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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. sk66rc

    Drinking thread!

    Lol... Speaking of drunk stories, I remember waking up in my drive way with my car engine running & foot on a break with my car in gear... Apparently, me few buddies of mine went out drinking & he drove me home - he drove my car & one of our friend drove his car... Here, after they dropped me...
  2. sk66rc

    If you really knew me..

    If you really knew me, I wouldn't have to finish this sentence...
  3. sk66rc

    Drinking thread!

    My problem is I like drinking... That's one of the reason why I don't drink like I used to... Last time I drank a lot was little over 2 years ago... I went on vacation & went through 8 cases of beer in a week... That's not counting drinks I had with dinner every night & drinks I had with a...
  4. sk66rc

    Not enough time/energy to online date?

    One of my cousin is a doctor... She had hard time meeting people when she was younger because she was putting herself through medical school... Once she was out of school, all the crazy "hospital" hours pretty much killed her social life... Then she met a doctor... They both understood about...
  5. sk66rc

    What would it take to make you happy?

    To be left alone with all the means to live my life without financial & health issues...
  6. sk66rc

    Anyone in their 40's?

    43... Still feel like 9, though...
  7. sk66rc

    Online dating

    Uh, man... I've had some interesting experiences with online dating... Almost ended up with a stalker, crazy tag teams (long story & probably not what most people are thinking), marriage proposal or at least implication on 3rd date, and other things that wakes me up at night in cold sweat...
  8. sk66rc

    Never Bothered by Loneliness?

    I've always been a loner... I liked being alone... There are time I would like some company but in most cases, I'm pretty happy with being by myself... So I guess I'm a lot like you, though at a different degrees... I haven't really felt dire need for company, though... It's more of boredom...
  9. sk66rc

    What are you eating/drinking right now?

    I'm debating between meatloaf & pot roast for lunch... Ehhh... I think I'll have meatloaf...
  10. sk66rc


    How about writing down your dream when you wake up?
  11. sk66rc

    What are you eating/drinking right now?

    Dr. Pepper & glazed donut... Breakfast of champions...
  12. sk66rc

    living off the grid?

    Solar is good for power source but how do I make a phone call with that? Or even watch tv or get on internet, lol...
  13. sk66rc

    Fantasy Partner

    Dark, shoulder length hair, funny, not afraid to speak her mind, somewhat tomboyish but knows when to back off... Sarcastic sense of humor, not afraid to try new things, low maintenance like myself, comfortable with sweat pants & tank tops... Same age as me or slightly older (may be by 2 - 5...
  14. sk66rc

    Hey everyone.

    Yeah... I get days like that... Some days are better than others but lately, it's been pretty crappy... I'm not sure why either... That's the messed up part about it... Ever had a day that something don't feel right but have no clue what or why? I'm sure I'll snap out of it eventually but...
  15. sk66rc

    living off the grid?

    I'm not sure if I want to live completely off grid but I guess I could get into semi... Internet, cable & a phone line would be nice... I guess I could get a generator, preferably one with the diesel engine so I could burn used cooking oils, for electricity...
  16. sk66rc

    your funeral song...

    Funny I ran into this... Few month ago, me & a buddy of mine were talking about this very thing... We decided when I die, they're gonna play "Another one bites the dust" by Queens & when he dies, they're gonna play "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC...
  17. sk66rc

    You Are What You Eat!

    If that saying is true, I'm so much in trouble... I've always had this thought in my head, "If somebody didn't have to kill it at one point, I don't want it on my plate...!!!"
  18. sk66rc


    I'm sorry for your loss... It's never easy to deal with loss of loved ones...
  19. sk66rc

    What are you eating/drinking right now?

    Vanilla Frosty from Wendy's