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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. sk66rc

    Relationship conundrums.

    Ok... What exactly is wrong with "improving" something? Person who's confident & has a great life still can improve on himself, can't he? Am I missing something? I'm not trying to pick on words or take things out of context so please do correct me if I mis-understood... But though you've...
  2. sk66rc

    12 insanely bad pieces of sex and relationship advice

    Holy honeysuckle...!!! I thought I was the only one who did this...!!! There was a movie called "Wedding Crashers"... Well, between few friends of mine, I was known as "Funeral Crasher" for a while... I mean, I didn't go to funerals to meet girls like the movie "wedding crasher" portrays, which...
  3. sk66rc

    Indian gay openly like me. What to do?

    Common courtesy goes both ways... If their actions are not an immediate threat to you physically, I would just ignore it... If they start doing stuff that makes you uncomfortable, be straight forward & honest... Something along the line of "Thank you for your kindness & I'm flattered but I'm...
  4. sk66rc

    Met girl online - she has BF, but is sending mixed messages.

    Ummm... How about bringing up her boyfriend every time you feel as though she's flirting with you or leading you on... When she says she's lonely, ask her why she feels that way when she's got her boyfriend... If she starts to compliment you, ask her how her boyfriend would feel about her...
  5. sk66rc

    are these really bad ideas ?

    I guess I'm the only one so far to think that those aren't as bad of ideas as everybody's make them out to be? Granted vast majority of women might think they're all bad ideas, or at least questionable... How about changing it up a bit? When you said she hasn't openly given you her...
  6. sk66rc

    I just don't understand

    Lol, yeah, right? Different people, different lines on same thoughts... Another one I've heard was, "It's your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don't take yourself too seriously, pretty soon you can find the humor in our everyday lives. And sometimes it can be a...
  7. sk66rc

    I just don't understand

    There's a stand-up comedian... His name is Doug Stanhope... I've always liked him & I think he's hilarious... He did a bit about boredom... Of course like any comedy bits, what he says is over exaggerated to be funny but it does hold some truth to it... "All illegal narcotics are medicinal...
  8. sk66rc

    Do you have a hobby or collect anything?

    I used to do that... Every time I go to bed, I'd empty out my pocket & put any change into a jar... I've done that for close to 20 years... When my bank finally came out with a coin counting machine, I took them to it & made a deposit... It came out to close to $4,000 dollars... It's not...
  9. sk66rc

    Do you have a hobby or collect anything?

    Not sure if you can call it a hobby but I like playing poker... I don't play it as much as I'd like to because I'm really not all that good at it, ok to get by once in a while... May be its a good thing... I used to collect comic books, x-men series mainly but sorta fizzled out after a while...
  10. sk66rc

    Ice Cream!

    **** it... Now I want ice cream
  11. sk66rc

    What are you thinking right now?

    Being that I'm not a big fan of soccer, or sports in general, I feel the same way... It's just starting to get a bit annoying...
  12. sk66rc

    Ice Cream!

    Wish I could do that... Closest thing I've ever done was home made shaved ice with those flavored syrup things...
  13. sk66rc

    Ice Cream!

    Cookie dough ice cream... Or peanut butter ice cream... If they don't have either one, I'll go with coffee flavored ice cream...
  14. sk66rc

    Gambling, anyone?

    Speaking of poker, I really didn't do good in last tournament, not the one I mentioned above but I mean one that I went to about 4 days ago... Out of 194 people, I finished 117th, lol... I had a bad-beat... I have tomorrow off so I'm thinking about going to a poker tournament tonight, around...
  15. sk66rc

    Gambling Addiction

    Like I said in the other post, I see it as an entertainment... I'm really not looking to make a living out of doing it... Just like going to a movies, in which at the end of it, you really don't gain anything... Different people have different ideas of having fun... And I'm not doubting or...
  16. sk66rc

    Cell phones

    LOL... I guess I'm one of the few that went backwards as far as the cell phone goes... As I got older, I found myself not needing smart phone any more... I used to get a lot of emails & having to deal with a lot of on-line stuff...
  17. sk66rc

    Gambling Addiction

    Yeah, I know what you mean... I've seen too many of people like that in casino, too... I'm usually not judgmental but I've seen people in high stake areas & I know they don't belong there... They're betting with money they don't seem to have or at least they can't afford to loose... Luckily...
  18. sk66rc

    Gambling Addiction

    I've made some references in other threads to the enjoyments of casual gambling... I see it as an entertainment... I've been involved in some poker tournaments... Over all, I guess I see the gambling as it was "supposed to be" seen, harmless entertainment... And when I say harmless, I'm...
  19. sk66rc

    If you took me for a walk, where would we go?

    I've always been a beach guy so I guess we'll go to the beach early in the morning or late at night for a walk
  20. sk66rc

    Have You Ever Been Hit On By A Member Of The Same Sex?

    May be little bit of both...