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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. sk66rc

    what was the last movie you saw?

    x men days of future past... I would've liked it better if more characters were involved... My 2 favorite characters from x-men are Deadpool & Gambit... I would've loved to have see them in that movie...
  2. sk66rc

    Comfortable, but Discontent

    I feel very close to this... I'm very content with being alone... At times, I do find myself wanting so e company but generally speaking, I'm good by myself...
  3. sk66rc

    If you can´t get love, would you rely on sex?

    I don't see a problem with 2 consenting adults having fun...
  4. sk66rc

    Your advice on leaving the past behind.

    I believe past relationships didn't work out for a reason, whatever it may be for different people... They say if you forget your past, you're doomed to repeat it... I guess it's a good thing to remember the past & learn from it... I personally don't have any attachments to my past...
  5. sk66rc

    Little vent about supid questions & actions

    Cavemen & lions... Wait, what?
  6. sk66rc

    Do you consider yourself a strong person?

    I'm not sure if taste in music would determine if a person is strong minded or not... I know taste in music has more to do with personal preference... As far as state of mind goes, does it count if a person actually prefer solitary life? I'm more of a loner than anything else & I do enjoy...
  7. sk66rc

    I'm really lonely and kinda depressed today.

    Venting is good for you :D... I've been feeling a bit weird myself & I've vented few times here... I feel better now... Hope you feel better soon...
  8. sk66rc

    Little vent about supid questions & actions

    Like any stand up comedian, I guess he has a way of exaggerating things to make it funny... How's that old saying go? "There's no stupid people, just stupid questions"...
  9. sk66rc

    Too made up

    I didn't think you were arguing with me... Everyone has preferences to a certain extent, I guess... I just saw this one girl with ton of make up on her face & though her personality was nice & her skin with no make up was very nice, I just didn't understand why she wanted to wear so much make...
  10. sk66rc

    Making The Effort

    Good move...!!! But then that's just my opinion...
  11. sk66rc

    Family... or lack of.

    I have living family members but I don't really keep in contact with them all that much...
  12. sk66rc

    Too made up

    Like I said, I was referring to "too much" as appose to normal... Besides, here are 2 pictures of a same girl, Emma Watson... One is of her with make up on & one is of her without... Though I think she looks attractive in both pictures, I'm incline to say she looks better to me without all...
  13. sk66rc

    Little vent about supid questions & actions

    I'm constantly reminded of one of the stand up comedian... His name is Bill Engvall & he does this thing with "Here's your sign"... "I locked myself out of the car so I was trying to pick the lock with a coat hanger & someone asks, hey, did you lock your keys in the car? So I said, Nope...
  14. sk66rc

    Time running out on finding the one?

    Ummm... Topic of age differences came up few times so I've responded... So I guess I'll say it again here, too... I've dated a woman who was 28 years older than I was... Just to put that in perspective, her youngest daughter was 2 years older than I was... Apparently, people still get...
  15. sk66rc

    Little vent about supid questions & actions

    I work at a retail store... I constantly run into people asking stupid questions... I know I have my moments but I'm talking about stuff that makes you really think... Like this one guy who bought a rechargeable batteries & yells at me because it didn't work right out of package when he took...
  16. sk66rc

    Too made up

    Well... I wasn't implying people shouldn't wear make ups... And I know "beauty" is subjective... I was only referring to having "too much"... I personally prefer girls with no make ups or very little... Majority of the girls that I was in a serious relationships with had no make ups at all...
  17. sk66rc

    Nickname creating problems?

    Stabbie... Catchy nickname... Better than being called poncho & I'm not even Mexican... Well, there was that incident with a Mexican guy that I ended up with that nickname but, well, moving on... I think you've made a right choice when you said you're spending time away from those who aren't...
  18. sk66rc

    Too made up

    I don't think I'm a shallow person... But I admit I do have that certain "looks" about a girl I find attractive... Reason I bring this up is, there's this girl that just started about a week ago... Right off the bat, I saw that her facial features are very attractive to me... Down side of...
  19. sk66rc

    How can I stop being attracted?

    I was gonna say very similar thing... You are attracted to what you're attracted to... I'm no biologist but it's a normal biological response... You can't really stop that... It's like saying how do you breath though your nose & not smell anything? I guess in some extreme cases, they're...
  20. sk66rc


    I know how spending time alone can get old real fast... I spent most of my time alone & holidays & birthdays aren't all that different for me... My birthday is New Years Day & it doesn't really help all that much either... Being that my birthday is on a "Holiday", most of the people I know...