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  1. edgecrusher

    Can't find happiness in anything?

    I know how you feel. It's hard for me to not see faults in everything. I know what I like and what I enjoy and why it brings me joy, though. I walk a weird line between humanism and misanthropy. I often feel like a walking contradiction. My issue is that the things the I enjoy most are not...
  2. edgecrusher

    How many people over 20 are still virgins?

    Not sure if I posted in this thread in the past, didn't feel like looking through 50 pages. I was a virgin until I was 31. I never really cared what anyone else thought, only what I thought. It did have me very depressed for a while. I never wanted a random encounter to be my first. I was...
  3. edgecrusher

    Have you cheated?

    Never cheated. Never will. If someone is not getting what they want out of it then a conversation needs to take place. Which is what I will do if I ever find myself in that situation.
  4. edgecrusher

    I think I might end up all alone forever.

    I'm 34. I was a virgin until I was 31. I've now slept with three people total. I honestly don't really feel any better for it. It gave me confidence for the actual act of sex once it's going, but not for initiating it. Only with one of these people was it meaningful enough that I am genuinely...
  5. edgecrusher

    What are you really good / talented at?

    Is existentialism and nihilism worth mentioning? Probably not....
  6. edgecrusher

    What are you listening to?

  7. edgecrusher

    Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

    Playing Mass Effect for the umpteenth time. I need something familiar right now.
  8. edgecrusher

    How/where can you meet girls when you are really shy?

    Online. That's how I've done it so far. Talking online allows some of the anxious and awkwardness of it by the time you actually meet.
  9. edgecrusher

    Being Good at Your Job vs Enjoying Your Job

    I find that I generally don't take much time to develop a routine and become efficient at a new job. I just never really enjoy it. Right now I receive and distribute parts to the technicians at an auto body shop. I'm an organized person, so something like this isn't bad for me. I just have zero...
  10. edgecrusher


    Because I'm naturally introverted and don't relate to most people.
  11. edgecrusher

    Favorite Outdoor Activities?

    Walking back into my house. :P
  12. edgecrusher

    What are you listening to?

  13. edgecrusher

    What are you listening to?

    Wasn't really a fan of the game, but the menu theme was very atmospheric. 5j_qYalMv8g
  14. edgecrusher

    Feeling dangerously close to feeling good about yourself? Try online dating.

    I actually met someone very special via online dating. And she messegaed me first. It didn't last but the split wasn't for any bad reason so we are still very good friends. I have a similar problem though. I have profiles on two sites but I rarely get any hits. I'm not into sports or...
  15. edgecrusher

    That mysterious energy....

    I can't say I've ever had an experience like that. I'm also just not a very excitable person. My sister jokes that she'd act more excited that I would if I won a million dollars, lol.
  16. edgecrusher

    What video game are you currently playing ?

    Started a new character in Fallout 4 like a week ago. Can't get into any games right now. Haven't been able to for like 2 months now. I really just want the new Deus Ex and the next Mass Effect. Nothing else interests me. Might just play the Mass Effect trilogy again for the umpteenth time.
  17. edgecrusher

    how many people thought of ending ur own life?

    I'm not sure how to answer this. I don't think I've ever seriously been in the frame of mind where I thought about it enough to start figuring out how I'd do it. I have however, been depressed enough that a few times at night when I layed down for the night I wished I just wouldn't wake up the...
  18. edgecrusher

    Where do you spend more time?

    Outside of work, my bed reading or watching something.
  19. edgecrusher

    Eating out alone...

    I don't eat out alone, but on Saturday or Sunday every week I go to Barnes and Noble, get coffee, find a book, and sit down and read it with coffee alone. Usually for about an hour or so. I've gone to the movies alone plenty of times.
  20. edgecrusher

    What are you thinking right now?

    I wish things didn't change between us.