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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. edgecrusher

    Have you heard of the movie?

    Yes. Love that movie! It is super underrated. Triangle
  2. edgecrusher

    Have you heard of the movie?

    Yes. Hunter Prey
  3. edgecrusher

    What are you watching right now?

    Attack on Titan
  4. edgecrusher

    Have you heard of the movie?

    Yes (good movie too) Hardware
  5. edgecrusher

    Have you heard of the movie?

    No. The Man From Earth
  6. edgecrusher

    Perfect Friday Night In!

    Nice. I love NIN. ...and stating into oblivion too I guess. :P
  7. edgecrusher

    Perfect Friday Night In!

    Gaming, watching a movie, tv show, or anime, or reading a book. Probably with a cup of coffee. Which is already what I do every night anyway, lol.
  8. edgecrusher

    What are you listening to?

  9. edgecrusher

    Movie titles that describe your sex life

  10. edgecrusher

    Online dating

    I haven't had much luck with it. I think I've had a total of 3 short conversations with people. I actually found a woman who contacted me first and we had a lot of similar interests and both admitted to being bad conversationalists and bad with talking to new people which seemed to break the...
  11. edgecrusher

    Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

    There is a Dragon Age 2 that came out a couple years age and Dragon inquisition is the third and it comes out on November 18th. You will also be able to go onto their website and use an interactive motion comic thing called The Keep to make the decisions from the previous games to import your...
  12. edgecrusher

    What made you smile today?

    Knowing that at least someone thinks I'm awesome even if we can't actually be together. Taking a chance and getting to know her was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.
  13. edgecrusher

    Tell us five random things about yourself...

    1. I love the snow because when it's snowing heavy enough I can go outside and the world is actually quiet for once. 2. If I had the chance to leave everything/everyone behind and go explore the galaxy with other intelligent life forms I would take it in a heartbeat. 3. There is something about...
  14. edgecrusher

    Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

    Downloaded Kingdoms of Amalur on sale for $6.59. Going to give this a shot and hope it can kill a decent amount of time until Dragon Age Inquisition comes out.
  15. edgecrusher

    What has been said to you about your singledom?

    Well it's good to know I'm not the only one. :) I waited til much later in life than most males to get intimate with someone because I was waiting for that connection. It was worth it in my opinion, even if it wasn't something that could last. The search continues.
  16. edgecrusher

    Hi, I'm new

    From what I've seen a lot of introverts tend to spend a lot of time at home unfortunately. Online searching is an option. Or maybe a bookstore. I'm still trying to convince myself to hang out in one for a while and read something to see if anyone catches my interest or if I catch anyone's interest.
  17. edgecrusher

    What are you thinking right now?

    There has to be SOMEONE out there somewhere. If only I knew where to look....
  18. edgecrusher

    Hi, I'm new

    Welcome fellow introvert. There are guys that see the quiet ones in the corner. I am one of them. It's just that our types generally don't initiate anything with other people. Lately I have been trying to change that in some ways as I am in the same boat. I embrace my "introvertedness" as it...
  19. edgecrusher

    What would it take to make you happy?

    For the aliens coming to take me away :P Seriously though, I am just drifting through life. It would be nice to find someone to drift with if I am never to find something that inspires me enough to do more than just drift. I'll take both, but I'd like to find that someone first because I...
  20. edgecrusher

    Relationship with God

    True enough. This is why I always say "almost" exclusively unwilling to change. Over the course of human history god has been the answer for whatever we didn't understand at any given time. We used to think weather and natural disasters were god, but now those are processes we can explain on our...