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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. edgecrusher

    what did you do today?

    Nothing yet.
  2. edgecrusher

    30-40 year olds?

    I'm 34. I have one out of state friend that is the only person I've kept up with that has moved away. Other than that my only legitimate friends are my sister and my roommate/ex. I'm sort of seeing a woman at the moment too. Not really sure what's going on with that. Not sure we can be together...
  3. edgecrusher

    What are you listening to?

  4. edgecrusher

    The love / hate of loneliness ...

    It really is a love/hate thing. I like the calm and quiet of it, but I miss the mental connection and physical intimacy of being with someone. I want someone to be alone with. If that makes any sense.
  5. edgecrusher

    What Made You Get Out of Bed Today?

    I had to pee.
  6. edgecrusher

    What made you laugh today?

    Nothing yet, but it's early.
  7. edgecrusher

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  8. edgecrusher

    So what do you want, RIGHT NOW?

    Someone to lay next to. Physical intimacy. To hold and be held by someone. Something that feels like it's worth doing.
  9. edgecrusher

    What are you thinking right now?

    I know we can't be together, but I can't stop thinking about you.
  10. edgecrusher

    Dating websites - do they work ?

    They've worked for me in that I've actually dated two people. One was a relationship for over a year. Neither lasted, but I wouldn't have met anyone otherwise. They're good for introverted types that don't go out. Which is exactly me.
  11. edgecrusher

    What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

    Sadness. Loneliness. Disappointment. Confusion. I know it can't be but I can't stop thinking about her. It still something is not right.
  12. edgecrusher

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  13. edgecrusher

    What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

    I kind of just don't want to wake up tomorrow. I don't want to wake up alone to this pointless unfulfilling existence.
  14. edgecrusher

    So what do you want, RIGHT NOW?

  15. edgecrusher

    What's a painful truth you've had to swallow?

    That I don't belong and that finding someone to be with is extremely unlikely.
  16. edgecrusher

    How do you deal with wasted opportunities?

    Dwell. Waste more opportunities. Repeat. I don't recommend this approach.
  17. edgecrusher

    So what do you want, RIGHT NOW?

  18. edgecrusher

    What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

    Feeling: lonely Hoping: for something that can't happen Thinking: that it won't happen again Remembering: what it was like
  19. edgecrusher

    how many people thought of ending ur own life?

    I have. Won't do it though. I both don't want to live or die. Not sure what that means or what to do about it.
  20. edgecrusher

    What are you listening to?
