don't really understand why. I've felt very... ambiguous recently, and I haven't really been able to express myself. So I decided to write this piece. It ambiguously...
  9. Thomas]

    Should I keep playing video games with my friend?

    Hi GrannySmith - do you often ask or invite these friends to play or do things that you would like to do? It doesn't seem clear to me that they consider you a 'backup' - perhaps you could reach out to them a little more? The more you contribute, the more likely they might be to include you more...
  10. Thomas]

    Post your desktop

    Nice man. Love it 9006 : )
  11. Thomas]

    No friends.

    DTR: Your last post actually cleared up for me a lot of your intent. And I agree with pretty much all of it. My problem prior to that has been that, to me anyway, you seem to come across that what you're saying is the only right way. I thought that your last post was actually very insightful...
  12. Thomas]

    No friends.

    Doubt - Your words are factual.
  13. Thomas]

    No friends.

    Doubt: Pretty neat that you have judged a lot of people's advice on here as "**** poor advice". I consider that **** poor attitude. You're so aggressive at those offering advise you disagree with. And actually for me it is quite simple. If two people I knew treated me like that constantly, I...
  14. Thomas]

    No friends.

    Doubt The Rabbit - I think the point that's being made is that they quite honestly have the ability to include her in their conversations when it's just the 3 of them, but they choose not to probably cos it's simply just easier for them. Sure - translating out of your native language can't be...
  15. Thomas]

    What tracts or habits of yours do you think put people off?

    I'm a naturally shy person with girls. It's something that's apparently very easy for them to pick up on, so indeed that it the main off-putting point of mine :D Additionally, hmm I think as far as I know, most people seem to take liking to me as a friend. But I guess don't consider me to be...
  16. Thomas]

    No friends.

    Hi, To me these 'friends' that you know aren't really treating you as their friend. I've been in that situation before, and I think it's really rude and ignorant to exclude someone from a conversation by speaking constantly in another language. It doesn't even have to be language related. It...
  17. Thomas]

    No need to read... very long story of what brought me to ALL...

    Hi, I honestly didn't read this entire thread. Read the first post and other various bits and pieces. I agree with Niave. It's time to move on. The ironic thing is that in doing this, you're more likely to open up potentially getting a real life with this person in the future. The more you...
  18. Thomas]

    Post your desktop

    Hi everyone, Long time no speak... Thought I'd start up again with a desktop : )
  19. Thomas]

    The newbie

    Hey, Welcome to the forum : ) Enjoy your stay here, the community here is really wonderful : ) Thomas.
  20. Thomas]

    Meet up, England

    It's been a very long time since I was here and contributed to the forum. But I'd be very happy to attend and meet some new people from here, as to me you all seem like wonderful people : ) If it was okay! Location I don't mind.. I drive from near Reading, which is fairly south central...