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  1. Thomas]

    10 minute sonnet

    A long time ago in secondary school, my friend wrote a sonnet. It was really nice and I was like 'I wanna do that'! Anyway I said I would try and write one in 10 minutes before we had class. He said it was impossible! But I think it was strangely enough one of the better pieces I've written...
  2. Thomas]

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Ryan! You really remind me of an actor. I can't think who or what he's been in though... it's bugging me :D ---------- I had a presentation on Monday and I was told that I needed to look smart and professional... I never go for smart and professional xD Anyway this was my effort. Apparently I...
  3. Thomas]

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    You look good Vivy! :shy:
  4. Thomas]

    All of you

    so much love here =] <3
  5. Thomas]

    What Gaming Character Would You Like To Be?

    Omg really hard choice! Mine would have to be: Kafei! (fan art) The guy on the left. biiig bonus points to anyone who recognises the name and the game <3
  6. Thomas]

    5 People On A Lonely Life

    Hmm this seems like an interesting game :shy: 1) I think you think I'm a little quiet and boring... :( 2) We seem to think so similarly! And you're like super kind wow :shy: 3) You seem really cool but we haven't really talked to each other much :( 4) Wowwwwwwwwww.... perhaps one day I will be...
  7. Thomas]

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Mesmerising eyes :shy:
  8. Thomas]

    Grab the book closest to you, turn to page 44 what does line 4 say?

    "It stresses both the importance of careful research planning and the close link between theory and method" :(
  9. Thomas]

    Is there any computer programmer here?

    I learn programming at uni as part of my IT management for business course. I don't understand what you mean by "there are few parts of IT reaching the climax of the world". I don't think there's really a shortage of programmers / IT people. But there is a shortage of GOOD ones ;D
  10. Thomas]

    Who wants to skype?

    Let's bring it back ?! :D my skype ID is "the_link_awesome" (please don't ask -_-) for anyone who wants it :D
  11. Thomas]

    Beautiful/Cool/Cute/Epic/Etc Pictures You've Taken

    I agree with Dreamer... Keep taking pictures! I really like them :shy:
  12. Thomas]

    My photo loft

    Did you get the cow and squirrel's permission ? ;D Photos look nice! I'd love to see more :)
  13. Thomas]

    Social conventions; "what a weirdo!" etc.. a question for the girls

    meekthoughts :$ Thank you for your opinions everyone! I'd like to make it clear that I don't feel like I was the one in the right and they were the ones in the wrong. I get that it must seem suspicious for some random person to offer an umbrella. But I just find it really annoying that you...
  14. Thomas]

    Driving Anxienty

    Well.. do you avoid being driven by someone else ? If not, then the argument "car accidents are the most common way to die" doesn't really make sense. Bad experiences knock everyone's confidence a bit. I got reversed into by a lorry in a heavy traffic jam once (no comment ............) so every...
  15. Thomas]

    Show the first Google Image that comes up When you type Your ALL Username

    How interesting, floffyschneeman, all the images that appear in google if you put your name in, are all referenced from - even if they're not related to what you've posted!
  16. Thomas]

    bye guys/girls i am leaving

    Don't commit suicide. It's not fair on you or anyone else who has to deal with the mess afterwards. You got everything to live for. Bounce back, keep your head up and believe in yourself :shy:
  17. Thomas]

    Beautiful/Cool/Cute/Epic/Etc Pictures You've Taken

    My dog Bailey looking ridiculous but absolutely adorable at the same time <3 One of my best friends <3 he's getting so old now :(
  18. Thomas]

    Not 'obsessive' enough about interests/hobbies

    You don't need to be able to write a book on anything! That doesn't define whether or not you're interesting or whether or not you can uphold a conversation about it :club: I don't think you're boring at all; quite the opposite. We usually go off on tangents and off-topic in threads sometimes...
  19. Thomas]

    Post your desktop

    Haha, I recognise that game from one of my friend's Nintendo DS collection. It's called "Elite Beat Agents" I think, or something similar xD Quite cool, really hard! =o And yeah like... I get way too attached to everything I like :< My most watched series is Red Dwarf... I've seen that like...
  20. Thomas]

    Show the first Google Image that comes up When you type Your ALL Username

    /me gapes in disbelief :O I'm in complete agreement with meek.........