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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Nuzzy Nuz


    heee.. that was one cool video ;)
  2. Nuzzy Nuz

    Have you ever...

    Not yet since i still didnt get my licence.. Have u fallen down a 28 stepoed staircase in front of the whole school, got up, brushed urself and walked away as if it was just an everyday routine? :P
  3. Nuzzy Nuz


    I miss Lady on board.. :L Send her my love, please
  4. Nuzzy Nuz

    What are you thinking right now?

    why am i getting drifted? o_O what is wrong with my subconcious? Why am I dreaming things I need to have control on? O_o
  5. Nuzzy Nuz

    Once a day: What are you thankful for?

    For everything and everyone that makes me feel loved and blessed
  6. Nuzzy Nuz

    Keep one, Junk one

    Show off
  7. Nuzzy Nuz

    Name Game!

  8. Nuzzy Nuz

    Songs A-Z

    You Belong with me - Taylor Swift
  9. Nuzzy Nuz

    Movies A-Z

    Zuma.. (did i spell that right?)
  10. Nuzzy Nuz

    Lonely Movie Club

    Well.. i've seen Noah.. pretty good.. I am pretty bad at remembering names of movies.. I only remember em only by the plot or favorite cut scenes.. weird ah? :P anyway.. I wanna watch Men in Black.. a friend told me it was nice.. anyone on board watched it?
  11. Nuzzy Nuz

    T.V. Progammes A-Z

    Supernatural :D
  12. Nuzzy Nuz

    What are you eating/drinking right now?

    Drinking tea
  13. Nuzzy Nuz

    Hey everyone just

    Heyya Katherine.. welcome on board and forgive me for the delayed welcoming.. am sure you wil find some good company.. BTW am ur age too.. turning 18 this year.. feel free to PM me if u are feeling lonely.. :)
  14. Nuzzy Nuz


    *waves hand* hey.. welcome on board newbie.. ;)
  15. Nuzzy Nuz

    A new social ronin here :)

    hey welcome on board and sorry for the delayed welcome ;)
  16. Nuzzy Nuz

    Hi, new member!

    Hello.. welcome on board.. am sure u will find some good company on board.. :)
  17. Nuzzy Nuz

    Not exactly New....

    umm.. heyya.. welcome back (ebenthough i dont actually know u from before, i gez am a newbie compared to you ;) )
  18. Nuzzy Nuz

    Hello again. It's been 3 years...

    Hey mouse.. i dont know who you are but anyways welcome back and sorry for the delayed welcoming.. :)
  19. Nuzzy Nuz

    Hello, good and special people

    Hey Grace.. welcome on board.. hope u enjoy ur time on board
  20. Nuzzy Nuz

    THIS or THAT

    Get over it (sometimes when too close then get even) Dark or light?